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CrossFyr!! Needed: Moderators, GFXers, Card Makers, and Fans!

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[align=center]Hello and Welcome to CrossFyr: Collectible Card Game Organization.


This clubs goal and focus is to develop and run the Collectible Card Game known as CrossFyr.[/align]



There are many ways in which you could help out with this project and they are to be explain below. The positions are Administrator, Moderator, Card Maker, GFXer, and Fan.


Administrator- The administrative position is to be filled by myself. My job is to watch and work with the overall development of this project, as well as run and maintain the site and forums. My say is final, although that doesn't mean I won't be swayed. ;)


Moderator- Every forum needs a moderator. To begin with, this will be myself. As time goes on and activity picks up, members may apply, or I may choose, for moderator positions. Obviously, there will be Super Moderators and Moderators.


Card Maker- These are the brains behind the project. They come up with the card's name, level, class(es), strength, endurance, effect, description, and may suggest an image for the card. That image may not always be used, and their results may be edited before the creation of the card. NOTE: You do not need to be named Card Maker to create cards; even fans can come up with cards.


GFXer- The GFXer is the one who will create the cards, the field mats, the booster packs, the starter boxes, the banners, the logos, the buttons, and any other images requested. Without these, this project will not succeed.


Fan- Just got to help us out. =) They give helpful comments, suggestions, critiques, and complaints about the game, the cards, the graphics, the forums, the site, anything.



The form:

Username: YCM Username

Job: Card Making, Graphics, Moderator, or Fan



Max C. -Administrator

CrazyKev -GFXer

SirBigC94 -Moderator




[spoiler=Rules and Gameplay]

Table of Contents

1. The Cards

2. How to Play

3. ???


[spoiler=The Cards]

[spoiler=Example Beast Card]




[spoiler=Example Strategy Card]



In this section of the Gameplay, I'll attempt to explain the cards. First thing's first: Things that every card has is

1) A Name

2) A Picture

3) A Set ID

4) A Description Box

5) Copyright

6) Image Credit


And those a pretty much self-explanatory.


Everything a Beast Card has:

1) 1-6 of the above list.

2) Class

3) Strength

4) Endurance

5) Level

6) Description or Effect Text in Description Box



A Class, and Pseudo-Class, can be easily identified with Yu-Gi-Oh's Attribute and Type system. If we're going to use that example, the Class would be the Attribute while the Pseudo-Class would be the Type. There is always at least one class per card. The most Classes a Beast can have is 4, although only 2 will be shown on every card. Classes are generic. Pseudo (false, or fake)-Classes deal with cards on a much more specific level. So, as a class would be Man, a Pseudo-Class could be Sorcerer.

The higher the level on the card, the more the Classes. Levels 1-3 have only one class, Levels 4-6 have 2, Levels 7-9 have 3, and Level 10 has 4. As stated previously, a card will only show 2 Classes at any given time. So, let's say you have a Level 7 Necromancer. The Beast's Classes would be Man, Sorcerer, Necromancer, but on the card you will only see Sorcerer, Necromancer. The logic for this is simple: by the time the card would have Leveled up to Necromancer, it would be understood that his main Class is Man.Level 10's final Pseudo-Class will always be Legendary, i.e. Necromancer, Legendary. NOTE: Although the cards may not say all its Classes, they are still understood and they are still treated as those Classes.




Strength and Endurance are pretty obvious. =/ The top number will always be Strength; the bottom number will always be Endurance.




As already touch upon above, there are only 10 Levels. Obviously, Level 1 is the basic level; Level 10 is the highest/best level.

[spoiler=Leveling Up]

To level up, there are some conditions that must be met. First, Classes and Pseudo-Classes must be the same, i.e. Man > Man. Next, it must be the next level up: Level 2 > Level 3. Then, meet any requirements set by the card you are Leveling up to. Once all this is completed, send the card you wish to level up to the Discard Pile, and place the new Level on the field in its place.







Everything a Strategy Card has:

1) ...




[spoiler=How to Play]

[spoiler=Example Field Mat]





How to win:

1) ???

2) Your Opponent no longer has any beasts on his Battle Ground.

3) Your Opponent no longer has any cards in his deck to draw.

4) One of your cards' effects.


