Womi Posted July 24, 2009 Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 If you could give me one thing, what would it be? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kitty Posted July 24, 2009 Author Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 If you could give me one thing' date=' what would it be?[/quote'] right now you can have Mako no charge.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Great&PowerfulTrixie Posted July 24, 2009 Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 i aint did nuthin!!!!!! Y!?!?!?!?!?! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kitty Posted July 24, 2009 Author Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 i aint did nuthin!!!!!! Y!?!?!?!?!?! .... no answer .... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Great&PowerfulTrixie Posted July 24, 2009 Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 u think i forgot sumthin right? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kitty Posted July 24, 2009 Author Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 u think i forgot sumthin right? Damm For someone who should kno some F***ing one your a stupid B*****D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Great&PowerfulTrixie Posted July 24, 2009 Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 u kno im forgetful.....its my plauge..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kitty Posted July 24, 2009 Author Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 u kno im forgetful.....its my plauge..... -sigh- just forget it mako.. once stupid always stupid...(note to self: Never marry him) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Great&PowerfulTrixie Posted July 24, 2009 Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 our anneversery is the only thing that comes to mind...... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kitty Posted July 24, 2009 Author Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 our anneversery is the only thing that comes to mind...... *facepalm*to early...and that was no question stop spamming my thread and send pm...anymore questions Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Womi Posted July 24, 2009 Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 Will you stop being pigheaded and tell mako what he forgot? =P You dont know how this is as a boy. ^^; Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kitty Posted July 24, 2009 Author Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 Will you stop being pigheaded and tell mako what he forgot? =P You dont know how this is as a boy. ^^; i am viz pm.. an dyeah i do kno.. lolz.. i see things from differnet POVs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Womi Posted July 24, 2009 Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 Yes, there are big psychical differences between the genders. :Ö So, now, what would you give me? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Static Posted July 24, 2009 Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 Copy pasting even moar :D [spoiler=This will take you a while, good luck]What image, scent, memory, etc. would you take with you into the dark/light, the land of dead, heaven, infinity.....? Who is the most annoying musical artist EVER? Do you believe in manifest destiney? Have you ever fallen for an email forwarding hoax (send this to 13 people and old navy will send you a $200.00(100 pound) gift card)? Do you ever think 'well, maybe...' and actually forward those damn things? Let's say there are 2 schools. one for boys and one for girls. They are both supposed to offer the same facilities so that the girls and boys get equal education. Would you take this to mean that the same courses should be offered to both girls and boys or that the same amount of money should be spent on each school? Imagine that in the boys school fifteen girls sign up for calculus. In the boys school only five guys sign up for calculus. Should the guyss calculus class be disolved and replaced with an easier one? Would it bother you if you found out that the fruits, vegetables, and meat that you eat are genetically altered? What does this world need? Is there anything you do just because you want to even though it has no redeeming social value? If you drink what kind of drunk are you? Do you ever 'convieniently' forget something you don't want to remember? Are you in love with yourself (your beautiful self)? What is your favorite movie? If you're sexy and you know it clap your hands. Did you clap? Have you ever called a: psychic hotline? suicide crisis line? sex line? dating line? Have you ever placed a "personal" ad anywhere? Do guys look good in make up? What are 5 things you don't care about? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO UNTIL YOU DIE? What 'issue' do you think your opinion is so right about that you end up trying to sway others to your point of view? What age do you hope to live until? Do you like to tie others down during sex? Have you ever been tied down? Do you own any "toys"? Do you ever use them? Have you ever been spanked in that sexy way? Have you ever spanked anyone else? Do these questions make you uncomfortable? Do you like that feeling? Does it turn you on? You know those ___ for dummies books (COMPTERS FOR DUMMIES, SURFING FOR DUMMIES, GOLDF FOR DUMMIES, WICCA FOR DUMMIES)? Which one do you need to read? What do your socks look like? Does love float away if you let go? Do you think that most people in today's society are: kind? calm? humble? peaceful? helpful? happy? spiritual? creative? friendly? independant? intelligent? having fun? comming up with new ideas? able to think for themselves? able to really connect with others? If you answered no to any of the above, why do you think that is? Do you believe that every action has a sexual motive? Do you trust psychology as a valid science? Morals or Instincts? Do you think that people who are alone and depressed are depressed because they are alone or alone because they are depressed? Have you ever been to see a ballet? What is the differance between Satan and Pan? What should a poem be or do if it is a sucessful poem? When you interpret a poem can each line mean anything you want it to? Are you an orgasm addict? Are you a sugar junkie? WHAT are you DOING? WHY aren't you marching in line with the rest of them? Do you only hear what you want to? Are you anal-retentive? In and Out Over and Under Around and ??? What was the last thing you returned to the store? Why ask why? First person you think of that made a MAJOR contribution to art or science? First person you think of that made a major contribution to modern thought? Why is it called 'coca cola'? Would you ever buy a Ford car? Donald or Daffy duck? Have you ever been in a situation where you weren't sure if you were seducing or being seduced? Can you 'pinch an inch' on your belly? Have you ever been to: a temple? a bar? a massage parlor? Would you ever want to visit Thailand? What culture are you fascinated by? Have you ever worn a cape? What is the difference between 'nude' and 'naked'? What can you get for a dollar (.59 brittish pounds)? What makes you who you are? How do you search for meaning in life? If your partner collected internet porn pics of celebs s/he thought was hot would that bother you? You are alone with your lover's diary. What do you do? Are you an old fart? What were your favorite things to do in the yard as a kid? Why don't people have more fun? Have you ever wanted to have a pet skinned and turned into an article of clothing? What pet? What article of clothing? Do I come off sounding normal, mildly irrational, blatently insane or completely certifiable? Did you ever feel that you were unable to function in society? Is it nap time yet? Do you have to have the space next to the door or can you walk from the other end of the parking lot and still be okay with the world? Do you like trains? What's in Hungary? have you ever felt like you were holding someone else back? Has someone ever held you back? What do you think of the term, 'organized religion'? What do you think of the name 'Orson'? What frustrates you? Winkin, Blinkin and Nod, one night, sailed off in a sea of dew... Is ten dollars (5 pounds) a good price to pay for one lipstick? Does anyone else remember when lipstick was, like, 2 or 3 bucks? Are you ill? Where were you the night of.....oh hell, last night? Do you pronounce the 'er' sound at the end of words(lookER or lookA)? Do you drink only 100% juice? What duck? Do you collect coins? How about stamps? wHAT'S the best way to learn a new language? Is god in you? Are you in god? Do you know which fork to use at a formal table setting? Imagine you have two chices of what life you can live: One: You are provided with meals, medicine, clothes and shelter. You are always with your family. You can lie in the sun and smoke, drink, play, cook, etc.. There will be certain rules you must follow such as no killing, no hurting others, no leaving the commune you were born in, no stealing, no tv, no newspapers and no books. OR Two: You are turned loose in the world with nothing. You start out cold and hungry. You may stay cold and hungry forever but you also have the opportunity to try and make a life for yourself. This will take a lot of hard work and there is no guaruntee you will ever live comfortably. Which life do you choose? WHY? What gives your ego a boost? What knocks your ego down? Why is there no 'Mr. America' pageant? Should there be? What qualities would YOU look for in a Mr. America if such a contest were to exist (like miss america he would have to be a role model)? If something offends you do you feel that it has no right to exist? Why do advertisers seem to believe that guys will buy any product that a hot girl in a bikini is sitting next too? What would you do if your mom had a fight with a male aquantance and you heard an answering machine message he left her cursing at her, calling her names and being very disrespectful? What do you represent? What message does ___ send when given as a birthday present? flowers: slippers: candles: diamond necklace: gift certificate: cash: books: How long has it been since you colored in a coloring book? What have you been caught doing? Does temptation make you do what you love? Do you have an gadgets in the house that you don't know how to use? What? Do you read the instructions to things or skip them? Will yu ever reach your full potential? Who is your biggest fan? Who do you take care of? Who takes care of you? Do you think that lawyers should only argue cases when they feel like the client is in the right? If you were a lawyer would you argue cases when you felt like your client was completely wrong? Is it sexy in here or is it just me? You are giving out your phone number to a HOTTIE by writing it on a napkin. Do you write a little note or draw a picture too? If yes, what? Can you fold paper into anything (a hat, a swan, a boat, etc)? What? How can a girl get a guy-she-is-dating's mom to like her better? What is one theory about life or anything that you came up with that no one else has? Do you like answering questions about: your life? your taste? tv? music? art? politics? life? religion? issues? sex? loved ones? favorites? objects? math? philosophy? hypothetical situations? things that require lots of thought? The mortuary science department is having a bake sale. Does this strike you as funny? Death Penalty: Yes or No? If yes; Public Executions: Yes or No? What was the last song you looked up the words to? What Saturday morning cartoons do/did you like? If anything's possible, then is it possible that nothing's possible? What does the T in T-Shirt really mean? Would you alter your routine if there was a sniper in your area? If so how? Is castration a good punishment for extreme or repeat sexual offenders? Imagine you are teaching a class of sixth graders. A the start of the year you tell them, "If you come away with class and have learned only ONE THING, I hope that you learned....(finish the sentence) If you were being interviewed for a job in a clothing store how would you sell yourself to the prospective employers? How do you stop pop up ads? You are alone. You take a bus to the mall. The stop is right in the mall parking lot. You window-shop. You don't buy anything. You want to get back on the bus to go home when you realize you have lost all your money. You have no cell phone. All the payphones are jammed with gum. You can not get it out. How do you get the $1.50 you need to get on the bus and get home??? How long would it take you to organize your bedroom? Make up a nickname for your bedroom: What comes after: I've got a love-a-lee bunch of coconuts (diddly dee) There they are a-standing in a row. Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head... Where ARE the wild things? You get a six cd changer for the car, only problem is that you know that once you put in six cd's you can NEVER take them out. Which 6 cd's do you put in? Pick a letter: List some great words starting with that letter: Is eight days a week enough to show you care? Have you told your parents you love them today? What is the difference between a number two pencil and any other kind of pencil? Have you ever cross-dressed? Are we living in a world without end? Wanna watch a movie about a cheerleading competition? DO you dance in the rain? 2967. Should the sopranos actors have been allowed to march in the St Patrick's Day parade? Is oral sex. anal sex or regular sex more intimate? Is it time to switch to Decaf? Why is it that the truth hurts? What are you guilty of? What gives you inner stregnth? *eyes you suspiciously* Where have all the COOKIES gone? What is a good gift for someone you don't like so that it SEEMS to be nice but really 'gets' them somehow? If you don't like the service at a restraunt would you skip the tip? WWhy or why not? Apples or peaches or pumpkin pie? What Race/nationality was Jesus? What was one evening you'll never forget? Name 13 ways to look at a blackbird: Trick or Treat? If you had money to burn, what 'toy' would you spend your money on (think monopoly game with real money, luxory boat, a train layout that takes up a house, etc.)? If you could write your own ten commandments, what would they be? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 When people lose weight, where does it go? Have you ever seen an Ed Wood film? if yes, what one(s) and what did you think? If no, aren't you curious to see a movie by the person known as the worst director of all time? What kind of bread do you like to eat (white, rye, potatoe, grain, whole wheat, etc)? Are you emotionaly articulate? Does everything happen for a reason? Do you take a piece of those you have loved and carry it around forever? If yes, than aren't they still with you even when you are gone? Is it true that the child is worth ten of the parent? Can you think of a door that has closed in your life? Can you think of a window that has opened? What does this mean to you: 'Necessity is the mother of invention'? Do you believe that necessity is also the mother of: courage? survival skills? independance? What helps you to get over a Major heartache? Can you depend completely upon yourself? have you ever tried? How can you tell the difference between the end of one part of your life and the beutiful begining of the next part? Have you ever read an stories by Kate Chopin? If not, I suggest that you do. Do you often make the best discoveries when you really weren't looking for anything (or anyone)? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monohawks Posted July 24, 2009 Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 TO MANY QUESTIONS!!!!! ITS GOING TO OVERLOAD MY COMPU... (Screen turns black do to so many questions) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Super Half Vamp Riku Posted July 24, 2009 Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 if you had a gun with one shot left and hitler and nixxon were in the room who would you shoot Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kitty Posted July 24, 2009 Author Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 Yes' date=' there are big psychical differences between the genders. :Ö So, now, what would you give me?[/quote']corn Copy pasting even moar :DO.0 oh sweet GOD What image' date=' scent, memory, etc. would you take with you into the dark/light, the land of dead, heaven, infinity.....?mako Who is the most annoying musical artist EVER?to me would be jibberish music Do you believe in manifest destiney?yes Have you ever fallen for an email forwarding hoax (send this to 13 people and old navy will send you a $200.00(100 pound) gift card)?no i hardly ever check email Do you ever think 'well, maybe...' and actually forward those damn things?nope Let's say there are 2 schools. one for boys and one for girls. They are both supposed to offer the same facilities so that the girls and boys get equal education. Would you take this to mean that the same courses should be offered to both girls and boys or that the same amount of money should be spent on each school?same amount of moneh Imagine that in the boys school fifteen girls sign up for calculus. In the boys school only five guys sign up for calculus. Should the guyss calculus class be disolved and replaced with an easier one?no let them suffer Would it bother you if you found out that the fruits, vegetables, and meat that you eat are genetically altered?no What does this world need?more love Is there anything you do just because you want to even though it has no redeeming social value?yes If you drink what kind of drunk are you?an hyperolic Do you ever 'convieniently' forget something you don't want to remember?yes Are you in love with yourself (your beautiful self)?yes i am What is your favorite movie?Ace Venture When Nature Calls If you're sexy and you know it clap your hands. Did you clap?*Clap clap* Have you ever called a: psychic hotline?nosuicide crisis line?nosex line?nodating line?no Have you ever placed a "personal" ad anywhere?no Do guys look good in make up?yes What are 5 things you don't care about?parentssnobby pplewhut pple think of me and makolong essaysvegetables WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO UNTIL YOU DIE?love What 'issue' do you think your opinion is so right about that you end up trying to sway others to your point of view?the reason y me and mako should be together What age do you hope to live until?65 Do you like to tie others down during sex?i am going to when i have it Have you ever been tied down?no but prolly will in the near future Do you own any "toys"?not yet Do you ever use them?not yet Have you ever been spanked in that sexy way?not yet Have you ever spanked anyone else?not yet Do these questions make you uncomfortable?no i'm perfectly at home Do you like that feeling?yes i do considering I'm h0rneh right now (thanks to mako) Does it turn you on?already turned on You know those ___ for dummies books (COMPTERS FOR DUMMIES, SURFING FOR DUMMIES, GOLDF FOR DUMMIES, WICCA FOR DUMMIES)?sex Which one do you need to read?neither What do your socks look like?i no wear socks now in summer nor shoes Does love float away if you let go?no, but it might stray Do you think that most people in today's society are: kind? no calm? no humble? no peaceful? H3LLS no helpful? somewhut happy? no they're miserable spiritual? no creative? yes friendly? no independant? yes intelligent? yes having fun? not they suffer comming up with new ideas? yes able to think for themselves? yes able to really connect with others? yes If you answered no to any of the above, why do you think that is?cuz they're stressed 24/7 Do you believe that every action has a sexual motive?not always but with couples yes Do you trust psychology as a valid science?no Morals or Instincts?Instincts always Do you think that people who are alone and depressed are depressed because they are alone or alone because they are depressed?yeah prolly Have you ever been to see a ballet?no and never will What is the differance between Satan and Pan?Satan is smoother and easier to remove i don't kno about pan What should a poem be or do if it is a sucessful poem?be sold for moneh When you interpret a poem can each line mean anything you want it to?yes cuz i can't read a poem worth a crap Are you an orgasm addict?...... maybe maybe not.... Are you a sugar junkie?yes, well not anymore WHAT are you DOING?this WHY aren't you marching in line with the rest of them?cuz i am different and Princesses DON"T MARCH Do you only hear what you want to?yes Are you anal-retentive?.. maybe maybe not In and OutyesOver and UnderyesAround and ???yes What was the last thing you returned to the store?nuthing Why ask why?cuz it's sexy First person you think of that made a MAJOR contribution to art or science?Mako First person you think of that made a major contribution to modern thought?Kitty Why is it called 'coca cola'?cuz it makes u coco and ola Would you ever buy a Ford car?no but i would a truck Donald or Daffy duck?Daffy Have you ever been in a situation where you weren't sure if you were seducing or being seduced?yes Can you 'pinch an inch' on your belly?no Have you ever been to: a temple?noa bar?yesa massage parlor?no Would you ever want to visit Thailand?no What culture are you fascinated by?neither Have you ever worn a cape?Yes What is the difference between 'nude' and 'naked'?they are the same.. What can you get for a dollar (.59 brittish pounds)?candy What makes you who you are?my personality How do you search for meaning in life?i don't i found it If your partner collected internet porn pics of celebs s/he thought was hot would that bother you?Onyeah he'd be dead You are alone with your lover's diary. What do you do?READ IT Are you an old fart?no What were your favorite things to do in the yard as a kid?play with my pet squirrels Why don't people have more fun?cuz they are lame Have you ever wanted to have a pet skinned and turned into an article of clothing?NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!What pet?noneWhat article of clothing?none Do I come off sounding normal, mildly irrational, blatently insane or completely certifiable?normal for me Did you ever feel that you were unable to function in society?yes Is it nap time yet?NO Do you have to have the space next to the door or can you walk from the other end of the parking lot and still be okay with the world?walk it'll be ok Do you like trains?no What's in Hungary?pple have you ever felt like you were holding someone else back?noHas someone ever held you back?no What do you think of the term, 'organized religion'?it's neat What do you think of the name 'Orson'?lolz cute What frustrates you?bein away from my love Winkin, Blinkin and Nod, one night, sailed off in a sea of dew...MEow Is ten dollars (5 pounds) a good price to pay for one lipstick?noDoes anyone else remember when lipstick was, like, 2 or 3 bucks?nope don't wear it Are you ill?yes i'ma pervert Where were you the night of.....oh hell, last night?u'd love to kno Do you pronounce the 'er' sound at the end of words(lookER or lookA)?no Do you drink only 100% juice?no What duck?THERE IN THAT TREE Do you collect coins?noHow about stamps?no wHAT'S the best way to learn a new language?start talking jibberish Is god in you?yeah and mako is too Are you in god?prolly not Do you know which fork to use at a formal table setting?noImagine you have two chices of what life you can live: One: You are provided with meals, medicine, clothes and shelter. You are always with your family. You can lie in the sun and smoke, drink, play, cook, etc.. There will be certain rules you must follow such as no killing, no hurting others, no leaving the commune you were born in, no stealing, no tv, no newspapers and no books. OR Two: You are turned loose in the world with nothing. You start out cold and hungry. You may stay cold and hungry forever but you also have the opportunity to try and make a life for yourself. This will take a lot of hard work and there is no guaruntee you will ever live comfortably. Which life do you choose?twoWHY?Cuz it's smexi What gives your ego a boost?Anger What knocks your ego down?depression Why is there no 'Mr. America' pageant?eww.. cuz hello guys no shave legs enough saidShould there be?no What qualities would YOU look for in a Mr. America if such a contest were to exist (like miss america he would have to be a role model)?SexySmartGood LookingHis name would have to be the same name as one of the BAckstreet Boys If something offends you do you feel that it has no right to exist?no Why do advertisers seem to believe that guys will buy any product that a hot girl in a bikini is sitting next too?cuz they are perverts What would you do if your mom had a fight with a male aquantance and you heard an answering machine message he left her cursing at her, calling her names and being very disrespectful?i'd find him and kill him What do you represent?Love, Joy, and Happiness What message does ___ send when given as a birthday present? flowers: it's be nice slippers: -.