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Oh Look a Smexi Girl (...Srsly...)


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yes now you dont have to be split between friends


i kno i hate that escpecially when my school friends starting fighting over a boy -.- Gosh so annoying.. I'm like leave me outta it.. u'll end up dumping him anyway.. lol X3

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ha yea its like us guys at my school exsept we literly get in fights over girls' date='they end up dumping us any way thow





so guys anymore questions? yes nu.. anyone...


well i can ask my self


Question: How much do you like Mako tha shark-man?


Answer: Well if i tried to explain it's be alot of typing so here's a summary

Imagine the who width of the unerverse and it still can't contain my love 4 the sweetest, most wonderful, nicest, funniest, awesomness, fun-loving, guy in the whole world and my one and only Superman!!! ~♥~

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how old were you when you got on this web site


15 and before u ask I'm still 15

ed carter' date=' you sig is too big and it annoys me. Shrink it or use the hide option and such.


Topic: If you can make love, would you?




With Mako and Mako only then yes...

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Your 15. Rofl. She's probably older than me by a few months.


Question: Have you ever seen my posted cards' date=' or cards in a contest?



no but pm the links and i'll look at them..






Did you have a look at my ultimate Freak set? :3


no but give me the link and i will



ed....my real name IS mako the stupid parents of mine changed it in my exilization....im acursed with this common name until i can change it back......when i was exiled my first and last name were changed.....so plz refer to me as mako.....thank you


if chuck noris went back in time and faught himself who'd win?


Oh shut up you have a beautiful name.. i love it the way it is...


um i'm guess Chuck Noris..





if rambo got in a fight with rockey balboa whoed win



Did you have a look at my One Piece set? :3


no not yet..

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my name is too common.....besides my origonal father named me mako.....as a joke' date=' but i like it...



hmph call ur self whut ever you want.. BUt ur still My Kevin to meh. ;) Always will be....my love.... and like Master will always be my little honey bunchkins...

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and the answer to my chuck question is..."he would.....period."


Yeah and I could beat ur AZZ!!!! muhahahaha

i hate that i had a good name that was a joke...and now have a joke of a name that ppl thank is good.......


wiiomi....who dont?


and kitty in addition to wiiomi's question....what r they?


muhaahhahahaha >=) u'd love to kno whouldn't you Mako... hmmm hmmmm..... *evil chuckle*

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what is my complete origonal name?


i don't kno...i kno scent better than name love



Have you ever beaten anybody? I mean not only slap but beating somebody up' date=' bullying and stuff.



no.. but i will to protect either Mako or myself.. but with that i'd try to kill no beat..



^^^^yeah she has......me.


and don't you forget it either...

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