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Digimon Mystery Dungeon


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OoC: In this Roleplay, He did not take orders he just is the ruler of this cult


"Come," SkullGreymon picked up the unhurt Agumon and ran through the village and up the mountain.


Zip lay limp on the ground a letter for the daily job in his hand and Patamon was by his side, "Will he be okay," Patamon asked.

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"Angelic Arrow," Angewomon atacked Dracomon with several arrows. Patamon went and hid. Zip moved barely, Rage hit "Terriermon Digivolve to..." a Flash went out, "Gargamon," there stood Gargamon.


OoC: This is a one time event it won't happen for a few more jobs so don't atempt it.

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Zip falls to his knees, and de-digivolves.


The Next Day:


Zip was on his hospital bed with his friends near by, "Is he Okay," Patamon asked,

Angewomon suggests, "You should join them,"


IC: Patamon has joined the team, I control him, you guys will get second charectars soon

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Ic: Patamon joined Team Digiknights!

Dracomon woke up.


Dracomon: Ah..Where am I? The last thing I remember was getting attacked by an Agumon then it all goes black....


[spoiler=[i]???: Now, Human. Answer these questions, be truthful when you answer them.[/i]]

Your Best Friend is being bullied, what do you do?

1) I'll help him out!

2) I'll help beat the cr@p outta him!

3) I'd help but I don't want to get hurt so I'll just leave him....


You see a wallet on the ground, what do you do?

1) Take it when nobody is looking!

2) Ignore it.

3) Turn it to the police.

4) Burn it.


You were watching your favorite show when suddenly, the power turns off, what do you do?

1) I'll just read a book.


3) Find out why the power turned off.

4) Pretend nothing happened.


(Only if you selected option 2 in the above question) While going crazy, you accidentally knock down a Vass which then breaks into pieces, what do you do?

1) Hide the pieces so no one can find it.

2) Fix it.

3) Ignore it and continue being crazy.

4) Just ignore it.


Someone starts making fun of you, what do you do?

1) Say it's not nice.

2) Beat the Cr@p outta him!

3) Ignore him.


Your final question, are you a boy or a Girl?

1) Boy

2) Girl


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Dracomon: Oh.


OoC: Somebody answer the questions. AND ANSWER THEM TRUTHFULLY!!!!

If you don't know how to answer them then here's an...



Your Best Friend is being bullied, what do you do?

I'll help beat the cr@p outta him!


You see a wallet on the ground, what do you do?

Take it when nobody is looking!


You were watching your favorite show when suddenly, the power turns off, what do you do?



(Only if you selected option 2 in the above question) While going crazy, you accidentally knock down a Vass which then breaks into pieces, what do you do?

Ignore it and continue being crazy.


Someone starts making fun of you, what do you do?

Beat the Cr@p outta him!



Your final question, are you a boy or a Girl?




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Your Best Friend is being bullied, what do you do?

1) I'll help him out!<--

2) I'll help beat the cr@p outta him!

3) I'd help but I don't want to get hurt so I'll just leave him....


You see a wallet on the ground, what do you do?

1) Take it when nobody is looking!<--

2) Ignore it.

3) Turn it to the police.

4) Burn it.


You were watching your favorite show when suddenly, the power turns off, what do you do?

1) I'll just read a book.

2) GO CRAZY!!! RAAAAHHH!!!!<--

3) Find out why the power turned off.

4) Pretend nothing happened.


(Only if you selected option 2 in the above question) While going crazy, you accidentally knock down a Vass which then breaks into pieces, what do you do?

1) Hide the pieces so no one can find it.<---

2) Fix it.

3) Ignore it and continue being crazy.

4) Just ignore it.


Someone starts making fun of you, what do you do?

1) Say it's not nice.

2) Beat the Cr@p outta him!<--- i actually would and have

3) Ignore him.


Your final question, are you a boy or a Girl?

1) Boy<--

2) Girl

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OoC: good choices let me try to


Your Best Friend is being bullied, what do you do?

1) I'll help him out! <---

2) I'll help beat the cr@p outta him!

3) I'd help but I don't want to get hurt so I'll just leave him....


You see a wallet on the ground, what do you do?

1) Take it when nobody is looking!

2) Ignore it.

3) Turn it to the police. <---

4) Burn it.


You were watching your favorite show when suddenly, the power turns off, what do you do?

1) I'll just read a book.


3) Find out why the power turned off. <---

4) Pretend nothing happened.


(Only if you selected option 2 in the above question) While going crazy, you accidentally knock down a Vass which then breaks into pieces, what do you do?

1) Hide the pieces so no one can find it.

2) Fix it.

3) Ignore it and continue being crazy.

4) Just ignore it.



Someone starts making fun of you, what do you do?

1) Say it's not nice.

2) Beat the Cr@p outta him!

3) Ignore him. <---


Your final question, are you a boy or a Girl?

1) Boy <---

2) Girl

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???: You are...the Brave Type.

You hate Evil. And you always try your best to protect your friends. But you are reckless and usually get yourself into trouble. But that doesn't change the fact that you braver than anyone.


You are...Dorumon!



OoC: This is for Blacx

OoC: My turn.


Your Best Friend is being bullied, what do you do?

1) I'll help him out!

2) I'll help beat the cr@p outta him! <---

3) I'd help but I don't want to get hurt so I'll just leave him....


You see a wallet on the ground, what do you do?

1) Take it when nobody is looking!

2) Ignore it.

3) Turn it to the police.

4) Burn it. <---


You were watching your favorite show when suddenly, the power turns off, what do you do?

1) I'll just read a book.

2) GO CRAZY!!! RAAAAHHH!!!! <---

3) Find out why the power turned off.

4) Pretend nothing happened.


(Only if you selected option 2 in the above question) While going crazy, you accidentally knock down a Vass which then breaks into pieces, what do you do?

1) Hide the pieces so no one can find it.

2) Fix it.

3) Ignore it and continue being crazy. <---

4) Just ignore it.


Someone starts making fun of you, what do you do?

1) Say it's not nice.

2) Beat the Cr@p outta him! <---

3) Ignore him.


Your final question, are you a boy or a Girl?

1) Boy <---

2) Girl


???:You are...The Evil Type

You always do the wrong thing and always cause Chaos. You don't care about anyone or anything. You only care about madness and destruction.


You are....Keramon!


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