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Ask Roxas a question.

Phantom Roxas

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  '.:Mídníght Thíef:. said:

Indubitebly my young fellow.


Do you own any pets?


No. I had pet frogs years ago though.



How is/was your Cruise?


It was really fun. There were a lot of teenagers on the cruise' date=' so I had people to hang out with.



What was the stupidest thing you did to injure yourself?


Um, I doubt know. I'm pretty sure I've done a lot of stupid things to injure myself though.



Whats your Favorite Keyblade?


Either the KH2 Ultimate Weapon or Terra's Keyblade.



Wanna get jiggy with Xiggy?


I'm straight, sorry.

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  '.:Mídníght Thíef:. said:

Do you wanna revenge screw?





@Roxas - Sorry' date=' but I couldn't resist. That had to have been one of the best quotes for Xigbar...


Now then...


Why hasn't there been a Kingdom Hearts fighting game made yet? (and not like Ehrgeiz, either. That was awful...)



Because Kingdom Hearts has a story that needs to be finished up. They could add Kingdom Hearts questions to Dissidia.

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  'grimreaper450 said:

Did you come up with 1%?





Answer either Yes or No.


Are you embrassed about crapping your diaper today?




Considering the fact that I haven't wore in diaper in well over a decade' date=' I'm going to say no.



Did you ever tried to poo but nothing came? *ahahaha, embarrassing question is big and bad! >=]]*


A disturbing question, and many people have had this problem.



Have you ever pushed out a turd so hard you saw blood?


This talk about poo is epic. XD


And you care why?

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