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Kizzi's Shop of Randomness! Closed for the Holidays!


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Welcome to Kizzi's Shop of Randomness. What I need is in brackets. The price is in square brackets. On Christmas & Christmas Eve (UK time) each customer gets 1 item for free! We sell:


Splice of 2 pokemon (I might do 3 pokemon, it depends on difficulty)[8 points or 1 rep] (Which pokemon, which you want as the base, any specifics (opt.))

Avatars [8 points or 1 rep] (Picture, writing (optional))

Member Cards [8 points or 1 rep] (Favourite card (opt), favourite card you made (opt), type/attribute/level (opt)

Pokemon Recolour [5 points or 1 rep] (Which pokemon, how to be coloured (opt.))

Pokemon Standing Next to Trainers [5 points or 1 rep] (Which pokemon, which trainer)

Christmas Recolours (red and green) [5 points or 1 rep] (Which pokemon)

Cards [5 points or 1 rep] (Name, breif description)

Duotone pics [5 points or 1 rep] (Pic, which colours)

Inverted Pics [3 points or 2 for 1 rep] (Pic)

Black/White pics [3 points or 2 for 1 rep] (Pic)

Grayscale pics [3 points or 2 for 1 rep] (pic)

Crops [3 points or 2 for 1 rep] (Which area to keep)

Resizes [3 points or 2 for 1 rep]

Dark/light pics [3 points or 2 for 1 rep] (pic, dark or light)

Custom Smilies (don't ask!) [3 points or 2 for 1 rep] (What sort of smilie you want, what size)

Ghost Rares [3 points or 2 for 1 rep] (card)

Banners [8 points or 1 rep] (what pics, text, Kaitos only)

Card Avatars [8 points or 1 rep] (what cards, text, Kaitos only)

Tins [5 points or 1 rep] (what card, which colour tin, tallman95 only)


Orders will be PMed from now on for security reasons. I am perfectly happy with you using stuff you've bought, as long as you ask permission first. Just a note, I prefer reps to points.



kizzi [main owner]



New Workers:

tallman95 (inverting, cards, resizes, some recolours)

Kaitos (banners, card avatars)

ROY(cards, inverted pics, black/white pics, grayscale pics, crops, resizes, avatars)


First (Rubbish) Banner:


New (Improved) Banner:


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