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The Fifth Dragon

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A while ago I saw a forum where somebody said the Fifth Dragon would be called "Gladiator Dragon". Obviously this is a crock since it will never be made (then again I thought that about Dark Synchros), so I might as well design one:


Gladiator Dragon


Level: 9


1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

During battle between this card and a Defence Position monster whose DEF is less than this card's AK, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent. When this card destroys a monster by Battle and sends it to the Graveyard, you can return this card to the Extra Deck to Special Summon 1 Lvel 8 or lower Dragon-type Synchro monster from your Extra Deck.

ATK/ 3100

DEF/ 2600

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.......Why would it be called "Gladiator Dragon"?


I have no f**king clue' date=' I'm just playing off the post I mentioned.


And why will the Fifth Dragon NEVER be made, now again?


Because it doesn't even exist in the anime. Keep in mind in the flashbacks Rudger only held up 4 "Seals"; every dragon but this one. And besides, Power Tool Dragon has taken its place within that niche.


Now, does anyone have a comment on my posted card?

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And why will the Fifth Dragon NEVER be made' date=' now again?



Because it doesn't even exist in the anime. Keep in mind in the flashbacks Rudger only held up 4 "Seals"; every dragon but this one. And besides, Power Tool Dragon has taken its place within that niche.


The Fifth Dragon has appeared in the anime, but not in card form. (And why exactly would Rudger give away his own dragon to Fudo-hakase?) Power Tool Dragon is not, and has never been, the Fifth Dragon.

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And why will the Fifth Dragon NEVER be made' date=' now again?



Because it doesn't even exist in the anime. Keep in mind in the flashbacks Rudger only held up 4 "Seals"; every dragon but this one. And besides, Power Tool Dragon has taken its place within that niche.


The Fifth Dragon has appeared in the anime, but not in card form. (And why exactly would Rudger give away his own dragon to Fudo-hakase?) Power Tool Dragon is not, and has never been, the Fifth Dragon.


Card form is what I'm talking about; it's only ever been seen in visions and the form of the Meikai no Ou. He wouldn't give it to Yusei, but he's dead now and Crow is the 5th Signer, so that's irrelevant. And I said it filled the niche, not that it was the dragon.


Now I ask again, care to actually comment on the damn card?

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Now I ask again' date=' care to actually comment on the damn card?



I'll take you up on that!

At first, I hadn't noticed its being Level 9, so I was about to rave about its utter cheapness. It is quite powerful, though, and in the right hands can OTK, but not on its own. 9/10. This would see Limited status should it somehow become real.

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Crow will have some sort of BW-based Signer dragon. That's it' date=' really.


I see why it's called Gladiator Dragon. It's called that because of it's 'tag' effect.



You have it backwards - the effect is based off the name. And I'm not a GB fan, so it's not about that.


Crow, if he has the fifth dragon, will have the dragon shown in the flashback, which has nothing to do with Black Feathers.

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