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A tiny bit of Photo Manipulation.


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^Entering in a SOTW.


There isnt supposed too be a focal, its just supposed too be photo manip.

I actually quite enjoyed making this, and i think the outcome will not win me that competition.


CnC :p


Also, i know its not good. I know its not good at all. You dont have too say it.

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EEEEEEEEWWWWWWW un-selective colours D:




In GIMP: Copy visible -> Paste -> New Layer -> desaturation


Not sure about PS though.


This is for this right?


Try to lessen the saturation' date=' make it lighter, to is seems like the rays of light are filtering through the tress. Right now it just looks like a forest with a red spot.




It looks pretty decent to me' date=' except for what Taiga Yamashita said. Also, the text looks terrible there.



=_= I know. i know.


I've lost whatever skill i had didnt i

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