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What the Pros don't want you to know! [Spoiler & Unethical Allert]

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How are you moving the bottom up


i send the very bottom card of the deck to the top although i don't look when i do it. It's just a habit of paranoia cause i'm so used to looking through my deck after losing a duel and having all my good cards at the bottom. Which is why i used to use convulsion of nature, well that and the fact that i liked if you got it on the first turn w/ card destruction you can keep your opponents hand in check the entire time.

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Allrighty it is still cheating and if all your good stuff is on the bottom then your not shuffling correctly how do you shuffle


well i accidentally stack shuffled and if not that i sorta fan the deck out w/ one half over the other let the cards drop and fill in the space between the blank spaces in the deck.

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Like sunglasses or a hat does anything . . . Since, as implied earlier, players look at the deck they are shuffling, what is there to hide? Duh, the opponent is looking at the deck, whether they are stacking/looking at faces or not.


As for the "counter", I simply cut the top 2/3's of the deck to the bottom. Checkmate.

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Quite simply, the tactics you are addressing have much easier solutions than you imply.


For example, how does your opponent recover from an overhand shuffle of their possibly stacked deck if you always get the last shuffle? And why are you not shuffling overhand regardless? Pile shuffling takes much longer than traditional shuffles, and if your opponent is smart, they can re-pile back to a favorable state.


As far as cutting goes, since you cut your opponent's deck last, it is easy to set them up with an unrigged hand.


So, why give your opponent the chance the pile a good hand back when you can wipe their deck clean of any recoverable hand? I'm just trying to supplement an easier and more efficient counter.

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Wow, this last article is actually good.


Might I offer one suggestion to improve the counter? Instead of cutting, split the deck and do a ruffle shuffle with one half of the deck backwards. Your opponent's deck will be entirely screwed up, with almost every other card backwards. Have your opponent find their key card(s) now...

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