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If you could erase ONE ruling...

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Zombie Master's inability to Summon the card you discarded for his effect if there is no other target in the graveyard.


And Crab, you mean this ruling?


For the effects of "Tragoedia" which give you control of an opponent's monster and which changes its Level' date=' and the effect of "Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind" which halves the ATK and DEF of an opponent's monster, these effects cannot Special Summon a monster at resolution, so the effect of "Royal Oppression" cannot be chained to these effects. Also, "Royal Oppression" cannot negate the effect of "Tragoedia" which Special Summons it because the effect activates during the Damage Step.[19']


I don't really understand why Gale is even mentioned, as it goes on to describe why effects that special summon monsters at resolution.

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The ruling that Night Assailaint cantg target itself when you discard it.


But then it would be banworthy.


Zombie Master's inability to Summon the card you discarded for his effect if there is no other target in the graveyard.


And Crab' date=' you mean this ruling?


For the effects of "Tragoedia" which give you control of an opponent's monster and which changes its Level, and the effect of "Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind" which halves the ATK and DEF of an opponent's monster, these effects cannot Special Summon a monster at resolution, so the effect of "Royal Oppression" cannot be chained to these effects. Also, "Royal Oppression" cannot negate the effect of "Tragoedia" which Special Summons it because the effect activates during the Damage Step.[19]


I don't really understand why Gale is even mentioned, as it goes on to describe why effects that special summon monsters at resolution.


I thought there was a ruling (OCG-exclusive?) that said the opposite - Oppression can negate any effect used by a card that also possesses a Special Summon effect - but the Wiki's rulings list has no such ruling and several rulings saying the opposite, so I'm probably misremembering.


In that case, I'll go with the ruling that you can't Solemn a Nephthys, and related rulings that limit Solemn's ability to negate Special Summons that aren't Summon effects.

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Ah, finally...



You could not reveal "Evil Hero Dark Gaia", because it does not specifically name any Fusion Material Monsters.



This one has always been bothering me. And this is the BKSS ruling (woah, haven't used that term for a long time), because Future Fusion is worded the same way (AFAIK, in the TCG) and CAN be used on Dark Gaia & Co.


So why not Prisma?

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Ah' date=' finally...



You could not reveal "Evil Hero Dark Gaia", because it does not specifically name any Fusion Material Monsters.



This one has always been bothering me. And this is the BKSS ruling (woah, haven't used that term for a long time), because Future Fusion is worded the same way (AFAIK, in the TCG) and CAN be used on Dark Gaia & Co.


So why not Prisma?



This is what I want to change. It's so annoying that I can't dump fusion replacements with prisma ;(

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The ruling where your limited to 3 copies of each card in your deck?


A deck of 40 exodia pieces would be awesome.


Exodia pieces x5

Pot of Greed x36



Dude, If you could be all like: "IT IZ TROO DAT DA EXODEEA PEECEZ R RARE, BUT I TRIEV ON RARE CARDS! *pulls out Exodia Deck* CHEX DIS OUT, U NOOB!"

(^Rare hunter parody^)


And the opponet would die from awesomeness.

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Ah' date=' finally...



You could not reveal "Evil Hero Dark Gaia", because it does not specifically name any Fusion Material Monsters.



This one has always been bothering me. And this is the BKSS ruling (woah, haven't used that term for a long time), because Future Fusion is worded the same way (AFAIK, in the TCG) and CAN be used on Dark Gaia & Co.


So why not Prisma?



This is what I want to change. It's so annoying that I can't dump fusion replacements with prisma ;(


Ahum, you're using 'facepalm' wrong.



The ruling where your limited to 3 copies of each card in your deck?


A deck of 40 exodia pieces would be awesome.


If you'd be allowed to completely ignoring the ban list' date=' and you'd make a deck with 40 Exodia pieces, you'd be doing it terribly wrong.



The ruling where your limited to 3 copies of each card in your deck?


A deck of 40 exodia pieces would be awesome.


Exodia pieces x5

Pot of Greed x36





1x Exodia

1x Left Leg

1x Left Arm

1x Right Leg

1x Right Arm

34x Pot of Greed

1x Mechanical Snail


Never forget.

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