iAmNateXero Posted July 16, 2009 Report Share Posted July 16, 2009 Ive had it up to HERE! *Points in a direction very high over my head* with cheaters and stacker in yugioh. I just got back from Nats and its very clear that this game is no longer fun, or enjoyable for me the same way it used to. So now Im striking back. Call me the Masked Duelist. Every week Im going to reveal 1 stacking move in yugioh. NOTE THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT I WANT YOU TO, NOR DO I ENCOURAGE YOU TO DO ANY OF THIS. IT IS ONLY MEANT FOR YOU TO FULLY UNDERSTAND HOW YOU ARE GETTING CHEATED SO THAT YOU CAN FIGHT BACK. I OFFICIALLY QUIT PLAYING YUGIOH COMPETITIVELY AND AM NOT AFRAID OF THE BAN ANYMORE. I HOPE THAT ALL CHEATERS IN THIS GAME GET BANNED ONCE IVE FINISHED THIS ARCHIVE OF CHEAT PREVENTION. FOR REASONS LIKE THIS I WILL LEAVE OUT THINGS THAT WOULD ENCOURAGE THE MOST CHEATING LIKE HOW TO STACK YOUR OWN DECK. [spoiler=Index (More to be added as needed)]Pile Shuffling: There is a lot of confusion about this term. It is in often cases not what its know for. Pile shuffling is often confused with Table shuffling. To pile shuffle is to simply do just that. Instead of trying to randomize the deck, you just pick up entire clumps of your deck at a time and move it to the top or bottom. If you could remember the early episodes of yugioh, Yugi did this all the time. He would never really randomize, just picked up piles of cards and moved them to the bottom. Table Shuffling: To shuffle many cards face down on a table creating stacks. What most people incorrectly call pile shuffling. Soft Stacking: Any form of stacking done with your own deck, Prior and almost never during tournament play. [spoiler=Week 1, Soft stacking]Okay this is one of the hardest forms of stacking to catch, and you'd never know if your opponent does it or not. Soft stacking is done before the round even starts, and never during. To start a player puts all the monsters in thier deck together, including multiple cards. For example: Red GadgetRed GadgetRed GadgetYellow Gadgetetcetc Then the same with the Spells and Traps. The only difference is that the Piles of spells and Traps are mixed. For Example SolemnsolemnsolemnCold WaveCold waveCold WaveMind ControlMind ControlBottomlessBottomlessBottomlessetcetc Then you combine them with monsters on top and spell and traps on bottom. The next step is to Table shuffle into 2 piles in a fashion of 1... 2. (Pile 1 on the left, pile 2 on the right.) Continue this until Both piles are finished. Then you put Pile 1 on top of pile 2 and your deck should look like. 8-10 monsters followed by 8-10 Spells and traps, then 8-10 Monsters then 8-10 Spells and Traps. (This is an estimate because every deck is different.) But yeah, you should get the point. Next you Table shuffle either into piles of 5 or 6. If your deck is 40 - 41, you pile into 5. If your deck is 42, you pile into 6. NOTE: This method of stacking is not encouraged of any deck over 42 cards. So LS decks don't use this form of stacking. Its important to start with Pile 1 end with 5 (or 6) and start over again with 1. After it is complete you should Pile the deck back together starting with 1 on top of 2, 2 on top of 3, 3 on top of 4, and 4 on top of 5. After that, Look at your deck. It should be Monster monster, S/T, S/T, Monster monster s/t s/t, etc etc. Your deck is completely stacked to allow a moderate mixture of spells and traps. HOW TO COUNTER: This method of stacking is very easy to counter. If any player Table shuffles in front of you, assume they are soft stacking. To counter; Table shuffle your opponents deck in piles of 2. (NOTE: NEVER PICK UP THE DECK OFF THE TABLE. If your opponent does soft stack, when you hand him/ her back the deck they can say you stacked them because you picked it up. So never pick up the deck, or shuffle it.) Then hand it back to the opponent. If the opponent calls a judge, simply tell them that you wanted to know how many cards was in his/ her deck. Its public knowledge and a judge wont say anything. If a judge comes in the middle of you unstacking the deck then Put pile 1 on top of pile 2 and place that pile over the pile that you did not finish De stacking. (It should look like Pile 1 over pile 2, over the pile that you didn't finish.) This will leave your opponent with all monster hands, or all S/T's hands. Heh, teaches Him/ her to stack. [spoiler=Week 1.5 Soft Stacking II. Mirror shuffling]Okay as you can guess by now, this is another stacking that involves pre event measures. This stacking is best with a 40 card deck, but can be done with any deck. This type of deck is called mirror because you never shufle the deck. the deck is going to turn out exactly how you want it, only in a slight reverse. NOTE: When I say reverse, i don't mean as in the card on top is on the bottom, i mean... well you'll see if you attempt it. This stack is also famous for the "Sangan-Crush Card" stack. Step 1: Make 8 perfect hands of 5. What this means is that you create the best hands you can possibly make with 5 cards, or 8 hands that you wouldn't mind having on turn 1. If your deck is over 40, keep the