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Black Dragon Deck


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these the deck i use in byond game "Dulemonster online"



Lord of dragons X3

Wall Of Illusion X3


Giant Germ X3

Spear Dragon X2

Mystic Tomato X3

Masked Dragon X3

luster dragon X3

Red-Eyes B. Chick X3




Summond Skull X2

Luster Dragon X3


Tyrant Dragon

Red-Eyes Black Dragon X3

Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon X3



Relinquished X3

Black Illusion Ritual


Inferno Fire Blast

Seal of Orichalcos

Swords of Revealing Light

Trap Hole X3

The Flute of Summoning Dragon X3

monster reborn

united we satand

premature burial

call the haunted



any suggestion :?


you can play yugi byond at


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hmm,i suggested you this:


if you really want play dragon deck put blue-eyes white dragons,and paladin of white dragon


but i think dragons decks really sucks because eeryone can play dragon capture jar and what will you doing then? you will lose easily

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hmm' date='i suggested you this:


if you really want play dragon deck put blue-eyes white dragons,and paladin of white dragon


but i think dragons decks really sucks because eeryone can play [b']dragon capture jar[/b] and what will you doing then? you will lose easily


lol... i dont think anyone plays dragon capture jar no more


plus even if they do... it is easily destroyed by MST


anywyas, it needs work... a lot of work


for one: there is no need for relinquished

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