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The Elite Duelists Club - Under New Management


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arkel: I'll test that. Could work.

Daedalus: No, salvos/Deko Train guy are bad here, and for BUr, he has 6 Machine Targets, and 5 BeastWarrior targets, for he is a BeastWarrior, too.

WatdaBUCK: I got plenty of Machine targets, and I have Foolish if I need a guy in the Grave. I'm rejecting the Salvo idea.


Synchro Summoning seems a little to hard to do with this Deck, and usually suck, even if I get Stardust. But if there was an easier way, I'm listenin.

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editting ma deck


Monsters: 22

3x Volcanic Rocket

1x Summoner Monk

3x Volcanic Shell

3x Volcanic Counter

3x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

1x Jain, Lightsworn Paladin

1x Plaguespreader Zombie

3x Necro Gardna

1x Gorz, the Emmissary of Darkness

1x Sangan

1x Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind

1x Rose, Warrior of Revenge


Spells: 12

2x Blaze Accelerator

1x Brain Control

1x Heavy Storm

1x Lightning Vortex

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

2x Pot of Avarice

2x Solar Recharge

1x Mind Control

1x Charge of the Light Brigade


Traps: 6

1x Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

3x Waboku

1x Torrential Tribute

1x Call of the Haunted




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Do i have to re - apply?


Nope. Welcome back.




Tronta was banned? Dammit, that guy's win. Perma'd? =o


I know this sounds stupid, but does anyone here think that Assault Monarchs could play out to be a good deck? Its a thought i came up with today

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Do i have to re - apply?


Nope. Welcome back.




Tronta was banned? Dammit' date=' that guy's win. Perma'd? =o


I know this sounds stupid, but does anyone here think that Assault Monarchs could play out to be a good deck? Its a thought i came up with today



They could decent, but would be hella inconsistent imo.

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in memoriam.

shhh, i'm not supposed to be here ;)




update for flip5, per sept 09:

1 morphing jar

3 morphing jar 2

3 needle worm

2 penguin soldier

1 night assailant

1 sangan

1 giant rat



3 moon

3 taiyou

3 eclipse

3 shallow

1 card dest

3 hand dest

3 dwd

3 cup of ace

3 upstart goblin



2 desert sunlight

1 coth



deck 40






i know how you feel, i'm going through the same apathy. my advice? make a fliptroll deck. i'm not kidding. i've played a fuckload of deck types, and they're easily the most fun to use, even if i dont win. go for it.




proud doesnt describe it.

but 3 mojo2 might murder that lineup. just a wee bit too monster light.



@rest of you:

shhhhh, i was never here. ;)

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as long as i'm breaking rules:



A) i get a bit overkill with forums. i was on here 2, 3 times a day. waayyyy too much. i'm taking this as a sign i need to tone it down. call it a hiatus.

B) besides, people would recognize the duplicate. flip trolls are too unique~

C) twas umbra, the scalawag!

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Fill out the following form:

Username: Zereoin666

Favourite Card: Black Rose Dragon or Solar Flare Dragon- Tie for Fave Card

Do you play the Yu-Gi-Oh Trading Card Game in real life: Yes

Post a Deck:


[spoiler=Deck of Mysterious]

[spoiler=7x Extra]

2x Red Dragon Archfiend

2x Ancient Fairy Dragon

1x Stardust Dragon

1x Iron Chain Dragon

1x Black Rose Dragon




[spoiler=20x Monsters]

2x UFO Turtle

2x Solar Flare Dragon

2x Rose, Warrior of Revenge

2x X-Saber Airbellum

2x Hyper Synchron

2x Emissary from Pandemonium

2x Debris Dragon

1x Gemini Elf

1x X-Saber Anu Piranha

1x Spear Dragon

1x Archfiend Soldier




[spoiler=10x Spells]

2x Reload

2x Card Trader

1x Swords of Revealing Light

1x Gravekeeper's Servant

1x De-Synchro

1x Heavy Storm

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Card Destruction




[spoiler=10x Trap]

3x Magic Jammer

2x Negate Attack

2x Draining Shield

2x Scrap-Iron Scarecrow

1x Call of The Haunted






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