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Swords of ****ealing Light

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Flip all monsters your opponent controls face-up. This card remains on the field for 3 of your opponent's turns. While this card is face-up on the field' date=' monsters your opponent controls cannot declare an attack.[/quote']


When you activate this card' date=' change all monsters on your opponent's side of the field to face-down Defense Position. Monsters on your opponent's side of the field cannot change their Battle Positions. Destroy this card during your 2nd Standby Phase after activation.[/quote'][/align]
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They should make a "Swords of semi-burnt-out light"

And it has this effect:

"After activation, Select 1 monster on the field. that monster is switched to defence position and it cannot attack. Destroy this card during the 402nd End Phase after activation"


It would be a Continuous Trap card, and it would be a Secret/Ghost Rare.

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<3 with:



A LVL 5 With over 2500 ATK!?



2600 ATK. And GOYO HAZ 2800 ATK and IS LEVEL 6!!! ;)


OT: Both cards are stall cards. And good at it. I like concealing most.


You ruined it DX


That means I saved the Topic from endless Spam. No need to thank me.

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