Preparing for a game:

Before you begin a game, shuffle your deck, place the decks in their respective Deck Zones. Then, each player picks up the top 10 cards of their decks. If you do not like your hand, return them to the deck, shuffle, and draw one card less; continue if you still do not like your hand. From your hand select all Level 1 Beast cards and place those into the Battle Ground / Arena, then return the rest of your hand into the deck and re-shuffle. Then both players draw 5 cards.


Turn Structure:

1) Draw 1 card

2) Play your cards

3) Retreat

4) Battle

5) Opponent's Turn


1: Your turn begins when you draw one card off the top of your deck.

2: Now is the time to play your cards: You can level up a beasts card. You can play Strategy cards, or you could play Level 1 Beasts. You can only play up to 2 Level 1 cards per turn. You can only Level up a Beast once per turn; you may Level up as many Beasts as you can.

3: Retreat?? Yes, you can retreat. This is strategically wise if you have a Level 1 or 2 that you want to keep. The retreating Beasts are removed from the Battle Ground /Arena, and then placed in the Retreat Zone. These Beasts cannot attack this turn, nor can they be attacked.

4: Now is when you fight!

5: Your Opponent's Turn.


[spoiler=Battle Explained]

Battle is conducted in this way: Both players attack during Battle; one Beast at a time. The attacks begin with the Turn holder. He/she chooses a Beast to attack with. Then once that attack is finished, your opponent will choose a Beast to attack with. Each Beast can only attack once per turn. What if my opponent has more Beasts to attack with? Then you attack, he attacks, you attack, then you run out of Beasts, so he attacks, then he attacks again... until he runs out of Beasts to attack with, or chooses not to attack. NOTE: Not every Beast in the Battle Ground must attack; they can choose not to. Battle is finished when both players have no more Beasts to attack with, or choose not to attack with the Beasts that can. After Battle, your turn has ended and your Opponent's starts. A Beast is destroyed when the attacking Beast's Strength is higher than the defending Beast's Endurance.






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Ok, so a much much much better explanation of the game has been posted. This new explanation flows much easier than before and explains it in a very simple manner, unlike before. =/


NOTE TO ALL: We have a website: CrossFyr.com. But there is nothing there except a picture of my mom and sis, and forums, on which I am testing everything out. So the board is closed to prevent registration, and even if it were open, I disabled registration for now. We will make the move over to the site when everything has been cleared up and settled and ready to go. When we get a GFXer, we can begin working on a custom theme for our site. Until then, I'll just use Realmz from MyBBoard.net.


Current problems with this CCG: We don't have Strategy cards, or even a basic concept of them. =/ Strategy cards will be like Spells AND Trap cards in one category. They will not have symbols on them telling you what "type" of card it is. Instead, it will tell you on the card itself when to play it at what time.

Also, with Classes: I have only two Classes in mind at the moment; Man and Fish. =/ I have a few Pseudo-Classes in my head not: Sorcerer, Warrior, Necromancer, Healer, Shaman, Dragon. xD But I only have 2 Classes!


Note to the GFXers: Your first job when you join will be to come up with a new design for the cards and field mat. Just try to keep the current layout, you can change colors, borders, sizes, whatever. =)


If anyone needs anything else to be explained about this project, please post specifically what it is you don't understand and I will do my best to explain it to you.

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According to Classes, this is what I have so far:


Man > Sorcerer > Necromancer > Legendary

Man > Sorcerer > Fusionist > Legendary

Man > Sorcerer > Shaman > Legendary

Man > Sorcerer > Legendary

Man > Warrior > Tribal Leader > Legendary

Man > Warrior > Legendary

Egg* > Dragon > {Attribute of Dragon}** > Legendary

Egg > Dragon > Legendary

Egg > Bird > Phoenix > Legendary

Egg > Bird > Legendary


*Obviously a Beast cannot remain an Egg for three Levels, so for egg, we've done this: Egg Level 1 > Dragon Level 2. Then it remains Dragon until Level 7: Dragon Level 6 > Dragon, Fire Level 7.


**Dragons will be further categorized by attribute. I.e. Fire, water, ice, etc...


Anything anybody hates so far? =/ I need some comment...

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Username: SirBigC94

Job: Moderator, Super Moderator more preferabaly.


