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Relocating - LOCK

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I think it's about time I attempt to get in again. I presume I can show things other than tags? :/


I hope so.


Name: Snitch

How Long You've Been GFXing: However long I said last time to now. >-<

Resources given: I've given a few PSDs to people who want them. ._.

5 Examples of work: clicky, because you can only see the border on a different colour BG.

[spoiler=Pretty big.]Banner-4.png




[spoiler=looks better in a spoiler? :/]SilverscreenBanner.png


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Woo, I'm back again! That's the 3rd time I've been banned, and onty 1 of those time was completely fair, and 1 was just plain supid, and thsi one was kinda iffy, but acceptable. Anyways, hi again. And Seta, I'll get to the TOTW soon, maybe today, maybe not.


EDIT: Snitch, you're getting better. Give it a month or 2, and I think you'll stand a pretty good chance of getting in.

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