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Ask Roxas a question.

Phantom Roxas

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I QUOTED THIS POST FROM ANOTHER ASK ME A QUESTION THREAD. If I already asked you one of the questions in this quote, don't answer them. I put it in caps SO YOU'D SEE IT


  'awesome66 said:

This means war' date=' Roxas. *final countdown plays*


What was your goal when you joined this site?


What is your current goal on this site?


What is your favorite section?


If you could add any section, which one would it be?


Have you ever RP'd?


Have you ever made a club?


What did you start out doing on this site?


If you could delete any section, which one would it be?


What is you least favorite section?


Have you ever written a fan-fic?


Have you ever been banned?


If so, how many times?


Do you think I'm a good cardmaker?


What was the best thing you've ever done on this site?


Have you ever won an award?


What is the coolest Avvi you've ever seen?


What is your favorite commercial?


What would you do if I rick roll'd you?


What if I laughed at you for you falling for my rick roll?


How many times have you been rick roll'd?


If you could ban any member, which one would it be?


What was the worst thing you've ever done on this site?


Have you ever made an internet forum?


What are your opinions on the roleplaying section?


Who is your favorite member besides yourself?


As a member, how would you rate me on a scale from 1-10?


What kind of movies do you watch?


If you could change your star level, what would it be? (inb4over9000!!!!!!)


What is your favorite internet meme?




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  'awesome66 said:

I QUOTED THIS POST FROM ANOTHER ASK ME A QUESTION THREAD. If I already asked you one of the questions in this quote' date=' don't answer them. I put it in caps SO YOU'D SEE IT



This means war, Roxas. *final countdown plays*


What was your goal when you joined this site? Nothing, really.


What is your current goal on this site? Become the Roleplay Mod.


What is your favorite section? Anime, Movies & TV Shows, and General.


If you could add any section, which one would it be? A Literature Section. I'd move Fanfic and Roleplay there, and Roleplay wouldn't be a sub-section of Fanfic.


Have you ever RP'd? Several times.


Have you ever made a club? You joined my club.


What did you start out doing on this site? Just making some cards and mostly posting on the forums.


If you could delete any section, which one would it be? Probably Any Other Cards.


What is you least favorite section? Probably Introductions. Nothing to do there but greet people.


Have you ever written a fan-fic? Yes. I never finish them though.


Have you ever been banned? No.


Do you think I'm a good cardmaker? I haven't seen your cards.


What was the best thing you've ever done on this site? Creating Organization XIII.


Have you ever won an award? Yes. I've won Best Club/Organization a few times.


What is the coolest Avvi you've ever seen? Hard to say.


What is your favorite commercial? Dunno.


What would you do if I rick roll'd you? Probably just curse a little bit.


What if I laughed at you for you falling for my rick roll? I'd just shrug.


How many times have you been rick roll'd? More times than I can count.


If you could ban any member, which one would it be? I'll avoid this question, since it's very likely they'd find the answer.


What was the worst thing you've ever done on this site? Turning down the position of Roleplay Mod because I wanted to be the Movies & TV Shows Mod.


Have you ever made an internet forum? No.


What are your opinions on the roleplaying section? Good God, I want to punch everyone that roleplays in script-speak, which is well over half of the commoners.


Who is your favorite member besides yourself? Tie between Larxene, Zexaeon, Crab Helmet, and Dealer Umbra.


As a member, how would you rate me on a scale from 1-10? I give you a nine for improving greatly.


What kind of movies do you watch? It varies. I usually like action-adventure, comedy, and occasionally romance.


If you could change your star level, what would it be? (inb4over9000!!!!!!) I have well over 10,000 posts. I'd change my star level to seven.


What is your favorite internet meme? Can't really say.




  'Dweller of Parables said:

It's the main organization of Kingdom Hearts II' date=' obviously.



Why not something else? <_<


It's easier for me to make a Pop Culture-based club. Creating Organization XIII makes sense, since at that time my name was Phantom Roxas.

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Would you care to see the next Harry Potter Movie?


Would you reject an offer like $20?


What is equivalent to the value of your soul?


Floss or Dent?


Pick one.

Grow or Shrink?

Search or Forget?

Bat or Bat?

Annoyance or comfort?

Ban or Perma-ban?

Hammer or Club?

Car or Truck?

Silence or Loudness?

Light or Dark?

Dark Steel or Mirrodin?

Fire or Water?

Rebirth or Reborn?

Would you change your name?

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  'Dweller of Parables said:



Would you care to see the next Harry Potter Movie? Yes.


Would you reject an offer like $20? No.


What is equivalent to the value of your soul? Well over the sum of the souls of half of the members on this forum.


Floss or Dent? Dent.


Pick one.

Grow or Shrink? Depends' date=' how much would my height change.[/b']

Search or Forget? Only if it benefits me.

Bat or Bat? The animal.

Annoyance or comfort? Comfort.

Ban or Perma-ban? Depends on the member. There's a couple I'd like to perma-ban.

Hammer or Club? Hammer.

Car or Truck? Car.

Silence or Loudness? Silence.

Light or Dark? Light.

Dark Steel or Mirrodin? Dark Steel.

Fire or Water? Fire.

Rebirth or Reborn? Rebirth.

Would you change your name? First name, last name, or username?

