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Heart of the cards?

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Something that started in this topic: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/viewtopic.php?t=1624


Anywho, has anybody else had a 'heart of the cards experience'? (Or a HCE, as I'll now call them)


One was when I was a weeny little yr 8 with the cruddiest deck in the universe, however during one duel I was begging myself to draw Mystical elf, and what'dya know I did and then used it as a sacrifice along with another monster next turn for my Blue eyes, and what the heck!! I actually won!!!!


I've never looked at mystical elf the same way since.

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I had, when I was playing Duel Monsters Online at BYOND, my opponent had swords of reveling light and united we stand on the field, when my draw phase was coming, I was wishing for mystical space typhoon, and I drew it, luck or hearth of the cards, don't know

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Guys, it's great to see that you have faith in the heart of the cards. I remember I posted some cards a while ago...one was called "Gladiator". If you played it you lost. People didn't like it, which revealed to me that they didn't believe in the heart of the cards. I'm so glad to see a rebirth.



Totalobelisk, you're getting +1 rep.

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purposely shuffling your deck to put your best cards in the right place. like, it would be like me placing Dark Necrofear, Dimension Fusion, Raviel, and 3 fiends at the top of my deck and shuffling so theyre still there. not that i havent drawn all those on my first turn.

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