number of how many cards is over. This will be important later. Now for the sake of this EXAMPLE, because i know people are going to want to try it out, after you make the 8 piles of 5, put them in order that you want the least on the bottom and what you want the most at the top. For example. The best Hand should be at the top. Then the next best hand under that, then the hand best after that underneath, and so on, and so on. Now this is very important. If your deck is over 40, but all the cards that weren't put into a hand on the bottom of the deck. But remember how many is there. Now look at the first hand. Remember it. Write it down in the order you see it. I'll wait... okay, enough waiting. Just remember the order of your first hand (the pile of 5 cards on top). Step 2: Table shuffle into 8 piles. Starting with 1 and ending with 8. NO Overlapping. (Overlapping would be starting like... 12345678...87654321. No, we don't want that. That is bad. What you want is. 12345678... 12345678). You want to have 8 piles of 5 cards. If your deck is over 40, you should have the same remaining number of cards in your hand after you finished making these piles. (NOTE: Its very obvious that you are cheating with a deck over 40, so it isn't recommended to do this stack with a deck over that. There are ways to get around it, but remember, im not encouraging you to cheat. So its up to you to find out if your that evil.) Start putting the piles of cards back into a deck with Pile 8 at the bottom and pile 1 on top in order. From the bottom it should look like. Extra cards (if your deck was over 40) pile 8, pile 7, pile 6... and so on, and so on. Step 3. Table shuffle into 5 piles. Starting with 1 and ending with 5. You want to have 5 piles of 8 cards. If your deck is over 40, you should have the same remaining number of cards in your hand after you finished making these piles. Start putting the piles of cards back into a deck with Pile 5 at the bottom and pile 1 on top in order. From the bottom it should look like. Extra cards (if your deck was over 40) pile 5, pile 4, pile 3... and so on, and so on. Step 4: Look at the first hand, without shuffling or cutting. Looks familiar, but backwards. Almost as if it was in a ... mirror? o.O *OOOOHHHH AHHHHHH... ITS MAGIC!* What happens in tournaments is that most in experienced people just simple cuts decks. And in this tutorial, I had you put the pile you wanted most on top, when in actuality the that pile should have been the 5th pile from the top. A lot of people ask you to cut there deck, and if you cut evenly, or evenly enough, they always get that magic hand. I don't know how many people go to tournaments, but have you ever went to a tournament, and round 1, people are always table shuffling in piles of 8 before the round even began? This is because they already table shuffled into 5, and that 8 that they do in front of your face is to finish the mirror stack. Is this every body... no, but it is a lot. *HOW TO COUNTER THIS STACK* Easy, SHUFFLE THE HELL OUT OF IT. Most of these stacks has an imbalance of spells and traps because there building the perfect hand. To do so, it may not be balanced. The popular hands may have all the good stuff at first and support to follow. If you randomize it, you throw off the synergy. You can also table shuffle into 3. This makes the deck fall apart because you added a new prime into the equation. (If you hadn't notices, this stack requires 1 prime number to make the mirror effect. You take a prime number, and multiply it by a number that would make 40. In this case, 5 and 8. The prime number should always be the number of cards used in a combo. in this case i replicated a opening hand of 5. The Sangan crush is harder to break because it goes 2 and 20. It takes longer, but harder to mess up a 2 card combo.) Well there you have it. Until next week. (Don't expect any more early lessons, I did this one because I remembered we were still talking about soft stacking.) [spoiler=Week 2 Side Stacking I]Okay, this lesson is very difficult and requires a lot of practice. For which I know a video and/or pictures will be needed. I will update later how its done Visually, but until then, you'll just have to know how its done and how to counter. This stack is very dangerous because it is done during an event, meaning you can be DQ'd or worse, Banned. As some of you know, konami doesn't do bans in years like UDE, all of their bans are permanent, so remember... I DO NOT ENCOURAGE ANY STACKING. DO AT YOUR OWN RISK. *How to spot this hack.*This stack requires a lot of attention and you often have to look at the opponents deck. This is dangerous because any player can see if your looking at their deck or not. Most stackers during events wear Dark sunglasses or Caps with rims. This is to hide their eyes. As most of you know a lot of tournaments aren't too bright, so why is there a need for shades? Well now you know. Rule of Thumb: If there wearing a cap, but their hair looks groomed, suspect stacker. If their wearing Shades, suspect stacker. *How to perform the stack*Step 1. Start by picking up your opponents deck so that the deck is sideways. You know this is the correct pose when the bottom of the deck is facing their Left or the Right of you. It is easier to stack with the bottom of the deck facing the Left, BUT it is also easier to be found out. For this exercise, we will have the bottom of the deck facing Left. Step 2. Make sure that the deck rests in your left hand and that your holding the deck in your Right hand. For lack of visual effects, your hand should make a "T" almost with the deck in the palm of your Left hand and your Right Fingers in on the side of the deck, all while resting the right hand on the your Left's fingers.