- i'm no granny (srry Wii) candles: O.o; Memory remembered diamond necklace: X3 favorite gift certificate: no thanks cash: it'd be nice books: yes How long has it been since you colored in a coloring book?bout a month What have you been caught doing?talking to myself Does temptation make you do what you love?yes Do you have an gadgets in the house that you don't know how to use? What?yes electric can opener Do you read the instructions to things or skip them?skip Will yu ever reach your full potential?no Who is your biggest fan?hmm get back to me Who do you take care of?Mako and MyselfWho takes care of you?mako Do you think that lawyers should only argue cases when they feel like the client is in the right?noIf you were a lawyer would you argue cases when you felt like your client was completely wrong?no Is it sexy in here or is it just me?its sexy You are giving out your phone number to a HOTTIE by writing it on a napkin. Do you write a little note or draw a picture too? If yes, what?no Can you fold paper into anything (a hat, a swan, a boat, etc)? What?no How can a girl get a guy-she-is-dating's mom to like her better?it's impossible believe me What is one theory about life or anything that you came up with that no one else has?love is finding some one you can't live without... Do you like answering questions about: your life? sure your taste? sure tv? y not music? yes art? yes politics? no life? yeah religion? not so much issues? sure sex? YES loved ones? yes favorites? yeah objects? yes math? never philosophy? no hypothetical situations? sure things that require lots of thought? sumetimes The mortuary science department is having a bake sale. Does this strike you as funny?no Death Penalty: Yes or No?yesIf yes; Public Executions: Yes or No?yes What was the last song you looked up the words to?Bodies - drowning pools What Saturday morning cartoons do/did you like?pokemon If anything's possible, then is it possible that nothing's possible?no What does the T in T-Shirt really mean?THE Would you alter your routine if there was a sniper in your area?noIf so how?no Is castration a good punishment for extreme or repeat sexual offenders?YES Imagine you are teaching a class of sixth graders. A the start of the year you tell them, "If you come away with class and have learned only ONE THING, I hope that you learned....(finish the sentence)yes If you were being interviewed for a job in a clothing store how would you sell yourself to the prospective employers?be myself How do you stop pop up ads?exit out of them You are alone. You take a bus to the mall. The stop is right in the mall parking lot. You window-shop. You don't buy anything. You want to get back on the bus to go home when you realize you have lost all your money. You have no cell phone. All the payphones are jammed with gum. You can not get it out. How do you get the $1.50 you need to get on the bus and get home???beg How long would it take you to organize your bedroom?long time Make up a nickname for your bedroom:Charlie What comes after: I've got a love-a-lee bunch of coconuts (diddly dee) There they are a-standing in a row. Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head... Where ARE the wild things?Me You get a six cd changer for the car, only problem is that you know that once you put in six cd's you can NEVER take them out. Which 6 cd's do you put in?none Pick a letter:kList some great words starting with that letter:Kevin Kool Kind Is eight days a week enough to show you care?yes Have you told your parents you love them today?NOPE What is the difference between a number two pencil and any other kind of pencil?is none Have you ever cross-dressed?yes Are we living in a world without end?no Wanna watch a movie about a cheerleading competition?no DO you dance in the rain?no 2967. Should the sopranos actors have been allowed to march in the St Patrick's Day parade?no Is oral sex. anal sex or regular sex more intimate?Redular idk i'll tell u when i find out Is it time to switch to Decaf?never Why is it that the truth hurts?cuz it does What are you guilty of?nothing What gives you inner stregnth?love *eyes you suspiciously* Where have all the COOKIES gone?CAT ARMY NEEDS FEEDING What is a good gift for someone you don't like so that it SEEMS to be nice but really 'gets' them somehow?punch If you don't like the service at a restraunt would you skip the tip?yesWWhy or why not?to be funneh Apples or peaches or pumpkin pie?apples What Race/nationality was Jesus?idk What was one evening you'll never forget?i have none to remember Name 13 ways to look at a blackbird:no clue Trick or Treat?treat If you had money to burn, what 'toy' would you spend your money on (think monopoly game with real money, luxory boat, a train layout that takes up a house, etc.)?checkers If you could write your own ten commandments, what would they be? 1Stupid pple be killed 2ppl'd respect gay marriagesI'd leave the others alone3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 When people lose weight, where does it go?no clue Have you ever seen an Ed Wood film?noif yes, what one(s) and what did you think? If no, aren't you curious to see a movie by the person known as the worst director of all time?no What kind of bread do you like to eat (white, rye, potatoe, grain, whole wheat, etc)?whole wheat Are you emotionaly articulate?yes Does everything happen for a reason?no Do you take a piece of those you have loved and carry it around forever?yesIf yes, than aren't they still with you even when you are gone?yes Is it true that the child is worth ten of the parent?no Can you think of a door that has closed in your life?noCan you think of a window that has opened?yes What does this mean to you: 'Necessity is the mother of invention'?nothingDo you believe that necessity is also the mother of: courage? yes survival skills? yes independance? yes What helps you to get over a Major heartache?food Can you depend completely upon yourself?nohave you ever tried?yes How can you tell the difference between the end of one part of your life and the beutiful begining of the next part?yes Have you ever read an stories by Kate Chopin?noIf not, I suggest that you do.ok Do you often make the best discoveries when you really weren't looking for anything (or anyone)?sometimes My answers are in black srryif you had a gun with one shot left and hitler and nixxon were in the room who would you shoot hitler Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Super Half Vamp Riku Posted July 24, 2009 Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 but nixon has a gun wat do you do Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Static Posted July 24, 2009 Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 Holy crap someone actually filled them all out :O Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kitty Posted July 25, 2009 Author Report Share Posted July 25, 2009 but nixon has a gun wat do you do kill him with abre hands Holy crap someone actually filled them all out :O proves i have no life =/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Super Half Vamp Riku Posted July 25, 2009 Report Share Posted July 25, 2009 but nixon is on steroids Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Static Posted July 25, 2009 Report Share Posted July 25, 2009 Holy crap someone actually filled them all out :O proves i have no life =/ Well' date=' if that didn't prove it, this definitely will: This time I only went through it to spell check it. Rest is copy paste so if a question seems unanswerable (about a movie that no one has ever seen, concerning any sort of "survey"), straight up skip it. There's 400 or so, good luck. [spoiler=Even more Questions than my last one. Good luck.'] 4401. Do online relationships actually work? 4402. Did you know who Nora Jones was before the grammys? 4403. In Maine school teachers are being told by the board of education that cannot criticize the possible upcomming war in front of students because those kids with military parents were getting upset by it in a few cases. What do you think of this? 4405. Should a convicted murderer have the same right to be on the organ donor waiting list as anyone else? 4406. Is there a difference between american rights and human rights? If so what is the difference? 4407. What is the only completely instrumental album ever to be labeled as having explicit lyrics? 4408. Who would you rather put in a box and mail to abu dabbi, Tipper Gore or Hilary Clinton? 4409. What are your top three favorite comic strips? 4410. Can you name anything that sucks more than Creed? 4411. Is eminem a genius? Why or why not? 4412. Where is abu dabbi anyway? 4413. Where do you think woman are the most free from social pressure to please men, the US, Egypt or Japan and why? 4414. Is there a difference between crisps and crackers? 4415. If you were going to download three movies that you wouldn't have paid for but you'll watch since they're free what would you download? 4416. If you had a ferret what would you name it? 4417. What do you think of peta? 4418. If you started your own music awards show what would be the three most prestigious awards you gave out and who would win them this year? What would your show be looking for in an artist? 4419. Is there a difference between a musical artist and an entertainer? 4420. How would you rank the following people, artist or entertainer? Wierd Al: Britney Spears: David Bowie: Eminem: Moby: Marilyn Manson: Tiny Tim: The Monkeys: The Sex Pistols: 4421. Why does Polly Pocket no oonger fit into your pocket? 4422. Would you eat a cereal called Mud & Bugs? Yes, there is such a cereal. 4423. If you were a mythical creature which one would you be? 4424. What do you think of the new pregnant barbie (called happy family barbie)? 4425. What is one thing you know is a lie? 4426. How is your soul today? 4427. Are you into sci fi? 4428. What's a 'poppet'? 4429. How's the name Shane? 4430. What is expected of your gender that you don't quite live up to? 4431. Koolaid. ifr it'll dye your heair, try to imagine what it does to your stomach: Do people still dye their hair with koolaid? 4432. If you build it, they will come. What is it? who are they? 4433. What would you never do to get attention? 4434. Should we try to control nature? 4435. Who is the most powerful villain in the universe? 4436. Invent a superhero to deal with that villain? 4437. Who are you desperately missing? 4438. What gives you a feeling of perfection and peace? 4439. Are you already whole and complete or does something make you whole and complete? What? 4440. Do you prefer the word mankind or humankind? 4441. Do you look good in yellow? 4442. What do you want to win? 4443. What gives someone power? Who has power over you? Who do you have power over? 4444. What question do you really want to know the answer to: in general? about yourself? 4445. The lamest Disney movie ever was: 4446. One thing you thought you would never miss but do is: 4447. In what ways are you a rold model? In what ways are you a bad example? 4448. How is your blood pressure? 4449. What was our last horrble nightmare about? 4450. Hey you. What do you say? 4451. What is your favorite waste of time (BESIDES this survey)? 4452. How would you like to die? 4453. What are three words used in your area/dialect that many other areas/dialects wouldn't be familiar with? 4454. What are the ages of the oldest and youngest person you've ever had sex with? 4455. What is the wierdest place you have ever woken up? Did you remember how you got there? 4456. How do you feel when your partner is talking to an ex? 4457. Is there an unrequited (unreturned) love in your life? 4458. What is the most expensive gift you have ever given? received? 4459. List three traits that might help you to fall madly in love: 4460. Do children like you? 4461. If you found your child's diary would you read it? What if you found the diary of one of your parents? 4462. Have you ever stalked or killed a wild animal? 4463. True or Fales. You are moody in the morning: woman first: baby corn freaks you out: Life is fair: 4464. Name something you are now prepared to reveal about yourself that you weren't ready to talk about in the past? 4465. Name a talent someone has of which you are jealous: 4466. What would you think if you met yourself at a aprty? 4467. What would you most likely complain about in a Hotel? 4468. Agree or disagree. men need to be treated like children: it is possible to be in love with more than one person at the same time: you often feel pressured by others: couples should live together before marriage: 4469. If you owned a restraunt what kind of cuisine would you serve? 4470. Three words that describe your ideal day in bed are: 4471. If you had a ticket for a month is paradise where would you go? 4472. All men like to hear: All woman like to hear: 4473. If you are a woman what is your most masculine or macho trait or ability? If you are a man what is your most feminine trait or ability? 4474. How would you feel attending the wedding of an ex? 4475. Fiction or nonfiction. You can lie with a straight face: You pee in the shower: you prefer honesty even when it hurts: uncapped toothpaste causes problems: 4476. What is the longest lust can last? 4477. What would you like to experiance while blindfolded? 