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Pokemon Maolia Region RP (January 1st I'll repost the Application thread)


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As Jack Was Side Tracked A Cute Flupheep Appeared!



Male / Level:5



Defense Curl






From A Distance You Saw Somone You Think It's Prof. It Is!

"Josh I See You Caught A Bowig. Could I Pay You $3000 For it?








Hey Kid, My Names Jason. My mom doesn't think I can raise this pokemon So I wanted to know do you want it?

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Hey, Shamas

Of Course You Know I'm Blue Nice 2 Meet You. Yeah I've Wanted To Pull This Prank 4 A While Now. But, To Pull It Off I Need Help. Too Pull It Off We Need A Boarant. They Smell So Bad But, With Berries They Smell Bad. I Hate The PoPo

So Wanna Help?





Shake, Shake..... Shake, Shake..........

He Escaped

Cubone Ran Away.........

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OCC: Sorry, had to eat dinner.


The Flupheep jumped and tackled Jack, as he fell backwards to the ground. He slowly got up and began to spit.


"Blegh, now I know what dirt tastes like."


As the Flupheep attacked, Jack swiftly dodged it and pulled out Starly's Pokeball and threw it; Charmander was week, and too frightened to move. Starly happily flew out.


"Go Starly! Quick Attack! Growl, Tackled, then Quick Attack again! Go Pokeball!"


Jack, as fit as he was, swiftly jumped around to avoid the Flupheep and threw the Pokeball.

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"Phew. That was rough."


Starly flew around in excitement. Jack returned Starly and Charmander to their Pokeballs for them to get some rest.


Within minutes, Jack managed to get to Auron City. He also saw the Blue's House, but already saw somebody there to help with the prank. His chance to get a Riolu was crushed. He gave a heavy sigh and walked past Blue's House towards the Pokemon Center.

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James went into the forest to train hoping to find a new pokemon as he had never battled one yet. he heared a noise and saw something on the ground. it was a fre stone. he picked it up and started training.

you can't make up things like hat Derek will have your head

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After along night's walk Zero finally arrives at Auron City' date=' when he gets there there are millions of wild pokemon right outside of town and approaches a Borrant and...



can i have a senerio please, you know level and such


OCC: 1st Of All Not To Be Rude But, I HATE IT When People Do This.

Right Now I'm Making A Statement 4 Everyone. You Cannot Decide What Happens In The RP.


Example: I Was Walking & Pikachu Stoped Me

Example: I Saw An Object On The Floor


I'm The Only One That Can Do Those Things All You Do Is Decide Where You Wanna Go. Sorry Guys X_X

Now Let's Continue The RP Correctly

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James went into the forest to train hoping to find a new pokemon as he had never battled one yet. he heared a noise and saw something on the ground. it was a fre stone. he picked it up and started training.


nukyasu You NEED To Start Listing To People! You Did The Same Thing With The Application Thread. Now There Are Many People On The Waiting List So If Any One Does Anything I Said Not To You'll Leave.


:P Any Way I'm Not trying to be mean I just don't like it when people don't follow the rules. So any way I'll have all the [/b]scenarios up very soon.

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