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Well, I'm back into GFXing. Although, I predict only a few will remember me. I was a GFXer about 2 months ago? Maybe longer? I really sucked. ;.;


Anyway, I've gotten a bit better over my absence. Most if it is thanks to Xirno, for getting me back into GFX in the first place. Thanks~


Please CnC to the best of your ability~ I can take harsh comments, so lash 'em at me. x3


Program: Gimp.

.Xcf available if wanted.

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He has a bad hair dresser D: Half is head is gone.


It's cool though.


Just looks simple and a centered focal is never good.


Out of random curiosity' date=' why does having a centered focal matter? At all? How does that, in anyway, reflect how good or bad the tag is? =\

Sorry if I seem rude, but I've never understood that.


And yeah, I messed up his head. Bad. Dx



Thanks for the CnC. =D I'll attempt to blend them in more in V2. If I ever get around to making it. Dx



Thanks. =D



Thanks. =D

And, uhm, yeah. It wasn't [i']really[/i] suppose to turn out like that, but I kind of like it. xD

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