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The Elite Duelists Club - Under New Management


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Username: LarryCotter

Favourite Card: the ones in my sig: Final Countdown, DD Warrior Lady and Blue-Eyes

Do you play the Yu-Gi-Oh Trading Card Game in real life: Yup

Post a Deck: (Even tough I hereby gain acces to the complete card pool, I choose to post my Countdown Deck. I CAN build a Deck that can crush others more effectively, but this Deck is my pride.)


[spoiler=Final Crapdown]///Monsters (13)\\\

3)) Wall of Illusion

3)) Legendary Jujitsu

2)) Penguin Soldier

1)) Morphing Jar

2)) Mask of Darkness

1)) Spirit Reaper

1)) Marshmallon


///Spells (18)\\\

3)) Final Countdown

3)) Messenger of Peace

3)) Nightmare's Steelcage

1)) Swords of Revealing Light

1)) Level Limit-Area B

2)) Lightning Vortex

2)) Soul Taker

3)) Upstart Goblin


///Traps (9)\\\

3)) Threatening Roar

3)) Waboku

1)) Torrential Tribute

1)) Mirror Force

1)) Gravity Bind



2)) Lava Golem

2)) Morphing Jar #2

2)) Twister

1)) Heavy Storm

2)) Needle Ceiling

3)) Skill Drain

3)) Royal Oppression


It won me a lolocals today, proving that cheap Decks are sometimes better than more expensive builds.



Anything else?

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just something i thought was funny,

i present, my flip troll library!


[spoiler=flip troll library]

flip 6, till the end of time:



flip 5, faster than the speed of love:



flip 4, on the funking moon:



flip 3, this time its personal:



flip 2, mk2:



flip trolls:



flip trolls, gaia power:



flip trolls, under the sea:



flip trolls, the worms strike back:



flip trolls, land before trolls:



flip trolls, ugly betty:



flip trolls, bdsm:



flip trolls, ghost of a chance:





i'm wondering whether i should add other peoples flip troll decks to my library...

gather them for me ycm! for my laptop is out of batteries!

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So I need some help with my IRL Zombies. I figured I could get help here before I got flamed in the deck section XD

[spoiler=Monsters 20]

Caius x3

Raiza x3

Zombie Master x2

Mezuki x2

Goblin Zombie x2

Pyramid Turtle x2


Spirit Reaper




Wulf (Yes Wulf. PWWB, ZM fodder. Also Wulf + Foolish + Monarch = Profit. I tested this today and it works. Scary, I know.)



[spoiler=Spells 14]

Allure x2

Foolish x2

BFaDD x2

Book of Moon x2

Book of Life x2

Card Destruction






[spoiler=Traps 7]

Bottomless x2







[spoiler=Extra 10 (I know I need to Max out)]


Revived King

Gaia Knight


Black Rose


Thought Ruler

Red Dragon

Stardust x2


Definatly adding BAM & Doomkaiser when I get them. Could be awhile on the first.



[spoiler=Side (Its terrible I know)]


Morphing Jar


Armageddon x2

Kycoo x2

Crow x2


Roar x3

Light-Imprisoning x2



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Rejected. Read the rules.


@everyone: Sorry I haven't been on lately. Way too many noobs wanting to maul me in the past week...


My locals is okay. It's a casual locals, so no one really runs tier decks except me and a terribad LS player. Prizes are horrible.

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Due to my excesive ammounts of traps & quick plays, I usualy cant get treeborn out when I need him XD. It cost me the game a few days ago. I was playing LS and they had Royal decree on the field while I had PWWB face down. I needed a tribute, frog was in grave, couldent grab him. It was a sad loss.

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Alright. I'm trying to make a Deck centered around using AGGD and Geartown and this:





It's suppose to recycle Geartown, with alot of ways to get an AGGD fast while trying to gain field advantage through that. I'm thinking that it would be very competitive and the lulz since you keep on getting 3000 ATK beatsticks on the field.


But I need to find a way to abuse this.

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fairy dragon's search effect is optional..so you can just not search the another field and get Geartown Effect and 1000 LP


I guess it works like that.


No... the last thing that happens is you gain 1000 lp... And since geartown's summon effect is optional... It will miss the timing...

Mufufufu... I know my rulings well...


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