4478. The most horrifying couple you know is: 4479. Name three things you have experianced that would shock your parents: 4480. The oddest thing you have ever put in your mouth is: 4481. Lie or truth. love is a battlefield: you watch too much tv: woman enjoy sex as much as men do: you are often tired: 4482. What is the craziest thing you've done for attention? 4483. Do you believe in using the silent treatment? 4484. Your most embaressing thought: 4485. Your most prejudiced thought: 4486. A shameful moment for you: 4487. The biggest gamble of your life: 4488. What is your greatest weakness as a friend? 4489. Yes or No. complaining is a release: James Bond movies are sexy: You feel better when you have a tan: You sometimes eat your boogers: If yes, that's okay. 4490. Do you sometimes enjoy being mean? 4491. Are you high maintenance? 4492. Would you rather assume the role of sexual student or teacher? 4493. How many lovers do you consider to be too many? 4494. What fortune would you want to find in a fortune cookie? 4495. Nothing says lovin' like: 4496. Have you seen Bowling for Columbine? If yes what'd you think of it? 4497. Do you overuse the word genius? 4498. Are you proud of the history of your people? Why or why not? 4499. Do you think about world destruction? 4500. What object could completely symbolize maleness? How about femaleness? 4501. Who do you feel on shaky grounds with? 4502. How would you rate Stephen King as a writer? 4503. What movie are you looking forward to? 4504. Hulk Hogan with or without the bandana? 4505. Do you more often tell people what you feel or what you think? 4506. Have you been to see an opera? 4507. What do you wish that you knew with more certainty? 4508. Does your heart break and break and live by breaking? 4509. Can you tell the difference between what you think and what you feel or do you often get them confused? 4510. Have you read The Painted Veil? If not, you should. 4511. You are shopping in the Mad Mall for things to add to your room. What 5 things, given $1000 bonus budget on top of what you would spend, will you buy? 4512. Of the following things, which would you most like to have more of? drink, dreams, bed, drugs, lust, lies, hate, love, fear, fun, pain, flesh, stars, smiles, fame, sex 4513. Your preference. Barack Obama or Sarah Palin? 4514. Who'd win in a fight, Morrissey or Robert Smith? 4515. Earth girls are: 4516. One of your friends tells you they are going to train to become a cop. your reaction? 4517. Would you ever consider working for the government? 4518. What are the best and wort television channels? 4519. If you had a magical pencil and everything you drew became real what would you draw? 4520. Your boots were made for: 4521. What movie would you like to see a mystery science theater episode about (even if it isn't a sci fi movie, just one that needs making fun of)? 4522. What's the buzz? 4523. The last person you would want to be stranded on a desert island with is: 4524. Your partner takes an aeroplane trip. the plane disappears and is never found. How long do you wait for them to return before you begin looking for a new partner? 4525. Some animals that mate for life can literally die of grief if their mate is captured or dies. How many humans would do that do you think? 4526. What would you like to touch? 4527. Does anything you own glow in the dark? 4528. Would you rather ride a dragon or a unicorn? 4529. Do things just always go right for you? 4530. What's the best nick-toon? 4531. Can you make a balloon animal? 4532. Would you undress at a nude beach? 4533. Wherever there's a secret recipe, there is someone who wants to steal it. True or false? 4534. What is today but yesterday's tomorrow? 4535. Are you more like spongebob who does nothing right but still everything good happens to or like squidworth who tries to do things right and ends up having nothing good happen to him? 4536. How many glasses of water do you drink each day? 4537. What is the difference between intellectualism and pretentiousness? 4538. What do you like in a poem, accessibility, crypticness or somethin in between? 4539. What do you think of Robert Frost? Is his writing difficult to understand? 4540. Has learning to spell become obsolete? 4541. Who do you find yourself in constant conflict with? Why the conflict? 4542. What is the difference between literature and hallmark cards? 4543. How many contemporary poets can you name? 4544. What subjects do you refuse to talk about? Why are you hiding from them? 4545. Are you every parent's wet dream? 4546. Everyone starts in the garden of Eden but no one can stay there. Why not? 4547. Would you want to join a club that would have you as a member? 4548. Greatest Pre-Millenia film: 4549: Greatest film three hours or longer: 4550. No means.. 4551. When you are exposed to the artwork (poetry, painting etc) of a friend, family member or acquaintance how likely are you to criticize it? 4552. Do you mentally reject people? Before speaking to them? 4553. Are we already living out 1984? 4554. Sing, now! What did you sing? Can you sing? Are you the next American idol? 4555. Do you like the feeling of a ball point pen being used to draw pictures on your palm? 4556. Have you ever been airbrushed? 4557. Are you an elitist? What are you elitist about? 4558. Are you arrogant? About what? 4558. Use the two following words in a sentence: Ghandi, ford: 4559. Are you treacherous? 4560. Nam the ten bands you are the biggest fan of: Name the ten bands who are your biggest fans: 4561. Are you jolly? 4562. What does the world stop for? 4563. Would you like to reupholster your furniture in camouflage? 4564. Would you rather have your own personal life on the Isle of Rhodes or a new car? 4565. What were you born holding? 4566. Big nose, is it ugly or does it give the face character? 4567. Name three things you would NOT do, even for one million dollars (tax free): 1 2 3 4568. Who has rejected you? Who have you rejected? 4569. Natural body odor or perfumes and colognes? 4570. Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? 4571. Who frolics in the autumn mist in a land called honalee? 4572. Is anything nastier as a snack than fruit roll ups? 4573. When you hear someone make a joke about something will you later make the same joke to someone else as if you had just thought it up? What if someone just says something intelligent, would you use what they said later as if you had made it up? 4574. What's on your pajamas? 4575. Are people nicer in new york or California? 4576. Ever think about moving to Alaska to live as a hermit? 4577. You are interested in a potential mate who is already attatched. Do you encourage him or her to leave their current catch or try to find someone all alone? 4578. Do you play in the snow? 4579. Do you save a snowball in your freezer to hit someone with in the summer time? 4580. What bible story would you like to see acted out by animated vegetables? What vegetable would play jesus? 4581. Will you be ready for the next alien attack? 4582. You can't make this easy can you? 4583. What is a small thing that people let slide but that actually has dire consequences? 4584. Are you the open window maniac? 4585. Have you ever been a hall monitor? What exactly do hall monitors do anyway? 4586. Would you rather wear an army uniform or a cow costume for Halloween? 4587. When was the last time you played tag, musical chairs, hide and seek etc? 4588. Can you leap frog? 4589. What was the lost strong and clear emotion yo felt? 4590. Are you more of a disco ball, a candle or a robot? 4591. Could any good come out of a nuclear holocaust? 4592. Are you an angel in disguise? 4593. Could you have fun with a jelly fish? for 12 hours? 4594. Who throws the wildest parties? 4595. Do you own an I <3 NY shirt? 4596. If you could make a channel that played only one show all day what show would it be? 4597. Are you a rock star, only no one knows it yet? 4598. have you ever been stung by anything? What? 4599. Who's autograph have you gotten in the last year? 4600. Are you enjoying this? 4601. What do you think of rappers who talk about raping and killing their mother? 4602. Are you art? 4603. Do you think that most writers musicians and artists make art or lve art? What would you prefer them do? 4604. Iraq is destroying it's missiles and the white house is still not happy. Why not? 4605. Do you find Americans to be a very sterile and emotionless people? 4606. What do we talk about when we talk about love? 4607. Would you write a ong about how horrible your mom is in order to sell more records? Why would anyone want to hear that anyway? 4608. Do you think that eminem is genuine or doing it all for show (even his mom says it's all for show)? 4609. Should juveniles be tried as adults if they commit murder? 4610. Should there be laws to restrict breeding? Should the laws include getting a high score on an iq test? Should the laws include proving that you can/will be able to provide care and support for the child?/ Should the laws include a background check to determine whether you will be a fit parent? 4611. Would you/have you ever committed statutory rape (had sex with someone 17 or younger while you were 18 or older)? 4612. Do you believe that Mcdonald's should be held responsible for it's customer's obesity? 4613. Did you know that 1/2 of American adults read at an 8th grade level or below (I just saw it on fox news)? What do you think of this? 4614. Do you drink tea with honey? 4615. Do bees and wasps terrify you? 4616. How do you decide what to say and do when someone puts the spotlight on you? 4617. Are you more muddy or clean?? 4618. If consciousness could speak what would it say? 4619. Is Leslie a good name for a man? 4620. Why do men feel they have the right to look woman up and down? 4621. Are you pristine? 4621. Do you want to blind people with your wet-look lip gloss? Guys, do you like to be blinded by super shiny wet-look lip gloss? 4622. How many years is too big of an age difference for a couple? 4623. What would the worst name be to have? 4624. China and France are both opposed to war with Iraq. What do you think of this? 4625. What do you think about Canada? 4626. What country is the most generous about foreign aid? What country is the least generous? 4627. Who's the sexiest actor/actress? 4628. Are you a humanitarian? 4629. Have you ever seen the Tommy and Pamela Anderson honeymoon sex video? Do you think it was meant to be private or a publicity stunt? 4630. Are you a cat expert? 4631. Your most necessary accessory? 4632. What's your idea of fun? 4633. At what age will you panic about feeling old? 4634. It's you and ___ against the world. 4635. Are you the keymaster or the gatekeeper? 4636. When is the end of the world going to be? 4637. Write your own theme song now: 4638. Do you yell at the TV when the news disturbs you? 4639. Is society too sick to survive? 4640. Have you ever been involved in a ritual? 4641. What the hell do YOU want????? 4642. Have you heard of the performance "Springtime for Hitler?" Would you be interested in watching it? 4643. Green Day's best album is: why? 4644. Fast food of choice is for you: 4645. What song is in your head RIGHT NOW!!!?? 4646. Is this a magic monet? Of course it is. 4647. A theme song you hate is: 4648. What words can you come up with by anagraming your name? 4649. Are you a magician? 4650. What kind of waffles suit you best? 4651. It's the olden days and your father is going to drive all the way from the big city. He wants to bring something back for you. What do you ask him for? 4652. Have you ever watched Little House on the Prairie? 4653. How did Columbus discover America when people were already living here? Didn't They discover it? 4654. How far can you spit? 4655. What drinks do you know how to mix? 4656. What does the perfect engagement ring look like? 4657. How do you feel about arranged marriages? 4658. Do you talk to angels? 4659. What are you worried bout? 4660. How often do you touch people in conversations? 4661. Do you read in bed? 4662. How many sick days in a row do you take off from school or work? 4663. There are three nursery schools. Nursery school one has children sit together around tables. It emphasizes group play. It has building blocks that are very large, so large that it takes two or more children to lift them, in order to teach working together. It is moderately decorated and encourages the imagination by providing less materials for the children. There is one teacher per classroom and the teacher likes to allow the children to work out their own problems. Nursery school two has many materials for the children and is brightly colored and decorated. There are two teachers per class and the teachers actively intervene between the children. There are different stations (painting, blocks, etc) and the children are encouraged to make choices about what they like to do and don't like to do. Nursery school three emphasizes scheduled activities. The children sit in rows and must work alone, relying on themselves. Everything is very organized and structured. The children wear bright clothing, and are taught to memorize stories and songs. If the parents both work, this school offers whole care, which means the child can stay overnight a few days a week. Which school would you send your (possibly hypothetical) children to? 4664. Each of those nursery schools is in a different country. Which one is in the United States? Which one is in Japan? What country is the last nursery school in? 4665. What hour is your most creative time of day? 4666. Does sleeping feel more satisfying when all of your work is done or when there's something else you should be doing? 