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Write An Anime

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Yeah, old thread idea is old...

However, if people actually post then this thread could turn out pretty well.


Anime Name:

Main Characters:


Anything Else:



Simple form is simple, but if you think I've forgot something that's vital, then say and I'll add it.

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Anime Name: Nekket


Main Characters: Kin Jazama, Mazuya Kishima, Meihachi Hishima


Plot: The champion of metallic fist tournament is about to commence, and rumours of Meihachi's father coming back to life due to the Satan gene spark concern amongst stalwarts such as Wei Loulong and Moshiyitsu. Will they ever get to the bottom of this?


Anything Else: Obvious parody is obvious.

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Anime Name: Something anime-y, I fail at names. Especially Anime names.


Main Characters: Kurou Hibiki, Sumiko Takara, Takumi Moe


Plot: Korou and his girlfriend Sumiko have just won the Tag Spell Championship, a tournament with live spells, and the risk is your own life. The prize? 50 million Yen. But when they go up to accept the prize, they meet the mysterious Takumi, an unknown writer. What will happen when Takumi asks them to go on a quest with him? Will they come back? And if so, alive?


Anything Else: Nope, except that I fail at Anime, so this probably fails too.

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Anime Name: Youkai Shousetsu (Spectre Story)


Main Characters: Kyo Sasaki, Chou Itou, Kohaku Wanmari, Kichiro Keisuke


Plot: Kyo, Chou, Kohaku and Kichiro are your common teenagers who deal with their common problems. One time, after school the four met up as usual and went on their usual trip. When they arrived they sat down and relaxed, like most kids did and the four could hear a loud and painful screech out of nowhere, and then, the next morning when the four met up to go to school they encountered beasts what seemed to be spectres. A threat is getting ever closer as the four start to understand about why and what ability they gained.


Anything Else: Well nothing exept that it's like Yu Yu Hakusho and Bleach mixed together =/

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Anime Name: Professional


Main Characters: Kira Tomou, Aka Harahi, Shinichi Shugo, Gemini Whites.


Plot: many planets are being inhabited by humans as they find new life.the planet Vandi, a small planet that has many deserts. as new land is found on this planet, more people are trying to become rulers of all the land they find. while the democratic system is a planetary rule, many will kill to get the popular vote.


enter Kira Tomou, a child of abusive parents, he grows up wanting to change lives like his. he sees his chance when vandi is found and tries to become president of a populated country. as he persuades his roommate Aka Haruhi, a weaponry engineer, to tag along, he soon finds out the danger of being a politician. his combatant, Shinichi Shugo, was a commanding military officer and plans to take out Kira with all his might.


Anything Else: gemini whites comes later on in the story.

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Anime Name: G-Awesome G-Robot G-Anime


Main Characters: Some cyborg who is named "Guy"


Plot: The main hero, "Guy", has to defeat these other cyrbog-esque villians, who are planing on turning all of mankind into machines.


Anything Else: PARODY FTW!

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Anime Name: Fuzen no Yochi (Imperfect World)


Main Characters: Kuro Debiru, Shiro Yasashii


Plot: The world, much like our own, is plagued by humanity. Government officials all over the world are corrupt; blinded by their own hunger for power and money. Useless wars are being waged while innocent lives are taken.


Kuro Debiru and Shiro Yasashii were just normal children, struggling to survive their dog-eat-dog world. The two were sold to the government as experimental subjects by their parents to keep up with their tributes. After 21 long years of experimental torture, Kuro developed a plan of escape. They made their escape and discovered that they obtained extraordinary abilites in the process. Shiro could control the gravitational forces of inanimate objects while Kuro controlled the minds of others.


Upond discovering their newfound talents, Kuro suggests domination; to "cleanse this world of its evils". Shiro strongly disagrees and tries to stop his former accomplice from doing any harm to their captors. Being the aggresive fighter he is, Kuro manages to wriggle free of Shiro's hold and starts planning what would be a race between the two ex-friends to decide the state of their home (and the world).


Anything Else:Basicly Death Note without the Death Note.

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Anime Name: Liar Game


Main Characters: Nao Kanzaki, Shinichi Akiyama, Fukunaga Yuji


Plot: Congratulations! You are one of the 1 in 100,000 people who have been entered in the amazing LIAR GAME TOURNAMENT! Along with the postcard there are 100 million yen in notes. That's the beginning of the Liar Game. When the game ends, in 30 days, you will have to return your 100 million. If your opponent steals them, he can keep them as a prize, and you will have a debt of 100 million...


Anything Else: Liar Game is in fact an actual manga, but it doesn't have an anime version.

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