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RULES: Please Read


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1. Try to keep the number of topics you make to a minimum by placing as many of your cards in one thread as possible.


2. Please try to put your cards in the correct sections, read each sections description and make an assumption.


3. Any card placed in the wrong thread will either be erased or moved. You have been warned.


4. Any topics that go unawnswered will be locked.


5. Try to you your common sense when posting.

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you do know Flame Dragon that technically you telling Bloodrun not to spam is actully spaming because your taking up unneciceary posting space


Wouldn't that apply to you to, since you just did what you said I did that you find to be spam, meaning you knowingly spammed. And seeing how I made that post almost 2 weels ago what you did really is spam


It isn't spam, because it isn't spam to tell someone they are spaming, the same way you can post in an old thread to tell someone not to post in old threads and not have it be spam.


Does this make sence, and please no one post here as I said read don't post.

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