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so i made a card of myself just for fun, and you finally get to see a pic of me! aaaah!


unfortunately theres a random arm in the way of my face that obscures the visual and therefore renders purpose pointless.



by the way, i'm the Dark Monarch, in case you were wondering.






I'm going to take a good picture of myself and make another card later xD

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Wow, HORUS, looks like you're having so much fun in that picture (camera shy?).


Well, all I can say is....................well, I can't.......well, really say anything. Sorry but, I just.........can't type about anything here. The picture does need to be fixed though (GET THAT DAMM ARM OUT OF HERE!), but the effect seems balanced, nice work, maybe a level 8 would be better, but, hey, it's the morning. I can't think in the morning.

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