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Funny thought pertaing to title

*Big tough guy walks in and asked what you did to get locked up and you say Stealing Yugioh cards*


Dront drop the soap. That guy is gonna do terrible things to you.



It's an okay card if you have a card that's not that useful' date=' a dead draw or something that falls into that category.



Yeah then the only card in your opponets hand is D-Draw and you have no D heros

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If you are going that approch i recommend punch and run exchange isnt neccisary also nowhere on the card does it say return after duel


It also dosent say that if its removed from play its put in your opponets removed from play zone or if its returned to the deck its put in your opponets deck so there is a good chance it will not get sent back to your opponets graveyard so youy dont have to give it back!

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