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  'awesome66 said:

Well' date=' I believe I might roleplay in script speak. I don't know what it is. I came here and I figured that was how you RP. I've never RP'd before except here.


How is roleplaying really supposed to be done? (If long, say over PM.)



You know how you write a book? That's pretty much how you're supposed to Roleplay.


  'WiiOmi said:

Is my new avi' date=' title, sig great?



Well, they're better than your old one, I'll give you that. I can't stand One Piece, but when I did watch it, I absolutely loved Chopper.

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  'Roxas said:

Well' date=' I believe I might roleplay in script speak. I don't know what it is. I came here and I figured that was how you RP. I've never RP'd before except here.


How is roleplaying really supposed to be done? (If long, say over PM.)



You know how you write a book? That's pretty much how you're supposed to Roleplay.


  'WiiOmi said:

Is my new avi' date=' title, sig great?



Well, they're better than your old one, I'll give you that. I can't stand One Piece, but when I did watch it, I absolutely loved Chopper.


So you RP like you write a book? I've written a Fan fic, and I believe that is how I do it. Although, sometimes I put "(Character Name Here):" Then write their actions and words, considering I sometimes have multiple characters, and that's also how I show that I'm in character. Is that the correct way to roleplay in your eyes? I'm trying to learn how to roleplay correctly.

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  'awesome66 said:

Well' date=' I believe I might roleplay in script speak. I don't know what it is. I came here and I figured that was how you RP. I've never RP'd before except here.


How is roleplaying really supposed to be done? (If long, say over PM.)



You know how you write a book? That's pretty much how you're supposed to Roleplay.


  'WiiOmi said:

Is my new avi' date=' title, sig great?



Well, they're better than your old one, I'll give you that. I can't stand One Piece, but when I did watch it, I absolutely loved Chopper.


So you RP like you write a book? I've written a Fan fic, and I believe that is how I do it. Although, sometimes I put "(Character Name Here):" Then write their actions and words, considering I sometimes have multiple characters, and that's also how I show that I'm in character. Is that the correct way to roleplay in your eyes? I'm trying to learn how to roleplay correctly.


That is the worst way to Roleplay, since that is script-speak.

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  'Roxas said:

Well' date=' I believe I might roleplay in script speak. I don't know what it is. I came here and I figured that was how you RP. I've never RP'd before except here.


How is roleplaying really supposed to be done? (If long, say over PM.)



You know how you write a book? That's pretty much how you're supposed to Roleplay.


  'WiiOmi said:

Is my new avi' date=' title, sig great?



Well, they're better than your old one, I'll give you that. I can't stand One Piece, but when I did watch it, I absolutely loved Chopper.


So you RP like you write a book? I've written a Fan fic, and I believe that is how I do it. Although, sometimes I put "(Character Name Here):" Then write their actions and words, considering I sometimes have multiple characters, and that's also how I show that I'm in character. Is that the correct way to roleplay in your eyes? I'm trying to learn how to roleplay correctly.


That is the worst way to Roleplay, since that is script-speak.


Ooops. Sorry, I have never had any experiances with scripts. So I didn't know what script speak was.


Want a free punch at meh?

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Did you ever imagine that objects have a life of their own?


What is it like to be an object, do ya think?


Do stones, rocks, trees, lamps, water, couches, etc all have some sort of life energy running through them?


If ____ asked me for sex, I could NOT refuse. Fill in the blank as if you were speaking.


What is 'nothing'?


Would you rather read about how to get better abs or about how thousands of people across the globe are marching for peace?


Should america make love, not war?


If you could nominate anyone for sainthood, who ould you and why?


Can you name one person who is purely good?


How about one person who is completely evil?


Is there a book inside of you?


If yes, what about?


Do you call people more often or get calls more often?


What do you wake up to?


If you could get a free subscription to any magazine what would it be?


When you wrote letters to santa did you ever ask for stuff that didn't exist?


How are you like a toaster?


Do you believe we are really in the matrix?


What do you think aliens would think of life on earth?


Nails, long or short?


Do you like vines on old buildings?


How about grafitti on old buildings?


Do you prefer touch lamps, the clapper, or the old-fashioned light switch?


It's not easy bein' ____. Fill in the blank as if you were speaking.


Is there a song that has been stuck in your head since you were a child?


Do you recycle?


What is your strongest point?


What is your weakest point?


What are you doing to work on that weakness?


If you were a lotion, what would your label say?


What side id your good side?


Why haven't we begun to colonize the moon?


Is the force with you?


What can no one stop you from doing?


Who would you be bored without?


What is your biggest hope?


Have you ever corrupted someone or dragged them down?


If you could say/teach one thing to all the youth of America what would it be?


Does any part of your body get in your way?


Do you trust your feelings?


Do you feel empty or passionate most of the time?


What was your monet of triumph?


Explain what piety is:


In what ways are you a rebel?


In what ways are you a conformist?


Do you likie movie endings that leave you wondering or tie up all the loose ends?


What movie has the best soundtrack?


What doo your shoes look like?


Do you ever admire yourself while naked?


If you could make someone's clothes magically disappear who would you do it to and where?

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  'WiiOmi said:

Dunno if I already asked it' date=' but how am I rated on a scale from 1 to 10, 10 the best?



I believe I said you're hardly a 5.


  'Lil Jevans said:

What would be your favourite thing on the site?






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how many contests have you entered


Too many to count.

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