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M.A.R:The Last Zombie Tatoo

vengeful lemonS

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its been 50 years since the last wars games were held and the world of mar was at peace for a long time but then the remaining chess peices from the last war games started to reappear. thier new leader's name is specter.now that a new war game seem s imintant will you join specter and the new chesspieces or will you stand agaisnt him?



[spoiler=2 char rules and normal rules]

2 char rules

1. they cannot fight agaisnt each other

2.cannot be on the same side

normal rules

1. no godmodling meaning no arm(air-um) that can instantly kill some one

2.no controling other peoples charcters without their consent




[spoiler=chess peice]




signature arm:

arm:(normal arm that you use)

rank:(Queen,kinght,bishop,rook,pawn)(that was in order from greatest to least and there can only be 1 queen and 12 kinghts)


bio:not optional just 2 sentences



[spoiler=team MAR]




signature arm:



bio:not optional just 2 sentences













[spoiler=my app]


age:200 (but looks 20 because of the zombie tattoo)


signature arm:guadian arm:Questqualt

arm:[spoiler=arm]Dark Babbo: Phantom's previous ÄRM, inside which 6 years ago Orb resided. After he was killed by Danna, it also was secretly taken out, and the ÄRM was sealed. It is now used by Ginta.

Zombie Tattoo: Not an ÄRM, but a tattoo created by one of Babbo's old powers. It allows Phantom to resurrect himself every time he is killed, and only by removing the tattoo can one truly finish the Knight off, resulting in the removal of all tattoos cast by him hitherto (Alviss', Rolan's, and Peta's). To remove his tattoo, one must place inside a hole in his chest the Holy ÄRM Purific Ave.

Allu Majuu (Allumage in the English dub): A Unique-typed ÄRM in the shape of a fiendish flame orb chained to a black halberd. When ordered, the orb will enlarge itself and engulf opponents, killing them in a deadly explosion.

Phantom Glass: A Unique-typed ÄRM, a mirror which traps opponents inside it and shatters after a short amount of time (presumably coherent to the victim's magic level in the manga, while works on a mechanism with a hourglass in the anime), sharing the trapped ones a same fate. Phantom uses this to kill cowards in the Chess Pieces too.

Phantom Cannon: (anime) Unique-typed ÄRM, releases blasts of energy from his palm.

???: Another Unique-typed ÄRM, a mass of hexagonal fragments. In its defense mode the fragments construct an impenetrable shield, and when discharged in attack mode they will launch consecutive shoots at the target. When inactive, these are kept along Phantom's sewed on arm, giving the effect of scales.

Soul Infinitia: A ghostly Darkness ÄRM that takes the form of a darkly colored ribbon. After draining the life force of all around it besides the user, it launches itself at its master's intended target.

I (Eins): Guardian ÄRM, the sentient type, a knightly armored creature which attacks with a long spear. Destroyed during his battle with Ginta.

II (Zwei) - Remrace: Guardian ÄRM, the insentient type, one of the only two to be named and strongests - a Herculean version of these common dark souls. Destroyed during his battle with Ginta.

III (Drei): Guardian ÄRM, the insentient type, a muscularly built wood monster. Destroyed during his battle with Ginta.

IV (Vier): Guardian ÄRM, the insentient type, a four-legged puppet with its head twisted upwards. Special ability: crossing space. Destroyed during his battle with Ginta.

V (Fünf) - Dead Dragon: Guardian ÄRM, the insentient type, one of the only two to be named and strongest - a dragon with decaying skins and reeky breath. Destroyed during his battle with Ginta.

VI (Sechs): Guardian ÄRM, the insentient type, a gigantic stuffed rabbit with a sewn mouth which, each time it opens, will release a destructive beam. Destroyed during his battle with Ginta.

VII (Sieben): Guardian ÄRM, the sentient type, a Humpty Dumpty-like midget, donning an outfit of late 18th/earlier 19th century style (as its top hat and cane suggest). Not much of its ability is known. Destroyed during his battle with Ginta.

VIII (Acht): Guardian ÄRM, the insentient type, a stone monster. Destroyed during his battle with Ginta.

IX (Neun): Guardian ÄRM, the insentient type, a levitating cloaked monster with invisible gloved hands and a log for a head. Destroyed during his battle with Ginta.

X (Zehn): Guardian ÄRM, the sentient type, a skeletal hooded phantom, which assails the opponent emotionally. Special ability: once the opponent falls for its words, X's outwardly harmless appearance will transform into a more malignant one and finishes the prey. Destroyed during his battle with Ginta




bio:He is phatoms twin brother. he recived the zombie tatoo at the same time as phatom.he was in the chess peices during the past 2 war games and now hes the leader.


plz join


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