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God Card Contest

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Here are my cards!

347375n.jpgThis card may destroy one spell/trap and one monster card on your opponents side of the field per turn. Also, This card may gain unlimited power if you discard your entire deck. Finally, you may also not lose the duel while this card is on the field. This card may not be destroyed as a result of battle. 347375.jpgBy removing Soul of the Skies, Pyromaniac Heatshot, Pegausai of the Ocean, Gaia Golem, The Mage of Light and the Nefarious gargoyle from play. You may then summon Apocalypse Bringer of Chaos to the field. You can remove them from play if they our on your side of the field, hand or even from your deck. 347375u.jpgThese Pegausai have extreme power while in water. They travel the ocean blue and give rides to citic=zens of the ocean. 347375u.jpgHe is a pyromaniac that enjoys the singe of fire. He can burn anything in his path. 347375i.jpg This innocent soul was killed in a shooting. He ascends to the sky as paradise of his own.347375a.jpgThis Golem is an extreme brawler, he can lift up to 10 tons and can withstand ultimate heats. 347375y.jpgThis young mage does everything he can to help thoes in need, but if provoked can show deadly rage. 347375.jpgThis fiend watches over his graveyard. Many people who lurk around his graveyard disappear.

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hello yes i know the contest ended i jusst havent beenm on lately calm down there will be a winner i might not declare it today cause im gonna be on and off but it will be chosen by at most tomorow probably today

ok heres who won!!!!!!!! (cmc1234 will send you the reps)


1st Place-aznxpwr!!!!!! (4 reps)

2nd Place- joey5700!!! (2 reps)

3rd Place- cmc1234!! (20 pts)

4th Place- Metavosis! (10 pts)


congratz and have a nice life!!!!!!

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