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Planet Express - The Futurama Club

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[align=center]Welcome to Planet Express!


We'll deliver your stuff!


Well, erm, in this era, Planet Express used to be a club. The message you received was at the year 3000. lolno. Anyway, this club is made for the show, Futurama.


[spoiler=Members]1. Ramanga



[spoiler=History]7/19/09 - Club is created.



[spoiler=The Banned List]None. Let's keep it that way.



[spoiler=Hall of Honor]Nobody yet.



[spoiler=Affilations]Nobody yet.



[spoiler=How to Join/Affilate]Just say you want to join/affilate.






kthxbai. (The OP message will be replaced by the best banner)[/align]

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