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Zombie contest. done. judging starting.


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Hi everyone!!! ^_^ I'm glad I can now make my own contest.


Here it is:


The idea is to create 5 to 10 Zombie-Type Monsters as a support for my favorite card, of course: "Cyber Dragon"!


Contest end date: 2 weeks after contest starts.


Contest will start when I'll have at least 8 contestants.


Minimum number of contestants: 8.



I, and the Judges, will rate following:





If it's a good support for "Cyber Dragon":20/100



1. Sasuke Pitsura

2. me

3. Junk Sorcerer

4. Lrovani



1st:3 reps, 30 points

2nd:2 reps, 20 points

3rd:1 rep, 10 points


entry is 3 points.


Reserve it now! ^_^


Good Luck everyone and I hope you'll enjoy it.


P.S. if your cards are very fail, we will give you a point just because it made us laugh.

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I sent the points and here be the cards.


[spoiler=Card 1]158561.jpg


[spoiler=Card effect] When this card is face-up on the field in defense position, all Zombie-Type monsters on your opponent's field cannot attack any Zombie-Type monsters on your field. If your opponent declares an attack on a monster you control, you can destroy this card to negate that attack.



[spoiler=Card 2]158561p.jpg


[spoiler=Card effect] When this card attacks a monster on your opponent's field, your opponent's monster becomes Zombie-Type and it's DEF becomes 0 after damage calculation, even if this card is destroyed. If your opponent Summons any other monsters onto his field while he already controls a monster that battled with this monster, they all become Zombie-Type and their DEF becomes 0.



[spoiler=Card 3]158561.jpg


[spoiler=Card effect] When this card is successfully Normal Summoned, you may pay 1000 Life Points to Special Summon 1 monster from your Graveyard. Any monster Special Summoned with this card's effect become Zombie-Type and gain 300 ATK and DEF.



[spoiler=Card 4]158561.jpg


[spoiler=Card effect] When this card is Special Summoned from the Graveyard you may Special Summon 1 "Undead Battleguard" from your Deck. If you control 3 "Undead Battleguard"s you may attack your opponent directly with 1 monster. If you choose to activate this effect destroy 1 "Undead Battleguard" on your field.



[spoiler=Card 5]158561.jpg


[spoiler=Card effect] You can discard this card from your hand to negate the effect of a Trap card on the field and destroy it. When this card is Special Summoned from the Graveyard it cannot be destroyed by the effect of Trap cards. Once per turn you can sacrifice 1 card on your field to inflict 600 damage to your opponent's Life Points.


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