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More mods. (Not requesting to become one)

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I noticed that half of the posts that are reported don't even get checked. This forum needs a few more mods. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to become a mod (I'd rather not even be considered since I already have enough on my plate as Necrontyr Online's master admin), but I think the staff needs to be expanded. Having enough staff is important for a forum. (I should know, since YRPOtaku169 is my assistant admin and Ace Daimon is my only global (Super) mod)

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General needs a Mod' date=' or 2.

GD needs another Mod.

CC could do with another Mod.

Perhaps FF/RP, I see that RP is still being abused.


With this, a couple of Local Mods could be promoted to Super's too.


You took the words oyt of my mouth. Supportio.

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General needs a Mod' date=' or 2.

GD needs another Mod.

CC could do with another Mod.

Perhaps FF/RP, I see that RP is still being abused.


With this, a couple of Local Mods could be promoted to Super's too.





RP is a spamhole. 95% of the posts are less than 2 lines.

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General needs a Mod' date=' or 2.

GD needs another Mod.

CC could do with another Mod.

Perhaps FF/RP, I see that RP is still being abused.


With this, a couple of Local Mods could be promoted to Super's too.





RP is a spamhole. 95% of the posts are less than 2 lines.


Yet another reason why we need more mods...

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RP is a spamhole. 95% of the posts are less than 2 lines.


Poor RP. :(

I tried making a couple, considering I wasn't interested in what was there. Know what happened? No-one joined, they died, and fail RP's with less then 2 lines per post lived in. I see the section as bullshit and haven't gone there since. Umbra's said that there are still good RP's in there, but I don't really feel like hunting through the ones that interest me and finding the good ones. RP still needs a major clean-up imo, and Umbra can't do that on his own (no offense, but you said it yourself).


General is the same, if not worse. It's a total shithole, and that place is my favourite section. :/

I don't even need to provide an example: just go look yourself.

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RP is a spamhole. 95% of the posts are less than 2 lines.


Poor RP. :(

I tried making a couple' date=' considering I wasn't interested in what was there. Know what happened? No-one joined, they died, and fail RP's with less then 2 lines per post lived in. I see the section as bullshit and haven't gone there since. Umbra's said that there are still good RP's in there, but I don't really feel like hunting through the ones that interest me and finding the good ones. RP still needs a major clean-up imo, and Umbra can't do that on his own (no offense, but you said it yourself).


General is the same, if not worse. It's [b']like /b/ for underaged and b&[/b], and that place is my favourite section. :/

I don't even need to provide an example: just go look yourself.


fix'd. :P


I agree. General at the very least needs more mods. I can't say much for the others because I don't visit them enough, but I'm going to assume your assessment is correct.

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Icy, down boy, down! Sit! Now roll over. *rubs belly* Good boy Icy. Now fetch the stick, go get it. Good Boy!


Ok, now down to business.


You know as well as I do that 70% of members that join this forum join it for the cardmaker. Members then move to the graphic design forums, and then move to general and usually stay there. Gosh. =/


CC is fine, Josh and I have it covered. Especially with yankee every few days, Hioco (occasionally), and Umbra whenever we need him.


GD looks pretty good. I'm in that section every day and I dont see much that needs done.


FF/RP, yeah. Thats probably the most spammy section. So another mod would make sense. I have my suggestions.


General, oh yeah. We brought back Frunk just for about a week. Just so he could go off for vacation. So another two mods would make sense.

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Icy' date=' down boy, down! Sit! Now roll over. *rubs belly* Good boy Icy. Now fetch the stick, go get it. Good Boy!


Ok, now down to business.


You know as well as I do that 70% of members that join this forum join it for the cardmaker. Members then move to the graphic design forums, and then move to general and usually stay there. Gosh. =/


CC is fine, Josh and I have it covered. Especially with yankee every few days, Hioco (occasionally), and Umbra whenever we need him.


[b']Hioco? I've never seen him online since I left in March.[/b]


GD looks pretty good. I'm in that section every day and I dont see much that needs done.




FF/RP, yeah. Thats probably the most spammy section. So another mod would make sense. I have my suggestions.


I've never spammed RP, but maybe other noobs do.


General, oh yeah. We brought back Frunk just for about a week. Just so he could go off for vacation. So another two mods would make sense.


Where did glassberry go? He said nothing about leaving in his last few posts. And lol at Frunk.


Seriously, does every mod have a life or are they just lazy/dwelling in the moderators forum?

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But eventually, YCMaker and Pizza choose the new mods. So, only Pizza reads the PM's you send him and he might be able to tell his brother. So I think that YCMaker should post here as he knows the forum as his "child". Or Pizza.

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And it's pointless to ask YCMaker/Falling Pizza...believe me' date=' I've tried. I have no idea how glassberry pulled it off though.



I tried, too.-.- And only Pizza answered my question if the guy in YCMakers avi is the real one.


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