4667. Here's a dollar. Put three songs on the juke box. 4668. Do you refer to teenagers as 'kids' yet? 4669. What is one thing you thought was the end of the world when you were a teenager (or if you are a teenager name something you thought was the end of the world 5 years ago)? What do you think of this thing now? 4670. Are Americans uptight about sex? Are you? 4671. What boardgames are in your closet? 4672. What movie quote sticks out in your mind (don't tell what movie it's from, let us guess)? 4673. What is the weirdest song you've Ever found yourself enjoying? 4674. Look in your history book. Who would you funk? 4675. A man in the reserves is being called off to war. He wants to defend his country but he finds that his 1 year old child needs a heart transplant. In his shoes would you stay and care for your child or go and defend your country? 4676. Is Wall-e likely to become an accurate prediction: a good movie: 4677. What is your salvation? What will it take you to achieve it? 4678. Is alcohol the water of life? 4679. Name a friend of the opposite sex: He or she tells you that he or she has always had a crush on you. Your reaction: 4680. Name one of your same sex friends: He or she tells you that he or she is gay. Your reaction: Then he or she tells you he or she has always had a crush on you. Your reaction: 4681. What was the difference between your reaction to the same sex and the different sex friend? Why the difference of reactions? 4682. Where could you go that would be so incredible you would no longer be able to come back to the life you live here and now? 4683. What is the main problem you have with yourself? 4684. When did you wish you could disappear? 4685. Why is it that we call poor-average people crazy and rich people eccentric? 4686. Is rain on your wedding day a good example of irony? Can you think of a good example of irony? 4687. What have you recently changed your mind about? 4688. What is one thing you won't allow yourself to have? 4689. What would you say if Brad Pitt married Rosie O'Donnell? What about if Catherine Zeta Jones married Drew Carrey? 4690. Name something that there is no wrong way to do: 4691. If you and your partner could choose which of you would carry the baby (yes even the male would be able to carry it) who would your vote be for? 4692. If men could get pregnent would abortion become much more acceptable do you think? 4693. When and where have you felt most comfortable being nude? 4694. What subject do you know the most about? Tell us something interesting about it. 4695. What is the longest time you have gone between orgasms? 4696. What is the least amount of money you would have to have in order to consider yourself rich? 4697. What words have others used to describe you? 4698. What is the most extreme thing you would do/have done to alter your appearance? Why did you/would you do it? 4699. What is the least amount of money you would accept to never have sex again? 4700. What has been the hardest secret to keep? 4701. What is your reaction to beggers and homeless on the streets? Are they lazy? Why? 4702. Does pure altruism exist? Why or why not? 4703. Is 'You like me and I like it all' an attitude you might have? 4704. Finish the words. Ch: An: Ge: So: Ne: Bo: Wi: E: 4705. What's your favorite science fiction movie? Make it a double feature. What's your second favorite? 4706. If you had a remote control for people who would you set on mute? 4707. When have you felt like you were living in the twilight zone? 4708. Do you have penis envy? Do you have vagina envy? 4709. The maker doesn't want it; the buyer doesn't use it; and the user doesn't see it. What is it? 4710. A child is born in Boston, Mass., to parents who were both born in Boston, Mass. The child is not a U.S. citizen. How is this possible? 4711. Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain on Earth? 4712. If you had to choose between being 3ft. tall or 9ft. tall which would you be? 4711. If you could know the answer to any 3 questions, what would they be?: 4712. If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the body or the mind of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want? 4713. Would it disturb you much if, upon your death, your body were simply thrown into the woods and left to rot? Why? 4714. Would you like to know the precise date of your future death? 4715. Would you be willing to give up all television for the next 5 years if it meant 1,000 starving children in Indonesia would eat and get medical care? 4716. Name a close friend of the opposite sex:Imagine they are from another country, visiting yours. Their visa is almost expired and if they get sent back to their country they may never get another visa to leave again. Would you marry them if after two years you could divorce them and they would be allowed to stay in your country? 4717. Do you always call/email in when you take a day off from schol or work? 4718. A fatalist believes that the future is mapped out in a pattern. A causalist believes that every event is tied to a previous event. Neither believes in free will. An indeterminist believes in total free will. Which are you? 4719. Would you rather have a masters degree in economics or creative writing? 4718. Do you feel the need to defend the honor of your family and demand respect? 4719. What do you think about that no one else thinks about? 4720. Which of the following best describes you: A laid back person who enjoys watching sports and playing with computers. An apathetic person who is open minded and passionate about music. A feisty person who lacks an attention span. Avant garde and over confident. 4721. Why are so many letters silent in French? 4722. For all the freedoms that people in the United States enjoy what are some of the ways that these people oppress themselves willingly and why? 4723. What, besides genetics and besides your environment and experiences, makes you what/who you are? 4724. What bands do your parents listen to that you: hate? like? 4725. What do you find: impressive: unimpressive: 4726. How easily do you understand Shakespeare? 4728. Translate into regular English: 'Romeo Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?' 4729. What's your favorite girl scout cookie? Is it made from real girl scouts? 4730. How do you open your car door when it freezes shut? 4731. Why is it that 95 percent of the letters in french words are not pronounced? 4732. What are you Dreading? 4733. When will your ship come in? 4734. Do you create your art for free? 4735. The Pope's recent message to George Bush is 'Go into Iraq and you go without God'. What do you think of this quote? 4736. Have/would you ever taken a botany (plants) course? 4737. Are you using your own computer or someone else's to take this survey? 4742. Is it true what they say about Star Trek movies, that only evey other one is worth seeing? 4743. Someone once said, 'Every possible outcome of something takes place in a parallel universe. So there is free will, but your choices only determine which of those parallel universes you live in.' Your reaction? 4744. Why do you think a man 25 or above might date a teenager? Why do you think a woman 25 or above might date a teenager? Any moral objections? 4745. Is there a difference between what is legal and what is ethical? Should there be? 4746. Point out something obvious: Point out something that isn't obvious at all: 4747. How do you stay so thin? 4748. When looking at a clear night sky what constellations can you locate? 4749. What movie has the worst ending ever? The best ending ever? 4750. Are you feelin' groovy? 4751. Oh the tangled web we weave when: 4752. Do you own anything velevet? If yes, when you wear it can you keep from touching it? 4753. Who have you been friends with the longest? How long have you two been friends? 4754. Who do you feel like you are in competition with? 4755. Is American culture more like Mexican culture or more like Japanese culture and why do you think so? 4756. What subject are you so familiar with that you could you write an FAQ (frequently asked questions) list about it? What would one question on that list be? What is the answer to that question? 4757. 'Don't use the rules. They're not for you - they're for the fools and you're a fool if you don't know that. So use the rules you stupid fool' How do you feel about these Clash lyrics? 4758. Are you for or against: Unconditional Religious tolerance? World Peace Under One Government? Total Freedom? Feminism? Love For all Creatures and People? Organized Religion? The Freedom to be Homophobic? The War on Terror? The Green Party? 4759. Have you read any of Anne Rice's Sleeping Beauty books? If yes, what did you think of them? 4760. Can you do any voices or impressions and if yes, what ones? 4761. Guys, is it true that gentlemen prefer blondes? Girls, do blondes really have more fun? 4762. Do you enjoy sneaking up on people? 4763. Do you often break plans? 4764. "Angry" and "hungry" are two words that end in "gry". There are three words in the English language. What is the third word? Everyone knows what it means and everyone uses it every day. Look closely and I have already given you the third word. What is it? 4765. Does anyone smoke in your home? If yes, does that bother you? 4766. Have you ever actually seen a pink elephant? 4767. The answer to 4764 is "language". Did you get it? Get it now, then? 4768. What was the most embarrassing or crazy thing you ever dreamed? 4769. Are you depraved (marked by corruption or evil; perverted)? 4770. Who or what comes to mind when you hear the words: the dangerous objects factory? the dude who says dude? the man in black? the catastrophe involving food? the duct tape incident? 4771. In blackjack, do you often double down? 4772. Who's the big winner? 4773. Who do you care more about, your close friend in elementary school that you lost touh with or your first lover? 4774. What's your favorite part of a cat? 4775. What was on the last cd you burned? 4776. If you wanted to learn a new language would you consider buying a Disney movie in that language to pick up pronunciation? What Disney movie? 4777. Is there a modern plague? What? 4778. Are your baths and showers so hot that your skin gets red? 4779. When you dry your body after a shower do you dry your parts in the same order each time, almost automatically, or do you dry your prts in a random order each time, thinking about it while you're doing it? 4780. Do you feel like those who are speak a language around you that you can't understand are making fun of you? 4781. If you were blindfolded and your love/partner was placed in a line of fifty people could you pick him or her out only by: touching the face of each person? feeling one elbow of each person? smelling the breath of each person? licking the neck of each person? listening to the breathing of each person? psychically sensing each person? 4782. Close your eyes and turn your head towards the room you are in. Open your eyes. Describe the first object you see without telling what it is: 4783. What three questions will you never say NO to? 4784. Would you like to see an American in Paris? 4785. Are you more of a couch or a scratching post? Is there a difference? 4786. What is more important, imagination or knowledge? 4787. Would you consider modern life to be rubbish? 4788. What's the most sinful food? 4789. Name one thing about yourself that you are excessively proud of: 4790. If you went to Hell (imagining there is one) rank these punishments in order of the one you would most prefer to the one you would least prefer. being broken on the wheel: being put in freezing water: being force fed rats and snakes: being smothered by brimstone and fire: being dismembered alive: being boiled in oil: being thrown into snake pits: In my mind hell is not like this. It's just a place where all the interesting people go to drink, talk and tan. 4791. What other windows or websites do you have open on your computer right now? 4792. What kind of student were you in kindergarten? 