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The Elite Duelists Club - Under New Management


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You all have one last chance to prove yourselves.


Make a Tech Genus ( http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Tech_Genus ) deck. If I find your build sufficient, you'll earn your invitation to the next version of this club (name pending).


I think the Tech Genus archetype is sufficient enough to prove some skill. I'll be awaiting your entries, which must be posted here.


I wish you all a sincere bonne chance. This is your final examination here at The Elite Duelists.

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How in the hell do these work? O_o

Couldn't you have posted something easier?


Holy shi- I can do some crazy stuff with this deck.



Monsters: 19

Tech Genus Cyber Magician x3

1x Cyber Dragon

3x The Tricky

3x Eccentric Boy

1x Sangan

2x Destiny Hero - Malicious

2x Destiny Hero - Dasher

1x Elemental Hero - Stratos

1x Destiny Hero - Plasma

1x Destiny Hero - Fear Monger

1x Dark Armed Dragon



Spells: 18

1x Inferno Reckless Summon

2x Allure of Darkness

3x Destiny Draw

1x Heavy Storm

3x Future Vision (Works so well)

2x Terraforming

1x Giant Trunade

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

2x Machine Duplication

1x Card Destruction

2x Hand Destruction


Traps: 2

1x Call of the Haunted

1x Torrential Tribute



Extra: 15

3x Stardust Dragon

3x Red Dragon Archfiend

1x Black Rose Dragon

1x Goyo Guardian

1x Brionac

3x Colossal Fighter

2x Magical Android

1x Chimeratech Fortress


Ive been testing, it runs sweetly.


Future Vision screws on everyone.


I'll be disappointed if I don't get in. Anyways, thanks arkel.

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3x Cyber striker

3x Cyber werewolf

3x mystic tomato

1x plaguespreader

1x sangan

2x Breaker

3x Tragoedia

1x snipe hunter

1x gale

2x krebons



2x Allure

3x dark eruption

m. control

b. control




e tele




2x bottomless

3x Roar

2x Bribe




2x blade gunner

3x power gladiator

1x BRD

1x Goyo

1x Broniac

2x Stardust

1x RDA

2x colossal

2x dark end dragon


It's a tech-tech deck! Meant to synchro AND get rid of opponent's cards. Haven't tried yet... Volunteers?

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BTW didn't use magician' date=' but only cause pizza used it.

So making a unique deck should improve my chance of winning! ^.^

Good job pizza. Hope we all get accepted XD



If you want any chance of being accepted, I suggest you tell that CCV of yours to GTFO.

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I don't really know how these things work.... I'll try.


[align=center]3 Tech Genus Cyber Magician SC-01

1 Cyber Dragon

2 Honest

2 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

3 Tech Genus Werewolf BW-03

1 Plaguespreader Zombie

2 Chaos Sorcerer

1 Dark Armed Dragon

2 Destiny Hero - Malicious

2 Eccentric Boy

1 Sangan


1 Lightning Vortex

2 Future Vision

2 Allure of Darkness

1 Heavy Storm

1 Giant Trunade

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

2 Machine Duplication

1 Card Destruction


3 Reckless Greed

1 Mirror Force

1 Torrential Tribute

2 Threatening Roar

2 Dark Bribe

1 Call of the Haunted

Anybody like it? Not my best work =/[/align]

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Decided to only work with machines on this one. Not my best work, but I hope its good enough.


Total 40


Monsters: 20

Cyber Dragon

UFO Turtle x3

Cyber Phoenix x3

Cyber Valley x3

Tech Genus Cyber Magician SC-01 x3

Tech Genus Striker WA-01 x2

Tech Genus Werewolf BW-03 x3




Spells: 12




Machine Duplication x2

Limiter Removal

Overload Fusion

Book Of Moon x2

Giant Trunade

Enemy Controller x2


Traps: 8

Bottomless x2


Threatening x2


Mirror Force


Extra: 15

Ally of Justice Catastor x2

Tech Genus Power Gladiator WAX-1000 x2


Gaia Knight

Black Rose

Armor Master

Thought Ruler

Red Dragon

Stardust x2

Tech Genus Blade Gunner MAXX-10000

Ally of Justice Decisive Arms

Chimeratech Overdragon

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My turn:


x3 Jinzo

x3 Caius

x2 Chaos Sorcerer


x3 Tech Genus Cyber Magician

x3 Spell Striker

x3 Tuningware

x3 Cyber Valley

x1 Mole

x1 Sangan

x1 Card Trooper

x1 Morphing Jar

x1 DD Lady


x2 Allure

x2 Pot of Avi.

x3 Machine Dupe

x3 Fissure

x1 Heavy Storm

x1 Lightning Vortex

x1 Trunade

x1 Foolish


x3 Royal Decree


40 in total. Generic Idea is to use Cyber Magician SC-01 as the main tuner, while summoning loads of small monsters for tributes, or let them activate certain effects. The main guy here helps synching, being very good add it with also synching from the hand. Jinzo and Decree stops annoying traps like royal oppression. So it should be fast and fill the grave, then use PoA. Everything else you should be understood.


More simple: go fast, summon fast, summon lots of Synchros, repeat.


To bad Machine Dupe doesn't work on SP-01 :(. Otherwise this would be epic.

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These are crazy hard.


Total: 42


Monsters: 22




3 Tech Genus Cyber Magician

2 Honest

2 Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner

1 Wulf, Lightsworn Beast

2 Lyla, Lightsworn Sorcereress

1 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

1 Cyber Dragon




3 Tech Genus Werewolf

2 Necro Gardna

1 Dark Armed Dragon

1 Plaguespreader Zombie

1 Sangan




2 Chaos Sorcerer


Spells: 15


2 Allure

2 Foolish

2 Monster Reincarnation

3 Solar Recharge

3 Charge of the Light Brigade


1 Heavy Storm

1 Brain Control


Traps: 5


1 Call of the Haunted

2 Beckoning Light

1 Mirror Force

2 Bottomless

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