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More mods. (Not requesting to become one)

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More Mods mean more lack of Communication. Although I did fight my hardest to have Icy promoted when I was alone in CC (It's J-Max by the way, I will not be signing in with my old account)


To be honest i've been watching YCM on and off since leaving and i'm quite impressed with the way things have been going. Noticed that Icy became a Super (Good on you mate ^_^) Oh don't worry i'm readdy for the "Double Accounter!" or "Spammer as J-Max!" and to put that clear I am J-Max. Enough of that anyway. It's great to see the Mod team has evolved so much and in a way i'm proud lol. I'd love to come back but I have other plans. Anywho, it was great to post in a thread for a change and Peace out YCM. Keep rocking CC Mods :D

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Hunter, by saying you are against this... Well, I guess you have the fear of having too many people with the banhammer running around, but maybe we need a few more banhammer brandishing people, as long as you can trust them.


And don't look at me for any positions. I don't have the time nor the dedication to become a mod. I am already an admin for two forums, and I run a shop on this one. Tie that in with the fact that I'm gearing up for this:


and I don't have any spare time.

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Hunter' date=' by saying you are against this... Well, I guess you have the fear of having too many people with the banhammer running around, but maybe we need a few more banhammer brandishing people, as long as you can trust them.


And don't look at me for any positions. I don't have the time nor the dedication to become a mod. I am already an admin for two forums, and I run a shop on this one. Tie that in with the fact that I'm gearing up for this:


and I don't have any spare time.


Hah, no. Your stupid. Understand that mods already have enough on there hands, and that Icy just got super and Chaos got Regular. I think thats alright for now, but maybe in a couple of months they'll promote another. Plus, gloating that you dont have the time to be a mod on this forum becaues "Your a mod on two different forums and run a shop on this one" is just stupid. Gloating is idiotic.

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Hunter' date=' by saying you are against this... Well, I guess you have the fear of having too many people with the banhammer running around, but maybe we need a few more banhammer brandishing people, as long as you can trust them.


And don't look at me for any positions. I don't have the time nor the dedication to become a mod. I am already an admin for two forums, and I run a shop on this one. Tie that in with the fact that I'm gearing up for this:


and I don't have any spare time.


Hah, no. Your stupid. Understand that mods already have enough on there hands (They don't have that kind of time, that's why we need more mods, see my reply below. Have you ever been a mod or an admin on any forum? - 40kendgame), and that Icy just got super and Chaos got Regular. I think thats alright for now, but maybe in a couple of months they'll promote another. Plus, gloating that you dont have the time to be a mod on this forum becaues "Your a mod on two different forums and run a shop on this one" is just stupid. Gloating is idiotic.


I wasn't gloating, I was explaining why I am saying I don't want to be a mod, as sometimes people think that I am trying to use reverse psychology. I already have a huge amount on my plate, and I don't need anymore. Stress hurts me really bad, and being a mod or an admin would be very stressful.


Btw, if there were more mods, then they wouldn't have to do as much work each, and that takes a huge amount of the load (and the stress) off of them. Hey, maybe they might even have the free time to act as normal members and make cards, participate in RPing, and just hang out on the forum!

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I think we should have a couple more mods' date=' maybe someone who's really good at Pokemon and is just around the 5800 post mark.



I wonder who that could be... ;)


I halfheartedly support this

I feel the need not to support, as there is always a Mod online

And I think the Mods do a lot more than you think...

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Hunter' date=' by saying you are against this... Well, I guess you have the fear of having too many people with the banhammer running around, but maybe we need a few more banhammer brandishing people, as long as you can trust them.


And don't look at me for any positions. I don't have the time nor the dedication to become a mod. I am already an admin for two forums, and I run a shop on this one. Tie that in with the fact that I'm gearing up for this:


and I don't have any spare time.


Hah, no. Your stupid. Understand that mods already have enough on there hands (They don't have that kind of time, that's why we need more mods, see my reply below. Have you ever been a mod or an admin on any forum? - 40kendgame), and that Icy just got super and Chaos got Regular. I think thats alright for now, but maybe in a couple of months they'll promote another. Plus, gloating that you dont have the time to be a mod on this forum becaues "Your a mod on two different forums and run a shop on this one" is just stupid. Gloating is idiotic.


I wasn't gloating, I was explaining why I am saying I don't want to be a mod, as sometimes people think that I am trying to use reverse psychology. I already have a huge amount on my plate, and I don't need anymore. Stress hurts me really bad, and being a mod or an admin would be very stressful.


Btw, if there were more mods, then they wouldn't have to do as much work each, and that takes a huge amount of the load (and the stress) off of them. Hey, maybe they might even have the free time to act as normal members and make cards, participate in RPing, and just hang out on the forum!


Yeah, but then they could abuse their power. Become corrupt. Therefore, just stick with the mods we have now.

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Also 40Kendgame' date=' saying you don't want to be a mod and why proves you want to be one and are pathetically trying to be one. [b']Trust me you'll NEVER get it unless you bought YCM[/b]. (Do I even want to? - 40kendgame)


I knew someone would think I was using reverse psychology. Well, I don't want to be a mod, and if you think I do, then you're wrong.



Yeah' date=' but then they could abuse their power. Become corrupt. Therefore, just stick with the mods we have now.



Corruption... I have only seen one (maybe two) mods that was (were) corrupt, Timjim from Tau Online, and possibly Dealer Umbra (think advanced clause with him, depends on which way you look at it. I personally think he is on that path, but can still recover. (Snitch, please don't start ranting about the advance clause being the future of RP, this is not the place to discuss it.))

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I'll quote Computerwhiz98's sig on this 1:


Advance Clause- GTFO

Also 40Kendgame' date=' saying you don't want to be a mod and why proves you want to be one and are pathetically trying to be one. [b']Trust me you'll NEVER get it unless you bought YCM[/b]. (Do I even want to? - 40kendgame)


I knew someone would think I was using reverse psychology. Well, I don't want to be a mod, and if you think I do, then you're wrong.



Yeah' date=' but then they could abuse their power. Become corrupt. Therefore, just stick with the mods we have now.



Corruption... I have only seen one (maybe two) mods that was (were) corrupt, Timjim from Tau Online, and possibly Dealer Umbra (think advanced clause with him, depends on which way you look at it. I personally think he is on that path, but can still recover. (Snitch, please don't start ranting about the advance clause being the future of RP, this is not the place to discuss it.))

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Mods on every single day are:


Prince Hunter


Flame Dragon

Falling Pizza

Dealer Umbra

Chaos Pudding


and probably Yankeefan.


Dont talk about Active moderators.


And Blood Rose, Sushi and me, how about that?

Oh right I was away for a few days like I announced anywhere I could but that probably already pushes people into the "inactive" corner...


And no I don't think we need any more mods. Things have started becoming overflooded lately, everything is pretty much covered.

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