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Vanilla's Protectors! # of mems: 45, C'mon ppl! don't you care about the OG's?


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Kizzfan and anime-lover, both of you made some incredible cards. Kizz, I'll go so far to say that yours is better then the one I made for you.

PS: The main reason I started my Vanilla member thread is in the card I just made below. It's the reason I started, and the reason I need someone to BE THE PANDA SAMURAI!!!




Get ready for the LoLz...













...dont think you are....








brace for it....
















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We do not have the power basis to rebel against the effects yet. We are but 20 (i could be wrong) members strong. Our devotion is fierce, but our strength of arms is low. We must bid our time, gather our forces and send envoys of peace to the kingdoms of the effects.


and when the f***ers aint looking knock em down with a BIG F***ING HAMMER!!!

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*Anime sweatdrop* isn't our goal to show people that normals are needed, I mean if we get rid of Effects, wouldn't we as bad as them. I mean come on we are doing this for peace, also we don't use a hammer, we use Shoop Da Whoop, they never see it coming, I can even summon my Shoop da Whoop Exodia

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Normals can be funny. Unfortunately, I don't think this one takes the cake. Hopefully its decent.


Whole sets of cards are based on vanillas. Look at Blue Eyes! He's got KaibaMan, Blue Stream of Destruction, etc. Dark Magician has Skilled Dark Magician, Dark Magic Attack, Dark Magician Girl, etc. I made a set recently that's completely based on this vanilla.

283337w.jpg If you want to look at it, here it is.


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