4793. What misjudgement do many people make about you? 4794. If you had been named according to your personality what would your name be? 4795. What is made for kids but you love it anyway? 4796. Do you believe that China should cease to occupy Tibet? 4797. What is your opinion about the north American free trade agreement? If you don't know go here: http://forums.transnationale.org/viewtopic.php?p=502 4798. Dedicate a song to someone now. What song? To who? What line from that song most makes you think about this person? 4799. Can you live completely in the moment giving no thought to past or future? 4800. Can you honestly say that nothing bothers you? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lil Jevans Posted July 25, 2009 Report Share Posted July 25, 2009 Do you enjoy answering all of Static's questions? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Super Half Vamp Riku Posted July 25, 2009 Report Share Posted July 25, 2009 what if nixon called goku Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kitty Posted July 25, 2009 Author Report Share Posted July 25, 2009 Holy crap someone actually filled them all out :O proves i have no life =/ Well' date=' if that didn't prove it, this definitely will: This time I only went through it to spell check it. Rest is copy paste so if a question seems unanswerable (about a movie that no one has ever seen, concerning any sort of "survey"), straight up skip it. There's 400 or so, good luck. [spoiler=Even more Questions than my last one. Good luck. [color=#FF1493'](Answered)[/color]] 4401. Do online relationships actually work?most of the time no 4402. Did you know who Nora Jones was before the grammys?simple girl or s striper? 4403. In Maine school teachers are being told by the board of education that cannot criticize the possible upcomming war in front of students because those kids with military parents were getting upset by it in a few cases. What do you think of this?eh..it's ok 4405. Should a convicted murderer have the same right to be on the organ donor waiting list as anyone else?yes, cuz pple may need the organ.. 4406. Is there a difference between american rights and human rights? If so what is the difference?not really 4407. What is the only completely instrumental album ever to be labeled as having explicit lyrics?idk 4408. Who would you rather put in a box and mail to abu dabbi, Tipper Gore or Hilary Clinton?Hilary 4409. What are your top three favorite comic strips?um don't have any 4410. Can you name anything that sucks more than Creed?yes... 2 dollar hoes 4411. Is eminem a genius?yes he is Why or why not?cuz he's aawesome 4412. Where is abu dabbi anyway?in India somewhere 4413. Where do you think woman are the most free from social pressure to please men, the US, Egypt or Japan and why?US 4414. Is there a difference between crisps and crackers?no 4415. If you were going to download three movies that you wouldn't have paid for but you'll watch since they're free what would you download?Twilight, Paul Blart Mall Cop, Epic Movie 4416. If you had a ferret what would you name it?Mako, or Mr. Peaches 4417. What do you think of peta?it's ok 4418. If you started your own music awards show what would be the three most prestigious awards you gave out and who would win them this year?Alan Jackson. Taylor Swift, and George Strait What would your show be looking for in an artist?Great Country Music 4419. Is there a difference between a musical artist and an entertainer?yes 4420. How would you rank the following people, artist or entertainer? Wierd Al: 9 Britney Spears: ...1.0 David Bowie: i don't kno him..so 4 Eminem: 9 Moby:5 Marilyn Manson: 5 Tiny Tim:6 The Monkeys:3 The Sex Pistols: lol funny name 7 4421. Why does Polly Pocket no oonger fit into your pocket?cuz it grew 4422. Would you eat a cereal called Mud & Bugs? no 4423. If you were a mythical creature which one would you be?a Dragon 4424. What do you think of the new pregnant barbie (called happy family barbie)?.. eww4425. What is one thing you know is a lie?That i'll have kids when i grow up 4426. How is your soul today?tired 4427. Are you into sci fi?yes 4428. What's a 'poppet'?a girl who knows the code of parley 4429. How's the name Shane?awesome 4430. What is expected of your gender that you don't quite live up to?dressing up in dresses and shopping 4431. Koolaid. ifr it'll dye your heair, try to imagine what it does to your stomach:O.o cool Do people still dye their hair with koolaid?prolly 4432. If you build it, they will come.of courseWhat is it?a castlewho are they?my friends 4433. What would you never do to get attention?put on a dress 4434. Should we try to control nature?never 4435. Who is the most powerful villain in the universe?Dr. EVIL 4436. Invent a superhero to deal with that villain?Mako the Super Shark-man 4437. Who are you desperately missing?Mako tha shark-man 4438. What gives you a feeling of perfection and peace?knoing the upcoming future 4439. Are you already whole and complete or does something make you whole and complete?something makes me whole and completeWhat?my mako 4440. Do you prefer the word mankind or humankind?neither 4441. Do you look good in yellow?prolly 4442. What do you want to win?money 4443. What gives someone power?loveWho has power over you?no oneWho do you have power over?mako 4444. What question do you really want to know the answer to: in general? about yourself?In gerneral 4445. The lamest Disney movie ever was:Tarzan 4446. One thing you thought you would never miss but do is:my money 4447. In what ways are you a rold model?i always make pple smile and i do the right thing..In what ways are you a bad example?my perveyness 4448. How is your blood pressure?great 4449. What was our last horrble nightmare about?Christina taking mako from me (-.- it was horrifying) 4450. Hey you. What do you say?MEOW4451. What is your favorite waste of time (BESIDES this survey)?stayin on computer all the time4452. How would you like to die?natural 4453. What are three words used in your area/dialect that many other areas/dialects wouldn't be familiar with?ya'll, ain't.. fixin.. 4454. What are the ages of the oldest and youngest person you've ever had sex with?never had sex 4455. What is the wierdest place you have ever woken up?in a tentDid you remember how you got there?yeah 4456. How do you feel when your partner is talking to an ex?*growls* 4457. Is there an unrequited (unreturned) love in your life?no 4458. What is the most expensive gift you have ever given? love received? returned love 4459. List three traits that might help you to fall madly in love:finding the right personhim or her making you smileand u like him or her 4460. Do children like you?no 4461. If you found your child's diary would you read it?prollyWhat if you found the diary of one of your parents?eww never 4462. Have you ever stalked or killed a wild animal?stalked yes killed no 4463. True or Fales. You are moody in the morning:falsewoman first:falsebaby corn freaks you out:trueLife is fair:false 4464. Name something you are now prepared to reveal about yourself that you weren't ready to talk about in the past?I'm not ashamed of who i feel in love with 4465. Name a talent someone has of which you are jealous:the talent of being a perfect angel 4466. What would you think if you met yourself at a aprty?heh... lolz 4467. What would you most likely complain about in a Hotel?noise 4468. Agree or disagree. men need to be treated like children:disagreeit is possible to be in love with more than one person at the same time:agreeyou often feel pressured by others:disagreecouples should live together before marriage:agree 4469. If you owned a restraunt what kind of cuisine would you serve?chicken prolly 4470. Three words that describe your ideal day in bed are:Amazing, Wonderful, Awesome 4471. If you had a ticket for a month is paradise where would you go?to a spa 4472. All men like to hear:i love youAll woman like to hear:i love you 4473. If you are a woman what is your most masculine or macho trait or ability?having a temper from HadesIf you are a man what is your most feminine trait or ability?moody 4474. How would you feel attending the wedding of an ex?... no 4475. Fiction or nonfiction. You can lie with a straight face:fictionYou pee in the shower:fictionyou prefer honesty even when it hurts:nonfictionuncapped toothpaste causes problems:fiction 4476. What is the longest lust can last?forever 4477. What would you like to experiance while blindfolded?... X3 keeping to myself 4478. The most horrifying couple you know is:i don't 4479. Name three things you have experianced that would shock your parents:falling in love with makoleavingand telling them i don't care anymore 4480. The oddest thing you have ever put in your mouth is:a can 4481. Lie or truth. love is a battlefield:truthyou watch too much tv:liewoman enjoy sex as much as men do:truthyou are often tired:lie 4482. What is the craziest thing you've done for attention?fell 4483. Do you believe in using the silent treatment?yes 4484. Your most embaressing thought:wnating mako in a dress again 4485. Your most prejudiced thought:have none 4486. A shameful moment for you:falling 4487. The biggest gamble of your life:mako or family 4488. What is your greatest weakness as a friend?my soft spot 4489. Yes or No. complaining is a release:noJames Bond movies are sexy:yesYou feel better when you have a tan:yesYou sometimes eat your boogers:no If yes, that's okay. 4490. Do you sometimes enjoy being mean?no 4491. Are you high maintenance?no 4492. Would you rather assume the role of sexual student or teacher?student 4493. How many lovers do you consider to be too many?15 4494. What fortune would you want to find in a fortune cookie?ur future will be a good one 4495. Nothing says lovin' like:romantic night out 4496. Have you seen Bowling for Columbine?noIf yes what'd you think of it? 4497. Do you overuse the word genius?no 4498. Are you proud of the history of your people?kindaWhy or why not?cuz they've made mistakes 4499. Do you think about world destruction?it's ok 4500. What object could completely symbolize maleness?sexHow about femaleness?money 4501. Who do you feel on shaky grounds with?Mako 4502. How would you rate Stephen King as a writer?no 4503. What movie are you looking forward to?none 4504. Hulk Hogan with or without the bandana?with 4505. Do you more often tell people what you feel or what you think?neither 4506. Have you been to see an opera?no 4507. What do you wish that you knew with more certainty?the mako wouldn't stray 4508. Does your heart break and break and live by breaking?no 4509. Can you tell the difference between what you think and what you feel or do you often get them confused?confused 4510. Have you read The Painted Veil?noIf not, you should. 4511. You are shopping in the Mad Mall for things to add to your room. What 5 things, given $1000 bonus budget on top of what you would spend, will you buy?nothing 4512. Of the following things, which would you most like to have more of? drink, dreams, bed, drugs, lust, lies, hate, love, fear, fun, pain, flesh, stars, smiles, fame, sex love and lust4513. Your preference. Barack Obama or Sarah Palin? Sarah4514. Who'd win in a fight, Morrissey or Robert Smith? Morrissey4515. Earth girls are:crazy 4516. One of your friends tells you they are going to train to become a cop. your reaction? ok have fun dying4517. Would you ever consider working for the government?no 4518. What are the best and wort television channels?best, scyfy worst, baby channel 4519. If you had a magical pencil and everything you drew became real what would you draw?a lollipop 4520. Your boots were made for:kicking azz 4521. What movie would you like to see a mystery science theater episode about (even if it isn't a sci fi movie, just one that needs making fun of)?Harry Potter 4522. What's the buzz?a phone 4523. The last person you would want to be stranded on a desert island with is:Mako 4524. Your partner takes an aeroplane trip. the plane disappears and is never found. How long do you wait for them to return before you begin looking for a new partner?forever 4525. Some animals that mate for life can literally die of grief if their mate is captured or dies. How many humans would do that do you think?alot 4526. What would you like to touch?mako 4527. Does anything you own glow in the dark?no 4528. Would you rather ride a dragon or a unicorn?dragon 4529. Do things just always go right for you?no 4530. What's the best nick-toon?no clue4531. Can you make a balloon animal?no4532. Would you undress at a nude beach?no 4533. Wherever there's a secret recipe, there is someone who wants to steal it. True or false?true 4534. What is today but yesterday's tomorrow?idk 4535. Are you more like spongebob who does nothing right but still everything good happens to or like squidworth who tries to do things right and ends up having nothing good happen