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I have but one question.


What would happen to the supposed "Global-Mods" who get promoted' date=' and end up taking their power too far. Instead of just cleaning up a section, that does not belong to them (such as me and Hunter. We would not want some super, or moderator from another section interfering with our mod styles and rules).


What happens to the Mods who step out of line, when it is not their place?

Would that mean you and Darth get the ability to ban/demote said new supers?



What, exactly, is "out of line"? Given the nature of the powers in question, any stepping "out of line" would be flagrant enough that it could hardly go unnoticed - it would need to be something along the lines of completely redefining what is and is not acceptable in a forum against the wishes of whatever moderators hold that forum in their area of concentration. As such actions would be noticed and we are capable of rational discourse, a simple discussion on the moderators forum could handle the vast majority of such problems.


I had not brought up the distinction between Super Moderators and a tier of "Global Moderators" in this thread because I feel that such a distinction is largely unnecessary, but in any case, any bans that would need to be inflicted upon a Super Moderator - which, naturally, would be rare events; you will recall that perhaps three moderators have received any bans at all in the last year - could be handled by Falling Pizza and YCMaker.

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Guest JoshIcy


I have but one question.


What would happen to the supposed "Global-Mods" who get promoted' date=' and end up taking their power too far. Instead of just cleaning up a section, that does not belong to them (such as me and Hunter. We would not want some super, or moderator from another section interfering with our mod styles and rules).


What happens to the Mods who step out of line, when it is not their place?

Would that mean you and Darth get the ability to ban/demote said new supers?



What, exactly, is "out of line"? Given the nature of the powers in question, any stepping "out of line" would be flagrant enough that it could hardly go unnoticed - it would need to be something along the lines of completely redefining what is and is not acceptable in a forum against the wishes of whatever moderators hold that forum in their area of concentration. As such actions would be noticed and we are capable of rational discourse, a simple discussion on the moderators forum could handle the vast majority of such problems.


You must excuse me. I enjoy my tether, and rather... Intimate nature with the forum I moderate. So another Super/Moderator aside from Hunter and Yankee, would naturally cause me, and the moderator who would interfere in what I'm doing extreme trouble to say the least...

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Crab Helmet: I'll admit, that at the time when it was suggested, I was not only sceptical of the new Moderators who had just been promoted; but more so Bloodrun. I didn't really want Bloodrun running around with Super Mod powers when he already abused his powers in every other section then his own. x_x

I can't really see any major disadvantages of it, which is really the key thing. The disadvantages I do see are what Icy has mentioned, which is the "Global Mods" attempting to take over another section that doesn't belong to them. Furthermore, having this "Global Mods" distracts the member's attention from who is actually in charge of that section. Plus, the newly appointed Moderators might not be able to deal with the extra stress involved with being a "Global Mod". I don't really want to see any conflicts because of this, and it's quite likely to happen. After all, different people have different opinions.


Icyblue: I'd presume that the Super Moderators would have power over these "Global Mods" and would be able to deal with anything such as that if it happened. I know who you're worried about, and just remember that these "Global Mods" have to stick to their own sections more so then others.

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Like the situation with Umbra and Hioco, they are moderators who have power in the CC forums, but that forum isn't theirs to make major decisions for. Neither Umbra nor Hioco would go around stickying random threads or making new rules for CC. If they did, they would most definitely need our permission first.


So my guess is that the only way that works is that each global moderator have a home forum in a sense that they have power elsewhere but can only make major decisions in their own forums.


No way to actually implement this other than just having a sensible person understand these guidelines but still.

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Supers dont make major decisions for their home sections unless they are the only moderator assigned to them. Crab still makes major decisions for TCG and Dj Osiris used to have CC like that. But Brow doesn't do much with CC.


But it ultimately depends on how much the said super wants to contribute to their home forums. Like Brow is constantly dealing with PMs and reports, while Crab tends to keep to his home forum and only lurks out when he feels.

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I think you're all vastly overestimating what other Supers would do to your forums if they were promoted. You seem to think that they're going to run into you boards, remove your stickies and replace them with stickies of their own, lock every third topic just for fun, and change all the rules just because they can.


Please remember that we're talking about promoting the current moderators; we aren't talking about using a random number generator to produce user ID's and then giving Super Moderator powers to whoever's number comes up.

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I think you're all vastly overestimating what other Supers would do to your forums if they were promoted. You seem to think that they're going to run into you boards' date=' remove your stickies and replace them with stickies of their own, lock every third topic just for fun, and change all the rules just because they can.



I'm kind of guilty of thinking that on Necrontyr Online. On a forum with only 17 members though, restricting Mod powers to the point of nepotism is actually important to keep the banhammer away from people you don't trust, but on a forum with over 300,000 members, a lot more mods are needed. I have seen forums so large that they openly allow applications for mod positions. Now I don't like that idea (Too risky, and YCMaker would get annoyed at all the PMed apps), but still, a forum as large as YCM needs up to a small army of standard mods, and a platoon of Globals/Supers. AND the support of its members to help report spam, flaming, and rule breaking in general.

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I think you're all vastly overestimating what other Supers would do to your forums if they were promoted. You seem to think that they're going to run into you boards' date=' remove your stickies and replace them with stickies of their own, lock every third topic just for fun, and change all the rules just because they can.


Please remember that we're talking about promoting the current moderators; we aren't talking about using a random number generator to produce user ID's and then giving Super Moderator powers to whoever's number comes up.



Referring to global moderators, not just supers

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I think you're all vastly overestimating what other Supers would do to your forums if they were promoted. You seem to think that they're going to run into you boards' date=' remove your stickies and replace them with stickies of their own, lock every third topic just for fun, and change all the rules just because they can.


Please remember that we're talking about promoting the current moderators; we aren't talking about using a random number generator to produce user ID's and then giving Super Moderator powers to whoever's number comes up.



Referring to global moderators, not just supers


Globals and Supers, it's the same either way.

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@Crab - Before moderators had the banhammer, the distinction was larger. Also, you forgot that supers also have some access to the ACP (mostly for name changes, etc.), and while that still only makes 3 differences, my argument is that it's an important difference. Moderators should be focused on their individual sections and the events that happen there. The only exception to this is in the case of a forum-wide problem when an appropriate moderator for that section is not online. Asking a moderator to do activities outside their given realm would only serve to distract them and make them less useful overall.


Having specific sections serves to focus and hone a moderator's skill in that they get used to and close with the activities and people in that section, including the problems that arise, and makes them the best at dealing with it, even better than supers in most cases as we take care of issues all over and can't specialize nearly as much. I understand your argument that promoting everyone to super wouldn't instantly negate the sections everybody has and that they would still work those sections mostly, at first anyway, but it's the time after that which is what I'm referring to. As time goes on, people will be more and more tempted to venture out into other sections, and this is where the problems might arise. I can't and won't assume that there will or won't definitely be such problems, but the possibility is there.


Also, back on the specialization point, the things mentioned that only supers can do are the things that are not specific to any section, things I dub "overarching" because they are general YCM issues that deal more with user accounts rather than one section or another. These overarching issues would fall under what I said earlier as outside a regular moderator's section, and, thus, would serve more to distract them than to help the forum overall.


Frankly, I think the distinctions are fine where they are, and there's no need nor precedence for changing it.

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