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Oh Look a Smexi Girl (...Srsly...)


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When will you post a pic of you (with mako)? D:>


when i tie mako up and force him to take a picture with me... XD my friend has one of us.. but it's kinda uh not ment for post lol




Where's the Smexi Girl?


She got away

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i made boom boom change me


I am not a mother.... and i'm not changin anything.. but if u want send mako tha shark-man a private message and agravate him to death


yea sure


if he gets mad say it's Kitty's payback... he'll now.. XD

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  'WiiOmi said:

If youre looking better' date=' why are you worrying?



because he's a pervert that would and does flirt with every girl.. plus he has known her longer and tells her everything... it's annoying.... and she sorta his 'master' Y that i have no idea...

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Do you really think mako is stupid enough to cancel a couple with you?


no offense to other guys but he's a guy and when their hormones get to pumping they turn stupid....and he's gettin to his prime now so his hormones are prolly racing wild right now...

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Do you really think mako is stupid enough to cancel a couple with you?


no offense to other guys but he's a guy and when their hormones get to pumping they turn stupid....and he's gettin to his prime now so his hormones are prolly racing wild right now...


Why do you have to say that about every guy? Why not just him? Huh? Why all of us, some of us aren't like that, right? So why you gotta hate on all of us, huh? It should be just him being mentioned in that post, right?


6 Questions at once FTW

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  'Lucifer said:



Why do you have to say that about every guy? Why not just him? Huh? Why all of us' date=' some of us aren't like that, right? So why you gotta hate on all of us, huh? It should be just him being mentioned in that post, right?


6 Questions at once FTW




i said no offense srry... well srry for those guys of you that aren't like that... yeah yeah it should.... but it doesn't...


Where can I read your book when its done?


whut a book on guys.. i'm not writing a book on guys... I'm more of a romantic novelists...


yea where


same as WiiOmi's answer

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  'Cypress said:

Can you answer the question at the bottom of my sig? if so' date=' answer it



yeah idk cuz i like you...



  'ed carter123 said:

do you know where to find a flux copasseter


nope cuz i no know whut that is




Don't know if this is true' date=' but I heard from a friend:

Did you know that women that read romance novels make 75% more love than women that don't?


That's what I heard.




duh it makes them more pervier...-.- I'ma victim

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