to him?Spongebob 4536. How many glasses of water do you drink each day?none4537. What is the difference between intellectualism and pretentiousness?is none4538. What do you like in a poem, accessibility, crypticness or somethin in between?in between 4539. What do you think of Robert Frost?he's okIs his writing difficult to understand?no 4540. Has learning to spell become obsolete?yes 4541. Who do you find yourself in constant conflict with?loveWhy the conflict?cuz idk 4542. What is the difference between literature and hallmark cards?one starts with l the other with h 4543. How many contemporary poets can you name? none4544. What subjects do you refuse to talk about?my feeling in depthWhy are you hiding from them?cuz they scare me 4545. Are you every parent's wet dream?no 4546. Everyone starts in the garden of Eden but no one can stay there. Why not?cuz they need to be on their own 4547. Would you want to join a club that would have you as a member?yes 4548. Greatest Pre-Millenia film:don't kno any 4549: Greatest film three hours or longer:Terminator 4550. No means..YES4551. When you are exposed to the artwork (poetry, painting etc) of a friend, family member or acquaintance how likely are you to criticize it?i don't 4552. Do you mentally reject people?kindaBefore speaking to them?yes 4553. Are we already living out 1984?yes 4554. Sing, now! What did you sing?Do I - Luke BryanCan you sing?not goodAre you the next American idol?no 4555. Do you like the feeling of a ball point pen being used to draw pictures on your palm?sure 4556. Have you ever been airbrushed?no 4557. Are you an elitist?noWhat are you elitist about?not 4558. Are you arrogant?sometimesAbout what?differnet things 4558. Use the two following words in a sentence: Ghandi, ford:Ghandi is breaking in the house.My ford is red and blue. 4559. Are you treacherous?no 4560. Nam the ten bands you are the biggest fan of:i don't have ten, but here they fo, 3 days grace, drowning pools and that's about itName the ten bands who are your biggest fans:none 4561. Are you jolly?yes 4562. What does the world stop for?nothing 4563. Would you like to reupholster your furniture in camouflage?yes 4564. Would you rather have your own personal life on the Isle of Rhodes or a new car?personal life 4565. What were you born holding?no clue 4566. Big nose, is it ugly or does it give the face character?ugleh 4567. Name three things you would NOT do, even for one million dollars (tax free): 1. sleep with anyone but mako 2. be stuck in a box with bugs 3. bite a person with AIDS 4568. Who has rejected you?lots of pple Who have you rejected?other boys 4569. Natural body odor or perfumes and colognes?colognes abd perfumes 4570. Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?Charlie BRown 4571. Who frolics in the autumn mist in a land called honalee?Petter Pan 4572. Is anything nastier as a snack than fruit roll ups?yes 4573. When you hear someone make a joke about something will you later make the same joke to someone else as if you had just thought it up?noWhat if someone just says something intelligent, would you use what they said later as if you had made it up?no 4574. What's on your pajamas?owls (laugh and u shall die) 4575. Are people nicer in new york or California?California 4576. Ever think about moving to Alaska to live as a hermit?yes 4577. You are interested in a potential mate who is already attatched. Do you encourage him or her to leave their current catch or try to find someone all alone?no 4578. Do you play in the snow?nope never seen snow 4579. Do you save a snowball in your freezer to hit someone with in the summer time?no 4580. What bible story would you like to see acted out by animated vegetables?noneWhat vegetable would play jesus?neither 4581. Will you be ready for the next alien attack?yes 4582. You can't make this easy can you?yes 4583. What is a small thing that people let slide but that actually has dire consequences?minor cheating 4584. Are you the open window maniac?no 4585. Have you ever been a hall monitor?nopeWhat exactly do hall monitors do anyway?stare 4586. Would you rather wear an army uniform or a cow costume for Halloween?army uniform 4587. When was the last time you played tag, musical chairs, hide and seek etc?years ago 4588. Can you leap frog?not gonna try 4589. What was the lost strong and clear emotion yo felt?love 4590. Are you more of a disco ball, a candle or a robot?candle 4591. Could any good come out of a nuclear holocaust?no clue 4592. Are you an angel in disguise?nope 4593. Could you have fun with a jelly fish?prollyfor 12 hours?yes 4594. Who throws the wildest parties?monkeys 4595. Do you own an I <3 NY shirt?no 4596. If you could make a channel that played only one show all day what show would it be?Kingdom Heart stupid moments 4597. Are you a rock star, only no one knows it yet?No 4598. have you ever been stung by anything?yesWhat?a wasp 4599. Who's autograph have you gotten in the last year?none 4600. Are you enjoying this?yes4601. What do you think of rappers who talk about raping and killing their mother?awesome4602. Are you art?no 4603. Do you think that most writers musicians and artists make art or lve art?artWhat would you prefer them do?art 4604. Iraq is destroying it's missiles and the white house is still not happy. Why not?cuz it's dumb 4605. Do you find Americans to be a very sterile and emotionless people?yes 4606. What do we talk about when we talk about love?the persom we love 4607. Would you write a ong about how horrible your mom is in order to sell more records?noWhy would anyone want to hear that anyway? no clue4608. Do you think that eminem is genuine or doing it all for show (even his mom says it's all for show)?genuine 4609. Should juveniles be tried as adults if they commit murder?prolly 4610. Should there be laws to restrict breeding?noShould the laws include getting a high score on an iq test?No Should the laws include proving that you can/will be able to provide care and support for the child?/noShould the laws include a background check to determine whether you will be a fit parent?yes 4611. Would you/have you ever committed statutory rape (had sex with someone 17 or younger while you were 18 or older)?no 4612. Do you believe that Mcdonald's should be held responsible for it's customer's obesity?nope 4613. Did you know that 1/2 of American adults read at an 8th grade level or below (I just saw it on fox news)?yesWhat do you think of this?it's stupid 4614. Do you drink tea with honey?no 4615. Do bees and wasps terrify you?kinda 4616. How do you decide what to say and do when someone puts the spotlight on you?i can't 4617. Are you more muddy or clean??clean 4618. If consciousness could speak what would it say?UR an IDIOT!!! 4619. Is Leslie a good name for a man?no 4620. Why do men feel they have the right to look woman up and down?cuz they think we don't notice 4621. Are you pristine?no 4621. Do you want to blind people with your wet-look lip gloss?noGuys, do you like to be blinded by super shiny wet-look lip gloss? 4622. How many years is too big of an age difference for a couple?20 4623. What would the worst name be to have?Toliet 4624. China and France are both opposed to war with Iraq. What do you think of this?it's their deccision 4625. What do you think about Canada?it's alright 4626. What country is the most generous about foreign aid?South AmericaWhat country is the least generous?Greenland 4627. Who's the sexiest actor/actress?Guy from Twilight Edward 4628. Are you a humanitarian?no 4629. Have you ever seen the Tommy and Pamela Anderson honeymoon sex video?noDo you think it was meant to be private or a publicity stunt?private prolly 4630. Are you a cat expert?yes 4631. Your most necessary accessory?hair tie 4632. What's your idea of fun?playing on the computer 4633. At what age will you panic about feeling old?about 30 4634. It's you and ___ against the world.my kitties 4635. Are you the keymaster or the gatekeeper?gatekepper 4636. When is the end of the world going to be?in about 3 years Georgia will blow up 4637. Write your own theme song now:Meow mix song 4638. Do you yell at the TV when the news disturbs you?no>>; 4639. Is society too sick to survive?yes 4640. Have you ever been involved in a ritual?no 4641. What the hell do YOU want?????you ;) 4642. Have you heard of the performance "Springtime for Hitler?"um... noWould you be interested in watching it?prolly 4643. Green Day's best album is:American Idiotwhy?cuz that's the only one i kno 4644. Fast food of choice is for you:nuggets 4645. What song is in your head RIGHT NOW!!!??Love Will Find A Way 4646. Is this a magic monet? no clue Of course it is. 4647. A theme song you hate is:hmm... Barbie song 4648. What words can you come up with by anagraming your name?Ash, and mash 4649. Are you a magician?no 4650. What kind of waffles suit you best?old kind 4651. It's the olden days and your father is going to drive all the way from the big city. He wants to bring something back for you. What do you ask him for?book4652. Have you ever watched Little House on the Prairie?yes 4653. How did Columbus discover America when people were already living here?cuz he didn't think they esisted and they weren't like himDidn't They discover it? 4654. How far can you spit?far 4655. What drinks do you know how to mix?liquir 4656. What does the perfect engagement ring look like?no clue 4657. How do you feel about arranged marriages?i hate them 4658. Do you talk to angels?sometimes 4659. What are you worried bout?nothing 4660. How often do you touch people in conversations?not often 4661. Do you read in bed?yes 4662. How many sick days in a row do you take off from school or work?1 or 2 4663. There are three nursery schools. Nursery school one has children sit together around tables. It emphasizes group play. It has building blocks that are very large, so large that it takes two or more children to lift them, in order to teach working together. It is moderately decorated and encourages the imagination by providing less materials for the children. There is one teacher per classroom and the teacher likes to allow the children to work out their own problems. Nursery school two has many materials for the children and is brightly colored and decorated. There are two teachers per class and the teachers actively intervene between the children. There are different stations (painting, blocks, etc) and the children are encouraged to make choices about what they like to do and don't like to do. Nursery school three emphasizes scheduled activities. The children sit in rows and must work alone, relying on themselves. Everything is very organized and structured. The children wear bright clothing, and are taught to memorize stories and songs. If the parents both work, this school offers whole care, which means the child can stay overnight a few days a week. Which school would you send your (possibly hypothetical) children to?one 4664. Each of those nursery schools is in a different country. Which one is in the United States? i'ma say 2Which one is in Japan?1What country is the last nursery school in?Russa 4665. What hour is your most creative time of day?dinner 4666. Does sleeping feel more satisfying when all of your work is done or when there's something else you should be doing?all of you work is done 4667. Here's a dollar. Put three songs on the juke box.all 3 country 4668. Do you refer to teenagers as 'kids' yet?no 4669. What is one thing you thought was the end of the world when you were a teenager (or if you are a teenager name something you thought was the end of the world 5 years ago)?parentsWhat do you think of this thing now?cool 4670. Are Americans uptight about sex?yesAre you?no 4671. What boardgames are in your closet?checkers 4672. What movie quote sticks out in your mind (don't tell what movie it's from, let us guess)?Do I make you h0rny baby 4673. What is the weirdest song you've Ever found yourself enjoying?Ding Dong Song by Gunther 4674. Look in your history book. Who would you f***?no one 4675. A man in the reserves is being called off to war. He wants to defend his country but he finds that his 1 year old child needs a heart transplant. In his shoes would you stay and care for your child or go and defend your country?defend country 4676. Is Wall-e likely to become an accurate prediction: a good movie: <- 4677. What is your salvation?makoWhat will it take you to achieve it?time 4678. Is alcohol the water of life?no 4679. Name a friend of the opposite sex:FransiscoHe or she tells you that he or she has always had a crush on you. Your reaction:he has 4680. Name one of your same sex friends:HannahHe or she tells you that he or she is gay. Your reaction:okThen he or she tells you he or she has always had a crush on you. Your reaction:awesome ^^ 4681. What was the difference between your reaction to