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A dueling world


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Welcome, to the Dueling world RP. If you would like to join just put your character's name, gender, deck, apperance, and a bio ( optional). For a deck you can use custom cards made by other people.







Here is a template.

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Name: Alexis Joltasworth

Gender: Female

Deck: Nuclear Robot, Black Widow, Tungsten, Ultima Prototypes, Underwater Invertebrate, Children's TV Shows

Apperance:A brown haired girl wearing a shirt with a Black Widow's marking.

Bio: Unknown

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Ok I'll start but people can still join.


You four Ace, Alexis, Rey, and Haro are good freinds you all live in Indio City (During summer). Indio City Is on the coast and has a small iland nearby called Little Indio. Only a few family's live on Little Indio but they can get company because at the Indio city docks you can rent a boat to sail you to Little Indio. Back to you players) You four are hanging out in the park in the middle of the city such is full of children of many differnt age playing or dueling. What do you do?

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Ooc: she could duel Rey


OOC: That's a fantastic idea! I have a deck that can destroy Red-eyes. I have a Priest in each of my decks, by the way. I don't know why.


Meanwhile, Alexis was wandering around the town... she was looking around for a card shop for any Anti-Dragon or Anti-dark Upgrades for her deck.

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