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Oh Look a Smexi Girl (...Srsly...)


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you wouldent do it for a scoobie snack


no.. i wouldn't... Mako can't get his hands on you but me on the other hand is a different story...





are you beautiful' date=' cute or atractive?



I like to use the word Adorable



^^ the Guys On Top.


....WTF ROFL!!!! XD



Anyways what are you doing?


nuthin and i'm bored too XD



if i almost died waht would you do to save me (besides take me to a hospital so obvious :P)


um..... i would um get Mako to help prolly... X3

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If the above almost died and it was my fault what would you do to help me destroy the evidence?



no i'd black mail you and make you do my bidding then i'd turn you in to go to jail :twisted:




wanna be friends?



Why is the sky blue?

cuz God wanted it that way

Where in the world is Carmen Sandeigo?

in the north somewhere


Like my avi?






When does edcarter come into puberty?


all guys do at ten years old... u guys are lucky!!!!!



Oh' date=' and Ed, Mako's going to beat you up internet style. 8)



accualy ill hunt him down and slauter him in front of his whole family....


down love down.... remember he don't kno where we live *kiss*




i got another question: Where are all the Answers?


in the answer box where else




Another question:



Are you dead?


yes i am ;)

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Do you agree that mako is teh kewl guy? 8)


Mako's the most awesomeness' date=' stupidness, most flirtiness with other girl, and will stray [b']alot[/b] but he's pretty cool when he's not acting all weird and sucking up for his mistakes...

im just kidding ' date='i respect you and mako





u might wanna tell mako you were kidding...

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you know theres anouther mako on this site' date='hopes hes not confused



i think his name is spelled mayko... so i don't think so... just to clear it up i'm talking about Mako tha shark-man



ok ed' date=' I was joking xP


Do you think this sentence is right:

"Everybody is intelligent until he proves the opposite." ?



yep... sounds ok to meh....

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i know who your talking about


i kno u' date=' WiiOmi, Lionheart and most of the others kno but some pple may not.. >.<; and i certainly don't need pple asking me out... i hate turning pple down.. -.- I hate bein mean... -.-;[hr']

Which pokemon would be your partner when they were real?


well I'd have two..

a Charizard nicknamed Itachi

and i Vaporeon nicknamed Mako

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Yay! ^q^


Which pokemon do you hate?



hate is a strong word I go with the weak one who get defeated easily..


I'd have to say the weak one are

Bulbasaur seriously have you tried to raise one of these on fire red? Hard....

Oddish - i just have a thing with Grass Pokemon...they like get defeated easily...

Spearow no good attacks

Rapidash... get defeated really easily...

that pretty much all i can think off..

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