*Photo Soon!* Step 3. Your going to begin to shuffle the deck where your Right hand goes on top of your left hand. Make sure that you aren't striping (The correct term for my "Pile" shuffling) but that your Interlacing the cards evenly. Now This step should end with the cards between each other, BUT your Right hand is still on top of your left.[align=center]*NOTE: This photo was taken from Youtube to illustrate how this step ends. The bottom of the deck IS STILL supposed to be facing Left.*[/align] Step 4. Take your right thumb across the side so that you can Fan out the deck slightly as you mesh the cards together. This allows you to take a peek at the deck. From this point you know every thing that's inside of the deck, and should know what glues the deck together. The next part of the deck is going to be tricky. Step 5. Complete steps 2-4 until you have seen enough, or all of the deck. Just remember, your not supposed to take your time. Everything should be no more than a quick glance. From here, force all the key cards of the deck to the top. To force shuffle means that you will deliberately not shuffle a portion of the deck. You want those problem cards to be as close to the top as possible.*Pic Soon!* Step 6. After you have added 3-4 problem cards to the top, cup the deck with your Left hand while holding the center of the deck with the right hand. Your left hand should form a "U" or a "V" With your Left Thumb take 1 or two cards off the bottom and with your Left's fingers, take the trouble cards and mash them together. Your next move is to put them at the bottom of the deck. The reason for this move is to Stack the "Deck' to the bottom But not at the very bottom. For deck checking purposes. Step 7. Hand your opponent his/her stacked deck. *How to Counter!* Strip the bottom of your deck so that you have 6-10 cards in your hand to the top. Then strip about 20-25 more cards to the top so the suspected Stacked cards are in the middle. Offer the deck to your opponent for a final "Cut" If your opponent picks up your deck Immediately call a judge. All your opponent can do now is simple cut. SO when He/she cut the deck, all your cards stacked cards should be at the top of the deck, or close to the top.*Pic Soon* [spoiler= Side Deck Stacking]SORRY SORRY SORRY. I was dealing with family issues and completely forgot to update. It wasn't until somebody reminded me in the last forum. But you don't care M I RITE?! U KARE 4 TA STACKZ! Okay, so has it ever bugged you that you win game 1 and seem to loose to side decking? I know right, its bs. Well wouldn't you like to know how you can always get your sided in cards? And its almost as obvious as you think. Go on guess. Im waiting... Guess how its done. You wouldn't belive me even after I told you. Okay, well when you side deck, just turn the cards your siding in upside down. Yep, thats it. Simple eh? "How does this help?!" Well as you shuffle, just run the edges of your finger with your thumb. As you feel the smooth end, you should also feel the opening to your sleeve... the side decked card. HOW TO COUNTER. Run your finger along the side of your opponents deck. If you feel the opening where you shouldn't suspect stacked cards. Now try your best to simple cut the majority of the stacked cards to the bottom. Thus your opponent won't draw his / her side deck. Sorry for the quick lesson, but I had alot on my plate this week. I swear Ill make it up next week. Never the less, this is still good information to know. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tickle Me Emo Posted July 16, 2009 Report Share Posted July 16, 2009 I like this ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Toffee. Posted July 16, 2009 Report Share Posted July 16, 2009 Usually when I shuffle, I get at least 1 Batteryman AA right away.But with this, I could probobly OTK more often XD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tonisanoob Posted July 16, 2009 Report Share Posted July 16, 2009 urrrmyou should always get the last suffle of your opponents deck therefore stacking =/= anything Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SephirothKirby Posted July 16, 2009 Report Share Posted July 16, 2009 I wanted to learn how to stack D: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ecoboy1324 Posted July 16, 2009 Report Share Posted July 16, 2009 Try the 6 pile suffle Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aximil Posted July 16, 2009 Report Share Posted July 16, 2009 lol, I guess I've been cheating. I need to find a different way