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level based cards

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Level Guard

Counter Trap

Activate this card if a monster on your side of the feild is targeted by a card effect. Reduce the level of one monster on your side of the feild by 4 to negate the activation of the card and return that to the owners hand, if you cannot reduce the selected monsters level return this card to your hand instead.


Level Army


You can reduce the lv of one monster on your side of the feild and summon level token(s) (Light/Warrior/LV1/ATK1000/DEF1000) equal to the level that you reduced the selected monster by, these tokens cannot be used as tributes and can't attack during the turn this card was activated.


Power Collision Burst


Activate this card during your first Main-Phase if you controle 2 monsters with the same level on your side of the feild. tribute those 2 monsters and inflict damage to your opponents life points equal to the combined ATK of the tributed monster.


Tuned Leveler

lv 1 Light


Once per turn, you can select one monster on the feild and increase its level by 2 until the End-Phase.

ATK/100 DEF/100

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1.I kinda like it but what happens if the card CANT be reduced by 4 levels?


2.1000 attack tokens? That turns a level 8 monster into an OTK. Make it so they cant atttack the turn they are summoned and its all good


3.That would be ALOT of damage but it does have a condition and costs you two cards.....but i still think its a bit much. Say it could only be used in main phase 1 and I like it


4.Nice generic LIGHT tuner. I approve

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Level Rebirth


Discard 1 monster card and specail summon a monster in your Graveyard that has a level thats the same or less than the discarded card.


Brothering Levels


Select one monster on your side of the feild, all monsters on the feild levels become the same as the selected monsters.


Level Draw


Discard 1 Normal monster from your hand to the graveyard and draw cards for each 3 levels that card had.

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