the same sex and the different sex friend?....... u should knoWhy the difference of reactions?cuz it's natural 4682. Where could you go that would be so incredible you would no longer be able to come back to the life you live here and now?heaven 4683. What is the main problem you have with yourself?i don't like myself 4684. When did you wish you could disappear?when i'm embarassed 4685. Why is it that we call poor-average people crazy and rich people eccentric?no clue 4686. Is rain on your wedding day a good example of irony?yes Can you think of a good example of irony?rain 4687. What have you recently changed your mind about?nothing 4688. What is one thing you won't allow yourself to have?another female around my guy 4689. What would you say if Brad Pitt married Rosie O'Donnell?okWhat about if Catherine Zeta Jones married Drew Carrey?no kno them so idk 4690. Name something that there is no wrong way to do:fall down 4691. If you and your partner could choose which of you would carry the baby (yes even the male would be able to carry it) who would your vote be for?male 4692. If men could get pregnent would abortion become much more acceptable do you think?yes 4693. When and where have you felt most comfortable being nude?have never 4694. What subject do you know the most about?boysTell us something interesting about it.well guys can sometimes be stupid due to their testonstrone and make stupid decission that hurts their g/f 4695. What is the longest time you have gone between orgasms? a day maybe 4696. What is the least amount of money you would have to have in order to consider yourself rich?20 dollars 4697. What words have others used to describe you? funny, crazy, a pain 4698. What is the most extreme thing you would do/have done to alter your appearance? nothingWhy did you/would you do it? 4699. What is the least amount of money you would accept to never have sex again?none 4700. What has been the hardest secret to keep?Something about Mako4701. What is your reaction to beggers and homeless on the streets?eh whuteverAre they lazy?yesWhy?they can work but they choose not to it's their fault 4702. Does pure altruism exist? Why or why not?idk 4703. Is 'You like me and I like it all' an attitude you might have?maybe 4704. Finish the words. Ch:urch An:t Ge:ophone So:mbody Ne:gative Bo:dy Wi:IOmi E:at 4705. What's your favorite science fiction movie?don't have oneMake it a double feature. What's your second favorite?no have one 4706. If you had a remote control for people who would you set on mute?yes 4707. When have you felt like you were living in the twilight zone?[n]never[/b] 4708. Do you have penis envy?noDo you have vagina envy?no 4709. The maker doesn't want it; the buyer doesn't use it; and the user doesn't see it. What is it?weed 4710. A child is born in Boston, Mass., to parents who were both born in Boston, Mass. The child is not a U.S. citizen. How is this possible?parent were here illegaly 4711. Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain on Earth?volcanoes 4712. If you had to choose between being 3ft. tall or 9ft. tall which would you be?3ft 4711. If you could know the answer to any 3 questions, what would they be?:why are guys horny 24/7?what do animals saydoes my cat liek me 4712. If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the body or the mind of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?no 4713. Would it disturb you much if, upon your death, your body were simply thrown into the woods and left to rot? Why?no, cuz i'd be helping nature 4714. Would you like to know the precise date of your future death?no 4715. Would you be willing to give up all television for the next 5 years if it meant 1,000 starving children in Indonesia would eat and get medical care?[n]nope[/b]4716. Name a close friend of the opposite sex:Imagine they are from another country, visiting yours. Their visa is almost expired and if they get sent back to their country they may never get another visa to leave again. Would you marry them if after two years you could divorce them and they would be allowed to stay in your country?bob and no 4717. Do you always call/email in when you take a day off from schol or work?nope 4718. A fatalist believes that the future is mapped out in a pattern. A causalist believes that every event is tied to a previous event. Neither believes in free will. An indeterminist believes in total free will. Which are you? indeterminist 4719. Would you rather have a masters degree in economics or creative writing?creative writing 4718. Do you feel the need to defend the honor of your family and demand respect?no 4719. What do you think about that no one else thinks about?cats 4720. Which of the following best describes you: A laid back person who enjoys watching sports and playing with computers. An apathetic person who is open minded and passionate about music. A feisty person who lacks an attention span. Avant garde and over confident. 4721. Why are so many letters silent in French?no clue 4722. For all the freedoms that people in the United States enjoy what are some of the ways that these people oppress themselves willingly and why?murder cuz with good lawyers they can get away with it 4723. What, besides genetics and besides your environment and experiences, makes you what/who you are?perconailty 4724. What bands do your parents listen to that you: hate? gospel like? country 4725. What do you find: impressive: animals unimpressive: gross men 4726. How easily do you understand Shakespeare?not so much4728. Translate into regular English: 'Romeo Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?' Romeo where you my love 4729. What's your favorite girl scout cookie?no have oneIs it made from real girl scouts?prolly 4730. How do you open your car door when it freezes shut?hammer 4731. Why is it that 95 percent of the letters in french words are not pronounced?no clue 4732. What are you Dreading?school 4733. When will your ship come in?1 yr 4734. Do you create your art for free?no 4735. The Pope's recent message to George Bush is 'Go into Iraq and you go without God'. What do you think of this quote?eh4736. Have/would you ever taken a botany (plants) course?yes4737. Are you using your own computer or someone else's to take this survey?own 4742. Is it true what they say about Star Trek movies, that only evey other one is worth seeing?yes 4743. Someone once said, 'Every possible outcome of something takes place in a parallel universe. So there is free will, but your choices only determine which of those parallel universes you live in.' Your reaction?? 4744. Why do you think a man 25 or above might date a teenager?yesWhy do you think a woman 25 or above might date a teenager?yesAny moral objections?no 4745. Is there a difference between what is legal and what is ethical?noShould there be?prolly 4746. Point out something obvious:MeowPoint out something that isn't obvious at all:I'm typing 4747. How do you stay so thin?i don't 4748. When looking at a clear night sky what constellations can you locate?stars and the moon 4749. What movie has the worst ending ever?twilightThe best ending ever?lionking 4750. Are you feelin' groovy?no4751. Oh the tangled web we weave when:yes4752. Do you own anything velevet?noIf yes, when you wear it can you keep from touching it? 4753. Who have you been friends with the longest?mariaHow long have you two been friends?4 yrs 4754. Who do you feel like you are in competition with?a girl who stay round mako alot 4755. Is American culture more like Mexican culture or more like Japanese culture and why do you think so?mexican cuz they're closer to us 4756. What subject are you so familiar with that you could you write an FAQ (frequently asked questions) list about it?historyWhat would one question on that list be?no clueWhat is the answer to that question?meow 4757. 'Don't use the rules. They're not for you - they're for the fools and you're a fool if you don't know that. So use the rules you stupid fool' How do you feel about these Clash lyrics?i'ma fool 4758. Are you for or against: Unconditional Religious tolerance? World Peace Under One Government? total freedom Feminism? Love For all Creatures and People? Organized Religion? The Freedom to be Homophobic? The War on Terror? The Green Party? 4759. Have you read any of Anne Rice's Sleeping Beauty books?noIf yes, what did you think of them? 4760. Can you do any voices or impressions and if yes, what ones?no 4761. Guys, is it true that gentlemen prefer blondes? Girls, do blondes really have more fun?no 4762. Do you enjoy sneaking up on people?yes 4763. Do you often break plans?yes 4764. "Angry" and "hungry" are two words that end in "gry". There are three words in the English language. What is the third word? Everyone knows what it means and everyone uses it every day. Look closely and I have already given you the third word. What is it?don't see it 4765. Does anyone smoke in your home?yesIf yes, does that bother you?no 4766. Have you ever actually seen a pink elephant?no 4767. The answer to 4764 is "language". Did you get it? Get it now, then?yes 4768. What was the most embarrassing or crazy thing you ever dreamed?no clue 4769. Are you depraved (marked by corruption or evil; perverted)?yes 4770. Who or what comes to mind when you hear the words: the dangerous objects factory? toys the dude who says dude? sufer the man in black? dog the catastrophe involving food? eggs the duct tape incident bed 4771. In blackjack, do you often double down?no 4772. Who's the big winner?me 4773. Who do you care more about, your close friend in elementary school that you lost touh with or your first lover?1st love 4774. What's your favorite part of a cat?head 4775. What was on the last cd you burned?taylor swift 4776. If you wanted to learn a new language would you consider buying a Disney movie in that language to pick up pronunciation?noWhat Disney movie? 4777. Is there a modern plague? What?yes jerkism 4778. Are your baths and showers so hot that your skin gets red?yes 4779. When you dry your body after a shower do you dry your parts in the same order each time, almost automatically, or do you dry your prts in a random order each time, thinking about it while you're doing it?random 4780. Do you feel like those who are speak a language around you that you can't understand are making fun of you?no 4781. If you were blindfolded and your love/partner was placed in a line of fifty people could you pick him or her out only by: touching the face of each person? feeling one elbow of each person? smelling the breath of each person? licking the neck of each person? listening to the breathing of each person? psychically sensing each person? scent4782. Close your eyes and turn your head towards the room you are in. Open your eyes. Describe the first object you see without telling what it is:wooden, with alid on it 4783. What three questions will you never say NO to?sex, riding, and folow me 4784. Would you like to see an American in Paris?prolly 4785. Are you more of a couch or a scratching post?couchIs there a difference?no4786. What is more important, imagination or knowledge?imagination4787. Would you consider modern life to be rubbish?no 4788. What's the most sinful food?no clue 4789. Name one thing about yourself that you are excessively proud of:my taste 4790. If you went to Hell (imagining there is one) rank these punishments in order of the one you would most prefer to the one you would least prefer. being broken on the wheel:7 being put in freezing water:6 being force fed rats and snakes:5 being smothered by brimstone and fire:4 being dismembered alive:3 being boiled in oil:2 being thrown into snake pits: 1 In my mind hell is not like this. It's just a place where all the interesting people go to drink, talk and tan.same 4791. What other windows or websites do you have open on your computer right now?none 4792. What kind of student were you in kindergarten?a misleading one 4793. What misjudgement do many people make about you?that i'm a bich 4794. If you had been named according to your personality what would your name be?same 4795. What is made for kids but you love it anyway?candy 4796. Do you believe that China should cease to occupy Tibet?no 4797. What is your opinion about the north American free trade agreement?it's okIf you don't know go here: http://forums.transnationale.org/viewtopic.php?p=502 4798. Dedicate a song to someone now. What song? To who? What line from that song most makes you think about this person? 4799. Can you live completely in the moment giving no thought to past or future?yes 4800. Can you honestly say that nothing bothers you?No Do you enjoy answering all of Static's questions?[/color]yeswhat if nixon called goku idk call chuck norris Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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