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Dont be mad just because Mia schooled you in Sid's thread. Thats sad. She knows alot about graphics' date=' and your pride is just hurt because you aren't the the top-dog anymore. Gosh, grow up.



I've noticed that a lot of arguements start in my threads... ><

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I've been schooling at some point. But my classes are not every week/day. I take Graphic design. I'm not interested in Physical art. Well not anymore at least.

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Honestly, the thing about YCM is only a FEW of people here are going to continue being a graphics designer, and all the other people do it for fun. Why do you treat everybody like their going into the Buisness? Why not treat them nicely and give CnC based on their current level?


EDIT: This was at mia =_=

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I take full courses that occur each day in graphic design as well. The school has Photoshop on all the computers in that class.


Physical art isn't interesting at all. Graphic design is.


Honestly' date=' the thing about YCM is only a FEW of people here are going to continue being a graphics designer, and all the other people do it for fun. Why do you treat everybody like their going into the Buisness? Why not treat them nicely and give CnC based on their current level?


EDIT: This was at mia =_=



Um... I learn about graphic design as an interest. I don't ever plan to take a professional occupation in it.


I'm more of a business person.


Want me to teach you business now?

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Nii-chan(I don't like calling real names on the internet) is doing a fine job. Sometimes I guess. Sometimes could go above the boundary.


I will stop posting here since this is your team now. I don't want to flame or anything. Good luck.

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WTF?! stop kissing her ass -_-

I said that the extended group is increasing with no effort. Or are you too dumb to read?

No' date=' no one "skooled" me. [b']Because I know it isn't right.[/b] I've asked a lot of people about composition & focalism. I'v elearnt a lot from experts.




Top-dog? At YCM? the last thing I want is that.


The bold is highly and always will be suggestive.

Cool it down KAJN. And be more open. (Yes this is a stern warning).

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How long have you been GFXing: About 5 months

Program Used: Paint & Gimp 2.6



[spoiler=A little part of a sprite sheet]




[spoiler=90% of a sprite sheet]




[spoiler=This is what I add to the end of all my animations]







Other: If I need to provide more examples tell me and I will make a couple more later.

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Mia, I am sorry, but I am going to have to remove you from the SW team, your actions since joining have caused the loss of three members, and I can't have the team falling apart over one person. I understand that you are good graphic designer, and that you are only trying to help. but the overall well being of the team comes before any one member's interests.

I am sorry that this had to happen, but I can't let the team fall apart over one member.

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Mia, as innocent as you think you are in this situation, you have to take some of the blame, as some of it is your fault.

Immediately after joining the team, you began to lecture and berate the other members for mistakes in something that is for them, a hobby. After they attempted to explain this to you, you continued to insult their work, calling it "broken" and the like, while complementing yourself on your "perfect" execution and skill.

Arrogance is just another form of insult, and I am ashamed that a member of the Scratchworks Family would be as arrogant as you. I hold no grudge against you, for you were just attempting to make the work of other people better, but your insensitivity and negative comments have led to three members of the Scratchworks Team leaving the group, including the group's best member, who had been consistently contributing. it has weakened the team as a whole, and that can not be allowed to happen.

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