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Guessing game

Curse Sasuke

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Gale is correct you have gotten it right rudger stand by for pos rep


the catagorie is My favorite card if you can guess it you get two reps plus you get three chances


Your favorite card?


How is that possible?


Gora Turtle


Ring of Destruction


Dark Strike Fighter

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rudger you have gotten it right with dark paladin.... the next catagorie is Zombies ooooo scary scary. so for this one its a really tough one so if you get it right you get three pos reps :) but there is a cetch you can only guess once a day so Rudger that means once. Zombies. Once. Three Reps. Get started. Good luck:)

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Okay since no one has guessed yet lets make things easier.The spell card is relesed to a certain group of people. These people are usually at tournaments. The only way you can even get this card is by passing rigorous tests. So hopefully that made it easier but not too easy. So have fun guessing. Now I am not going to give any more hints but pm me and maybe i will help you but just a little. :P

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master darts has gotten the correct answer with the seal of orichalcos

the next catagorie is a rather weird one for this special catagorie it is worth 5 points and 2 reps. THE ANSWER HAS TO BE EXACT. The question is i want to know how to get a blue-eyes ultimate on the field on my second turn tell me how. If no one gets it then i will give part one of a two part hint. and if at any time you want a public hint from now on just post hint other wise if you want it to be private then pm me but the private ones are going to be less descriptive than public. Now Get To It!


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