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Icarus attack x3' date=' in trade of book of moon...



Yuck. 3 Icarus is definitely not what I'm going to do.


-1 dark eruption

-Cyber dragon(Not so useful anymore...)


+Return from the different dimensioh

+Prometheus(Pretty kewl card' date=' can create an otk situation)


Maybe try reckless greed, for more draw power?



Eruption searches pretty much everything.


I've been thinking of RftDD, but there doesn't seem to be much use of it.


And I know what Pro does.


Reckless: There's no room, and it's not worth it tbh.

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Soooooooo...Who here hates LS?

No one at my locals has LS :D




There are 3 people at my locals who run LS. 1 of them is a really cool college profesor (shocking aint it?) who is always loads of fun to play against. The other two are both reaaaaaaaaaaly obnoxious. Any win they have against you is skill, while anything you have against them is luck. Really lame.

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I guess.


While we are on the subject of locals & out of curiosity, what is everyones local tournament like. We actualy see quite a bit of variety at mine, due to the # of lower level players. Its actualy kinda nice. + I can always get a lot of good trades since everyone knows me :D

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Soooooooo...Who here hates LS?


I do...Coz they are so funking anoyingly supported by konami where other srchetypes, or deck type got killed misserabily...same with Blackwings (but this ones, how can I explain myself.....Oh yeah Crow is a Ashole)...and in its time DAD....


People...I'm a Daedalus Fan deck Maker...See some of my works here...


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I just can't picture myself relaxed doing... well' date=' anything.

I'm here to kick your ass, take your precious ante, and leave you in the dirt while I laugh at you.

Cold, yes. Effective, yes.



It is effective. And in all honesty, you are the more likely to win nats then I am, simply because its more important to you then it is to me.

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