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Sun Skull

Soul Immortal

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Art:10/10 - Really nice detail, perfect

Effect:10/10 - ATK/DEF are balanced, effect is great, wonderful job

Idea:10/10 - Original, unique, it's great


Overall: 10/10 - A perfect score to a perfect card, nice work, and nice to see you back, Soul. (I mean, I haven't seen you around in a long time, I mean a LONG time.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

The equipped spell cards won't have any effect on the attacked monsters ATK. So if Sun Skull attacks a monster with less ATK after the Equip Spell Card is destroyed then Sun SKull won't be destroyed at all...


no but it says destroy the spell card before damage calculation, not before the attack >.< lol, just forget, and i for got to rate, 9/10 8)

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