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The Elite Duelists Club - Under New Management


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I want to get in. I presume I will because my username is a type of food.


I probably would get in the club if I posted that as the deck' date=' but that deck as a tech genus deck im not so sure :\



As long as the deck contains at least 1 Tech Genus and the deck's main focus is that Tech Genus, I consider it a Tech Genus deck.

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Alright I'm so out of here...



3 x Ice Queen

1 x Ocean Dragon Lord - Neo Daedalus

3 x Levia Dragon Daedalus

2 x Warrior of Atlantis


1 x Chaos Sorcerer

2 x Phantom Of Chaos

2 x Breaker the Magical Warrior

1 x Gale the Whirlwind

1 x Summon Priest


2 x Herald of Creation

2 x Apprentice Magician

3 x Tech Genus Cyber Magician SC-01



2 x TradeIn

3 x ALO

2 x Magical Dimension

1 x Storm

1 x Bcontrol

2 x Secret Village

1 x Terraforming



1 x Call of the Haunted

1 x Torrential Tribute

1 x Magician's Circle

2 x Limit Reverse

Extra Deck:

Spellcaster Based Extra

With Main LV8 Powerhouses.


Now Let the FlameStorm Begins!!!!!

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I don't know what these decks are for, but I have one lol.


Destructotron x3

Doctor Cranium x3

Hyper Psychic Blaster/Assault Mode x1

Krebons x3

Lifeforce Harmonizer x3

Mind Master x2

Mind Protector x1

Power Injector x2

Psychic Commander x1

Psychic Jumper x1

Psychic Snail x1

Storm Caller x2

Telekinetic Shocker x2


Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth x2

Hyper Psychic Blaster x1

Magical Android x2

Psychic Lifetrancer x2

Thought Ruler Archfiend x1


Ante x2

Assault Teleport x1

Monster Gate x1

Monster Reborn x1

Monster Recovery x1

Monster Reincarnation x3


A Hero Emerges x3

A Rival Appears! x2

Acid Trap Hole x1

Assault Counter x1

Assault Mode Activate x2

Bottomless Trap Hole x3

Earthshaker x2


I call it Psychic Destruction

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Quickly! Focus the Deck around 1 of the Tech Genus's. Best use SP-01, for its Synching abilities. And what kinda Deck is that? Earthshaker?Ante? no.


Just have the main focus the Deck on 1 of the guys, and also, you have Monster Reborn...


EDIT: For your entry, so that you can enter the next thread.

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I suppose I might as well give you your little surprise sooner rather than later.


I'm leaving my fate in your hands, my fellow elitists. Do I deserve to be in this club, let alone lead it? Create a valid discussion in this thread about how good I really am, if I'm good at all. Please note that your comments in this topic will not affect your entry status. If the general consensus is that I'm bad, I'll put the new club in charge of someone else and escort myself out.


Again, I leave my fate in your hands. Initiate your (really, this time) final assignment of the YCM Elite Duelists.

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I edited my deck Arks. Anyway, I think you're an awesome duelist, and have knowledge of most decks. I honestly don't think you're the best of the best though. I think the best current deckmakers on this website are BehindTheMask and SephirothKirby. Most of the extreme elitists aren't even in this club, but I guess they consider themselves Legendary, not Elite.

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