I have the Experience. ^^


Also, Sounds like a very great game. The Mats and Cards could be made to look a little more better. They look a bit squished together in my opinion..Also 1 Question. If i'm a Moderator or Super. Would I be able to do some GFX and make some Cards?

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SirBig, accepted ;) And yes, Moderators are free to do cards, graphics, and critique whatever they wish. Understand that we won't make the move to the forums until the project is sorted out on this thread first. Also note that the forums have yet to be installed on our site, CrossFyr.com. The forums that are there are test boards that I will move when we make the move over there.


NOTE: Just because you hold a title in one particular area doesn't mean you are restricted to that area. It only means that is your main occupation/job/work. So yes, any GFXer can make cards, any Moderator can do GFX, and anyone can critique. =)

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Username: SirBigC94

Job: Moderator' date=' Super Moderator more preferabaly.


I have the Experience. ^^


Also, Sounds like a very great game. The Mats and Cards could be made to look a little more better. They look a bit squished together in my opinion..[b']Also 1 Question. If i'm a Moderator or Super. Would I be able to do some GFX and make some Cards?[/b]


Yes can he?

I was hoping for another GFX maker for collab to make the mats easier.

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Well, I made some templates for cards

Idk, I'm still working one different kinds =3


Template (Original)



Example with that one:


(I didn't feel like making a description xD


Ultimate Space Template:



I used new text of course.


Ultimate Space, I just found a stock, Blurred it on soft light yeah...

Space can be like, our Ultimate Rarity card


I'll make more. And the mat.

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I really really like that =) What font did you use?


Also, for the space marked Level ####, that will be something like Level 10; for the space marked Class and Class, that will be something along the lines of Man and Sorcerer; for SGTH ####, it will just be a number: 1200; and the same is for Endurance. Strength will always be the top number. Unless you guys have suggestions, of course. ;)


Also, I've been busy with the house and junk, but here's what I got so far:


Card: Strategy

Name: An Exchange


"Play: When Attacked.

Search your deck for a Level 3 Beast Card and play it in the Battle Ground. You cannot attack the rest of Battle this turn. All your Opponent's Beasts must attack the Level 3 Beast Card you played if your Opponent chooses to attack."


Card: Strategy

Name: Confusion


"Play: When Battle Starts.

You cannot attack during Battle this turn. All your Opponent's Beasts must attack. All your Opponent's Beasts must choose another of your Opponent's Beasts to attack."



I was also thinking of having effects work like I've typed them above. Like Yugioh has the icons on spells and traps saying when to play them or they say in the effect. In CrossFyr, I was thinking of having the first line of every effect be the time when you use it.

And the same concept for Leveling Up. In the rules, I stated that you must level up to the right Class and must level up to the next level numerically then I added that it must meet the requirements or prerequisites on the card. The requirements would be on the card you are leveling up to, example: Level 1 > Level 2, the requirements would be on Level 2. And it would be something worthy of the next level, example: Level 8 Necromancer > Level 9 Necromancer would be "Lv: 3 Beasts back from the Discard Pile."


So, "Play:" is for Strategy cards and "Lv:" is for Beast cards. =) If a Beast card does not have "Lv:", then there is no requirement and you don't have to worry about it.

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Ok guys...


So I've been working on a few things with the site and this is what I've got =/




I'm not too happy with that, but I'm very tired and busy and I'm not gonna mess with it till tomorrow. I just want to know wht you think about it?


Also, here's a list of forums/sections that I was gonna add, I want to see what you think:



-News and Announcements

-Questions and Help

-Comments, Suggestions, and Critiques

CrossFyr CCG

-The Game


-Your Deck

--Your Cards

The Cards


--Rares & Legends




(maybe) Graphic Design


-Other Discussion




Staff Forums

-Staff Chat

-Images Request


---Denied Permissions


Also, we'll be using MyBB for our forums. If you know of a plugin that you would like to have, suggest it either in PM or on the thread. ;) I've already got most plugins downloaded; but go ahead and try. =D


Also, I've just uninstalled the test boards, they were getting annoying. And I'll be adding the forums whenever we get this thing rolling! >=P



I'll spend the day tomorrow thinking up Beast cards mostly... and some Strategy cards, maybe.


Again, if you find anything in gameplay you want to change, just say the word.

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