to shuffle. Or have my opponent randomize my deck for me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iAmNateXero Posted July 16, 2009 Author Report Share Posted July 16, 2009 urrrmyou should always get the last suffle of your opponents deck therefore stacking =/= anything So you shuffle your opponents deck, how does this help when they stack your own deck? o.O Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Exiro Posted July 16, 2009 Report Share Posted July 16, 2009 HOW TO COUNTER: This method of stacking is very easy to counter. If any player Table shuffles in front of you' date=' assume they are soft stacking. To counter; Table shuffle your opponents deck in piles of 2. (NOTE: NEVER PICK UP THE DECK OFF THE TABLE. If your opponent does soft stack, when you hand him/ her back the deck they can say you stacked them because you picked it up. So never pick up the deck, or shuffle it.) Then hand it back to the opponent. If the opponent calls a judge, simply tell them that you wanted to know how many cards was in his/ her deck. Its public knowledge and a judge wont say anything. If a judge comes in the middle of you unstacking the deck then Put pile 1 on top of pile 2 and place that pile over the pile that you did not finish De stacking. (It should look like Pile 1 over pile 2, over the pile that you didn't finish.) [/quote'] This paragraph only shows the result of counterstacking this stack if you assume that they stacked the way you described. Does that mean that this way of stacking is overall well-known? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iAmNateXero Posted July 16, 2009 Author Report Share Posted July 16, 2009 HOW TO COUNTER: This method of stacking is very easy to counter. If any player Table shuffles in front of you' date=' assume they are soft stacking. To counter; Table shuffle your opponents deck in piles of 2. (NOTE: NEVER PICK UP THE DECK OFF THE TABLE. If your opponent does soft stack, when you hand him/ her back the deck they can say you stacked them because you picked it up. So never pick up the deck, or shuffle it.) Then hand it back to the opponent. If the opponent calls a judge, simply tell them that you wanted to know how many cards was in his/ her deck. Its public knowledge and a judge wont say anything. If a judge comes in the middle of you unstacking the deck then Put pile 1 on top of pile 2 and place that pile over the pile that you did not finish De stacking. (It should look like Pile 1 over pile 2, over the pile that you didn't finish.) [/quote'] This paragraph only shows the result of counterstacking this stack if you assume that they stacked the way you described. Does that mean that this way of stacking is overall well-known? This is a very common way of stacking. Most stacker use this method to play test different decks, or decks they are un familiar with. If a deck is proven to be very inconsistent, other methods of stacking are done. This counter can be done at any time an opponent Table shuffles. And trust me, almost everybody does. If a deck is completely random (legit), this form of counter will have no effect on the deck. This method of stacking is also very common because it is fail proof. It can be done at home, or on the way to the event, and can be concealed all the way through a tournament. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ecoboy1324 Posted July 16, 2009 Report Share Posted July 16, 2009 what other methods are used nate Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iAmNateXero Posted July 16, 2009 Author Report Share Posted July 16, 2009 what other methods are used nate You'll have to wait till next week. ^_^ XP Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.:pyramid:. Posted July 16, 2009 Report Share Posted July 16, 2009 fun question: if i ran exodia (the only 5 monsters), and the i counter stack my own deck could i ftk consistently with exodia XD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ecoboy1324 Posted July 16, 2009 Report Share Posted July 16, 2009 I know of a couple that ive spoted ill pm them 2 you Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iAmNateXero Posted July 16, 2009 Author Report Share Posted July 16, 2009 fun question: if i ran exodia (the only 5 monsters)' date=' and the i counter stack my own deck could i ftk consistently with exodia XD[/quote']There is a way to do it, Ill get into it next week.I know of a couple that ive spoted ill pm them 2 youAlright. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cerberus21 Posted July 16, 2009 Report Share Posted July 16, 2009 I hate cheaters. you see them more and more these days-and the only tournaments i play are HOBBY LEAGUE(budding pros have to start somewhere ;) )-how sad is that! I think a thread like this is long overdue. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Akira Posted July 16, 2009 Report Share Posted July 16, 2009 I believe in karma, so whenever somebody cheats me, a brick falls and breaks their foot later that day. It's all good. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilhorus Posted July 17, 2009 Report Share Posted July 17, 2009 I believe in karma' date=' so whenever somebody cheats me, a brick falls and breaks their foot later that day. It's all good.[/quote'] . . . . . . . Did you plant the brick? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tickle Me Emo Posted July 17, 2009 Report Share Posted July 17, 2009 I believe in karma' date=' so whenever somebody cheats me, a brick falls and breaks their foot later that day. It's all good.[/quote'] . . . . . . . Did you plant the brick? Knowing Akira... no he didnt he payed someone else to do it cause hes to obvious a suspect. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
