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Oh Look a Smexi Girl (...Srsly...)


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I like dogs, even though there kinda messy, they are paceful...sometimes. My dog is energetic, which is pretty good. I wrestle with (it hurts, but fun ^^), he a total goofball but its extremely funny. Even when he lookes at me its so cute and makes me luagh. Like the old saying goes, Mens best friend is a dog.

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cats hate me


will you teach me how to make cats not hate me?



its... tricky...... one if you ever be to hasty with a cat they will scratch you (i've been scratched alot so i kno) but u also have to be patient with them and you have to have a calm nature around them.. and fast movements freak them out.... there is really no way to amke them like you.. but if you raise one from a kitten it should like you.. Adult cats usually are harder to earn trust than younger ones...





I like dogs' date=' even though there kinda messy, they are paceful...sometimes. My dog is energetic, which is pretty good. I wrestle with (it hurts, but fun ^^), he a total goofball but its extremely funny. Even when he lookes at me its so cute and makes me luagh. Like the old saying goes, Mens best friend is a dog.



my dog does that too... but i tell ya the fleas are murder sometimes lolz... and my dog hates baths.. so i end up gettin a bath wehn i give him one -.-;

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what you say about my size

size of whut? O.o


Do you agree that catz r teh relaxin shizz?



(note:I have a new thread in Pop Culture... if you please would you take a look and tell me how u like it? U can spot it easily...

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what is ur favorite spot for me to touch?


neck... it's a major turn on..

what is ur favorite spot for me to touch?


neck... it's a major turn on..



also other parts which i won't openly tell u.. find out for urself. ;)

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what would you do to mako in those three hours? Thats probably personal' date=' SORRY.



muhahaha Sexual torture anyone? >=3



Get a room you two :D


about 1 yrs away well have a truck



i know what your gona do in there ' date='but why cant you visit amko



his parents...



Do you masturbate? >=]] I'm fitting to the others.


..... -.-; not gonna lie.. but not gonna answer no either

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i bet she does......

and thats only mine and her business....

anyway heres a stupid question how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a couodchuck could chuck norris?


Da f**K?

U Fail by my fail cat in my sig mako [/jk]


meow *licks*

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Why arent you feelin good? Headache? Ironbolt perfored your belly?


no i just don't feel good.. i don't kno whut it is... i'm think very seriously about gettin off the computer until i'm feeling better.. cuz i snap when i'm not feeling good..

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