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Dragon Lockdown

Yusei Fudou

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This deck is a sort of a Horus deck combined with other lockdown and dragon cards, I won a good number of duels with it.. I use it on GKO and I think I should add Jinzo but I'm too lazy to just add Jinzo and remove something else.. any fixes? And please rate. :P


Whoever says my deck totally sucks or something like that, here's a reply: "Fix the deck, smartass"


* 1x Armed Dragon LV3

* 1x Card Trooper

* 3x Cyber Dragon

* 1x Elemental Hero Stratos

* 2x Elemental Hero Wildheart

* 3x Enemy Controller

* 1x Heavy Storm

* 3x Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV4

* 3x Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6

* 2x Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8

* 1x Horus' Servant

* 1x Jinzo

* 1x Level Modulation

* 2x Level Up

* 2x Lord of D.

* 2x Luster Dragon

* 1x Mirror Force

* 1x Mystical Space Typhoon

* 2x Royal Decree

* 1x Shrink

* 1x Smashing Ground

* 2x Spear Dragon

* 1x The Flute of Summoning Dragon

* 2x The Graveyard in the Fourth Dimension


Improved Version LV1:

* 3x Armed Dragon LV3

* 3x Armed Dragon LV5

* 2x Armed Dragon LV7

* 1x Card Trooper

* 3x Cyber Dragon

* 1x Elemental Hero Stratos

* 2x Elemental Hero Wildheart

* 3x Enemy Controller

* 1x Heavy Storm

* 3x Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV4

* 3x Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6

* 2x Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8

* 1x Horus' Servant

* 1x Jinzo

* 1x Level Modulation

* 2x Level Up

* 1x Luster Dragon

* 1x Mirror Force

* 1x Mystical Space Typhoon

* 2x Royal Decree

* 1x Shrink

* 1x Smashing Ground

* 1x Spear Dragon

Fix it, gogogo.. I still think it needs a fix.

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OldMaster Wrote:

- 1 Royal Decree

+ 1 LV 10.


You won't believe how storong they are.



or how hard to get out..u have to sacrifice a lv 7..u can't even use level up


Yes, I wouldn't get it in this deck after all.. it's not mainly focusing on Armed Dragons, just Horus and other lockdown cards. Yaro, as you can see, the title is Dragon Lockdown, not Armed Dragons =P

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Looks a lot like mine except for the Armed Dragons. Looks pretty good. :)


This may sound crazy, but I recommend take out Horus' Servant for a Scapegoat. I've used a Horus' Servant for awhile, and he never really did is job and was always killed a little too easily before he actually did anything good. With Scapegoat, you can use it with some Enemy Controllers to really screw with your opponent.

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