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I mean the only reason I ask, I guess, is cause I'm quite old school. Started with my first ever cards (Yugi Starter Deck) and the first season of anime. I still like all the classics. These new cards are too.... idk the word. I mean, Yugi's deck kinda sucks cos in the Anime it took advantage of all the rule breaking... haha

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lol xD I agree with Crab Helmet's post, still, I'll just concider the duels with the actual rules ;) to see how much do I reduce it...



He ran out of time because of excesive talking.



He first cheated with Living Arrow, then he forfeits.



He left himself be defeated so he could hit on her later on clean his grandpa's name



This is actually 2 times.

1) When Yugi took that burn himself so he could save Joey

2) When Joey recovered Red-Eyes at the end of Battle City (doesn't count, they never showed it)



Yugi was corrupted by Orichalcos (and if it doesn't help, he returned to defeat him back anyways).



I can't imagine those 2 duels ending in a draw xD so he lost but technically he won..


that leaves us with 0 looses if we count these effortlessly made points...


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I've seen worse duelists. *cough*DUMBASSJADEN*cough*


Come on guys' date=' he beat the sh!t out of people with vanilas, how epic is that? He also used the most pro cards, Kuriboh and DM.



Actually Jaden > Yugi

He atleast has a theme


Yugi and Yami have lost to Pegasus' date=' Kaiba, Rebecca, Joey, Raphael, and once each to the other. That's seven losses between the two of them - a good record, to be sure, but hardly a flawless one.



They didn't loose against Pegasus. Pegasus ended the match 2 seconds before he lost.

They didn't loose against Kaiba. They just didn't want to hurt him and surrendured.

They didn't loose against Rebecca. They surrendured, because they didn't want to hurt her feelings :D

They didn't loose against Joey. *Same reason as kaiba*

Loosing againt yourself doesn't count :D

So only Raphael beat them.

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Ahh thank you for pointing that out crab. I appreciate having such a knowledgeable mod to answer my questions when i have them

OT Yugi probley has the best anime deck of the original series IMO.


No. Dartz haz bettar dekz an seal of orekalkozzzz!


Actually Dartz has a better deck. A field spell that gives him 5 more monster zone, +500 ATK, +500 LP per monster ...And it's Speed Spell 4 oh and it can't be destroyed. Also he has cards like a 20k beatstick, A card wich ATK is always 300 points higher than the monster it battles. funk you Wicked God. The same for DEF monster. OH yeah and a super overpowered trump card that doesn't let him loose unless someone defeats a monster with infinity ATK in battle.



/joke over

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