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Pod set | Semi-original.


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Attack Pod - Twin Sweep



1 / 500 / 300

This card can attack once more per Battle Phase.


Attack Pod - Heat Laser



1 / 400 / 400

When this card destroys a monster by battle, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the destroyed monster's ATK.


Attack Pod - Missile Swarm



1 / 200 / 600

When this card destroys a monster by battle, destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card on the field.


Attack Pod - Power Fist



1 / 800 / 0

When this card destroys a monster by battle, destroy 1 monster your opponent controls whose ATK is lower than this card's ATK. If this card battles, increase any Battle Damage you take by 500.


Unfortunate Attack

Trap Card

Activate only when a “Attack Pod” monster you control is destroyed. Destroy 2 cards on the field.


Desperate Attack

Spell Card

When a “Attack Pod” monster you control battles, you can discard this card to negate the attack and inflict Battle Damage to your opponent equal to the “Attack Pod” monster's ATK.



Guard Pod - Invariable Shield



2 / 0 / 1200

Your opponent cannot select another monster you control as an attack target.


Guard Pod - Counterattack



2 / 600 / 600

At the end of your opponent's Battle Phase, destroy all cards that battled with this card.


Guard Pod - Reinforced Armor



2 / 400 / 800

This card cannot be destroyed by battle.


Guard Pod - Positron Barrier



2 / 200 / 1000

When this card is attacked, the attacking monster's ATK becomes equal to this card's ATK - 500, during damage calculation only.


Taunting Guard

Trap Card

Activate only while you control a face-up “Guard Pod” monster. Your opponent must conduct a Battle Phase during their next turn, and all face-up monsters they control during their next Battle Phase must attack a face-up “Guard Pod” monster you control.


Wonder Guard

Continuous Trap

If a “Guard Pod” monster you control is in face-up Attack Position, change it to face-up Defense Position. Once per turn, when a “Guard Pod” monster you control would be destroyed, you can destroy this card instead.



Vision Pod - Nightvision



3 / 800 / 800

When this card attacks, change the attack target to face-up Attack Position before damage calculation. (Flip Effects are not activated at this time.)


Vision Pod - Scanner



3 / 600 / 1000

Once per turn, reveal all face-down Spell or Trap Cards on your opponent's side of the field and select up to 2 of them. The selected cards cannot be activated until the End Phase.


Vision Pod - Radar



3 / 0 / 1800

Once per turn, when your opponent draws a card outside of the Draw Phase, you can look at it and activate 1 of the following effects, depending on the card's type (Monster, Spell or Trap):

Monster: Return the card to the top of it's owner's Deck.

Spell: The card cannot be activated until your opponent's next Main Phase.

Trap: Destroy 1 face-down Spell or Trap Card on the field.


Total Vision

Continuous Trap

Your opponent must play with their hand revealed. During each of your Standby Phases, send 1 “Vision Pod” monster on your side of the field or in your hand to the Graveyard. Otherwise, destroy this card.


Double Vision

Spell Card

Send 1 “Vision Pod” monster in your hand to the Graveyard. Add 2 Level 2 or lower “Pod” monsters in your Deck to your hand.



Tactical Pod - Siege and Withdraw



4 / 1500 / 1000

When this card attacks, it is changed to Defense Position after damage calculation. If this card is attacked while in Defense Position, increase it's DEF by the attacking monster's ATK during damage calculation only.


Tactical Pod - Collateral Damage



4 / 1300 / 1200

When this card destroys a monster by battle, you can destroy up to 2 monsters on the field whose ATK are lower than this card's ATK.


Tactical Pod - Backup Fire



4 / 1400 / 1100

When this card battles a monster with higher ATK, once per turn you can send 1 “Pod” monster in your Deck to the Graveyard to increase this card's ATK by the sent monster's ATK, until the End Phase.


Tactical Pod - Recharged Power



4 / 500 / 2000

Once per turn, select 1 monster you control. If the selected monster has an effect that can be activated once per turn, until the end of your opponent's next turn that effect can be activated during your opponent's Battle Phase.


Tactical Pod - Null and Void



4 / 300 / 2200

If this card attacks, your opponent cannot activate Spell or Trap Cards until the end of the Damage Step.


Tactical Withdrawal

Trap Card

Return 1 “Tactical Pod” monster you control to your hand. Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower “Pod” monster from your Deck.


Tactical Assault

Trap Card

Activate only when a “Tactical Pod” monster you control attacks. The attacked monster's ATK/DEF becomes equal to the attacked monster's ATK or DEF, whichever is lower, during damage calculation only.



Reactor Golem



10 / 0 / 0

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by destroying all “Pod” monsters you control. Once per turn, select 1 “Tactical Pod” monster, 1 “Vision Pod” monster, 1 “Guard Pod” monster, and 2 different “Attack Pod” monsters in your Graveyard. This card's name is also treated as the selected monster's names. This card gains ATK/DEF equal to the combined ATK or DEF, respectively, of the selected monsters, and the effects of the selected monsters. When this card would be destroyed, you can destroy 1 “Pod” monster you control instead.


Reactor Assembly

Continuous Trap

During each of your Standby Phases, send 1 “Pod” monster in your hand or Deck to the Graveyard and place 1 type of Counter on this card, depending on the monster's Level:

• 1: Attack Counter.

• 2: Guard Counter.

• 3: Vision Counter.

• 4: Tactical Counter.

You can remove 1 Attack Counter, 1 Guard Counter, 1 Vision Counter, and 1 Tactical Counter from this card to add 1 “Reactor Golem” in your Deck or Graveyard to your hand.


Reactor Meltdown

Trap Card

Destroy 1 “Reactor Golem” you control. Destroy all cards on the field.


Reactor Acceleration

Continuous Trap

Activate only when a “Reactor Golem” you control is attacked. Negate the attack and place 1 Reactor Counter on this card. (max.3) Once per turn, select 1 “Reactor Golem” you control and increase it's ATK by 500 for each Reactor Counter on this card, until the End Phase. If there are 3 Reactor Counters on this card, destroy all cards on the field.

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If a topic whose entire content consists of "I'll update this tomorrow." gets more comments than one of my sets, I'm clearly doing something wrong.


Please enlighten me.


Cards presented in this thread may or may not be used by a character in Legacy of the Tormentor.

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