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Type Killers

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I see this on just about every list I see, and I agree with it. It's a blatant shot to the head to Machines everywhere.


We're not here to discuss Chimeratech Fortress Dragon, but where the line must be drawn with type-killers like it. What's their "breaking point"?


Should cards like System Down, Warrior Elimination, Last Day of Witch, Exile of the Wicked, and the like also be taken out? Should cards that, directly or not, specifically target certain Decktypes also be taken out? Should we take out cards like Mirror of Oaths, Light-Imprisoning Mirror, and even cards like Royal Oppression because they're "Decktype killers"? Should we start madly looking for anything that directly inconveniences certain Decktypes? At what point do we stop?




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They already banned Tribe Infecting Virus...Why More?


It's because they reduce variety in the Deck pool.



exactly' date=' virus hits every decktype. these cards hit one. so unless next time you go to locals, and you face the same deck 7 times, 1 decktype killer wont hurt



Their being good against a Deck that's dominating generally isn't the problem, because if those Decks are dominating, chances are they aren't awfully hindered by cards that target them. It's Decks that won't get to see play because they're too overwhelmed by that card's power. Why should it be fair that cards like System Down see play when a card with System Down's effect which worked against all types would be banned without question? It's unfair to those Decks.

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System Down, Warrior Elimination, Last Day of Witch, Exile of the Wicked Never see play...I don't see the problem with them being there coz Anyway Nobody uses them...and this are not a excuse to the low play action this specific types have right now.


LIM, SIM are they to stop the current meta decks...

Royal Oppresion is another thing...

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So, does this mean Fortress Dragon is the current format's TIV?


Warrior Elimination, Last Day of Witch, etc. are deck killers, but they shouldn't be taken out or limited at all. Nowadays, monsters on the field expandible. They can be recovered/used at almost anytime now. Even being RFP'd isn't as game-breaking as it used to be. While those cards would cause damage, they're basicly a type-specific Lightning Vortex. Now if they worked in a way like CCV that effected your deck, THAT would deserve the list. Fortress simply deserves the list because he ruins your opponent's field and rewards you with a lolatk beatstick.


Light/Dark Mirror = Light/Dark Skill Drain, right? If that's the case, those Mirrors wont stop the best effects in their deck (i.e. Honest and Swarming), so it wouldn't matter.


SS negation is crucial to anti meta. Some rewards you for stopping the SS, but most (if not all) cards require some kind of cost or need the SS'd card to have come from a certain place. While this does limit many of the player's choices, this will most likely only buy the card's user time and delay their opponent. At best, I'd say Oppression would be at 2. That's the best I can think of really.

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I think the problem that the topic is trying to get at is the overall effect it has. It's very hard for a type to become meta and a strong, commonplace Deck when there are side Deck options that just act like a Regiki for it, and in Cydra's case. One that gives a beat stick for doing so.

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