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Winning Contests


Do cards win contests simply because the effects are long?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Do cards win contests simply because the effects are long?

    • Yeah, of course
    • No, of course not
    • I could care less

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I don't know about anyone else, but to me it seems like people who enter contests with cards whose effects are so long the text on the card cannot be read generally have their chances of winning increased by WAY too much. In most of the big contests I see, the winner is ALWAYS the one who submitted the card with the longest, or close to the longest, effect.


What do you think? Why is every major contest winner the one with the longest (or almost the longest) effect?

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Let me say it this way: the card that has a longer effect usually wins because the effect is more creative and not dull.


If there's only one effect, then the person who made it had put no effort in it, meaning that he will lose. Remember, OCG, pic, name and ATK/DEF play a big role as well. By the way, most people don't realize that the effect should have to have something in common with the name and pic, otherwise it would be horrible.

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By the way' date=' most people don't realize that the effect should have to have something in common with the name and pic, otherwise it would be horrible.



Wait, seriously? Wow I thought people were better than that.


Still I think cards with effects that are so long they can't be read are just stupid. I think that takes away from a card's appeal - not being able to understand or see the effect without (effect pasted here) stuff.

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Generally, I have entered cards with long effects and do win sometimes. The one thing that sometimes makes you win is the creativity of the effect which makes it long. But remember, you also include good OCG, good pics, and a great balance to your card. So, yeah, long, creative effects do have a part of making fantastic cards.

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For the most part, long effect just tend to be more creative/better than the shorter ones. But I suspect there are some members out there who are just wow'd by fancy holo's, super long effects, and the contestant's high star count.


On the other hand, I've joined low-star contests and lost. :P

I lost 10 points from the judge for my pic being "too realistic", despite the fact that my OCG and creativity raped all the other cards there.

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