werewolfjedi Posted July 17, 2009 Report Share Posted July 17, 2009 your soft stacking thing is stupid, and before the local tourney, almost everyone does this before shuffling normally in order to keep their decks from shitting on them. of course, we don't usualy segment them into copies of the same monster and magic copies, just monster and magic. then 1 to 1 we call it un-chunking. but I see what your talking about, and going in and doing this after every match, as well as doing the copy thing, could help you have a decent to good hand every time. I guess that could be construed as cheating by stacking, but you also need to do this to make sure your deck is reset after switching out cards with the side deck, since isn't it a rule that your deck has to be what your decklist says it is in the first duel of every match? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ecoboy1324 Posted July 17, 2009 Report Share Posted July 17, 2009 your soft stacking thing is stupid' date=' and before the local tourney, almost everyone does this before shuffling normally in order to keep their decks from shitting on them. of course, we don't usualy segment them into copies of the same monster and magic copies, just monster and magic. then 1 to 1 we call it un-chunking. but I see what your talking about, and going in and doing this after every match, as well as doing the copy thing, could help you have a decent to good hand every time. I guess that could be construed as cheating by stacking, but you also need to do this to make sure your deck is reset after switching out cards with the side deck, since isn't it a rule that your deck has to be what your decklist says it is in the first duel of every match?[/quote'] Yes it is and desideboarding is the perfect time to tip the odds in your favor. What people do is build there hands 2 cards apart and then divide the deck into 3 piles making the hand appear in sequence Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Lawless Posted July 17, 2009 Report Share Posted July 17, 2009 Back when I played and was a total newb, I kinda soft stacked, lol...it was moe like putting relinquished and his ritual together, future fusion and dragons mirror together, you know xD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SUPERYUGI!GO!! Posted July 17, 2009 Report Share Posted July 17, 2009 put all cards needed for a FTK together then when you shuffle keep make sure you keep them together. Then whenever your opponent shuffles look kick them really hard and when they're distracted look through your deck and put the combo at the top. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RyanAtlus Posted July 18, 2009 Report Share Posted July 18, 2009 I know what you mean.At a tourney, I had to go up against an 11-year old. He wanted me to shuffle his Deck, so I touched it and said it was fine. He kept whining about it, and when I said for the third time I didn't want to shuffle, he took his Deck and ran of to the Judge. He came back a minute later. I wanted to shuffle it then of course; he might've well have stacked his opening hand while being away. Judge asked wether I had indeed not wanted to shuffle, and when I answered he gave the kid a warning! XD CHEATING MUST BE STOPPED! Question: I run a Countdown Deck, so I like having FC in my opening hand. Are there legal ways to keep them from sticking? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iAmNateXero Posted July 18, 2009 Author Report Share Posted July 18, 2009 I know what you mean.At a tourney' date=' I had to go up against an 11-year old. He wanted me to shuffle his Deck, so I touched it and said it was fine. He kept whining about it, and when I said for the third time I didn't want to shuffle, he took his Deck and ran of to the Judge. He came back a minute later. I wanted to shuffle it then of course; he might've well have stacked his opening hand while being away. Judge asked wether I had indeed not wanted to shuffle, and when I answered he gave the kid a warning! XD CHEATING MUST BE STOPPED! Question: I run a Countdown Deck, so I like having FC in my opening hand. Are there legal ways to keep them from sticking?[/quote'] New sleeves if they are old. Or sleeves if they are un sleeved. If you can, never play on a table. Play mats are intended to keep your sleeves fresh, and sleeves are intended to keep your cards fresh. Try to wash your hands before touching your deck, and if you can don't touch your deck unless your playing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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