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Fire Goddess CONTEST


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Here is my entry...



"This card cannot be Special Summoned, Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by tributing face-up in your side of the Field a "Volcanic Doomfire". This card gains 100 ATK/DEF for each monster in you Graveyard that has "Volcanic" in it's name. You can, once in a turn, pay 500 Life Points to remove from game one monster with "Volcanic" in it's name from play from your graveyard. If you have Five or more "Volcanic" monsters removed from play, you can activate this effect once in a duel: 1) Lauch three coins and ask for Head or Tails. For each "Head", choice one monster in your opponent side of the Field and add half of it's attack points in this card attack points. For each "Tails", Special Summon 1 Level 4 or minus "Volcanic" monster from your graveyard to the field. "




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