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Who Do think won Judai Vs Yuugi

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The Was Answered During JPKONCON


Studio Gallop that Yugi most likely won the duel, they just cut the scene out to make a little confusion and a much dramatic ending that will clearly make the people crave for more, a small joke was also said by 1 of the producers, that "What good of naming the show Yugi-Oh, If Yugi wouldnt be the King Of games and would just be defeated easily, We could have just named it Judai-Oh if we let that happen lol"


But Before that it was already speculated by alot of people in the internet that

Yugi Clearly Won the duel, heres a expounded and clearly explanation on what happened and what would happen:



Yugi LP 4000

Jaden LP 4000


Ok lets start from the finale where both duelist still have full LP


Yugi Had DM 2500 ATK

Jaden had Neos 2500 ATK


Yugi didnt attack so it was jaden's turn


Jaden drew a card and summoned Card Gunner To The Field in ATK position, according to the card's effect he can send up to 3 from the top of his deck to the graveyard to increase it's ATK for each card sent to the graveyard by 500 points only for this turn. Thus the cards sent were NecroGardna, Neccro Darkman and Spark Gun


Card Gunner now has 1900 ATK


then Jaden Activated neos force and equip it to neos to give it a power boost and a deadly damage effect , and now Neos has 3300 ATK points, and continued with its attack but bad news for Jaden that Yugi had Mirror Force Faced down and destroyed all of his face up monsters including Card Gunner And Neos , so Jaden then activated Card Gunner's Effect to draw a card, but jaden wasn't ending his turn soon so he activated death and rebirth to bring back neos and tried to destroyed DM with it but Celtic Guardian was destroyed instead, then he was forced to Attack DM with Neos, thus ending Jaden's turn.


So now it was Yugi's turn


as Yugi Drew a Card, he summoned Alpha the Magnet Warrior and Attacked Jaden Directly but was negated thanks to JAden RFG Necro Gardna, thus Yugi ended his turn and gave way to Jaden.


Now having Jaden to play his turn, he Drew a Card and Summoned Sparkman and hastily attacked Alpha The Magnet Warrior (SPM 1600 VS ATMW 1400 = 200) giving Yugi The First Amount Of Damage of 200 Points


Yugi 3800

Jaden 4000


Jadeb Ended his turn and it was time to Yugi To Show of some action.

AS Yugi Drew a Card, he luckily Drew Swift Gaia The fierce Knight and Immediately used it's effect and summon it to the field in ATK position since it was the only card he had


Swift Gaia the Fierce knight 2300 ATK


Yugi then attacked Jaden with Sparkman reducing Jaden's Lp by 700 Points


Yugi 3800

Jaden 3300


By Yugi Ending his turn, it was Time for Jaden to retaliate


Jaden Drew a Card and then activated Necro Darkman's Effect which was sent to the Grave thanks to Card Gunner to Bring Edgeman to The Field


Edgeman 2600 ATK


Next jaden Activates the last card in his hand which is impact Flip, equiping it with edgeman

Jaden Then Expounds on Impact Flips Effect that whenever a monster with impact flip destroys a monster controlled by the opponent, the opponent then discards a card from the top of his deck to the graveyard, so with edgeman attacking Gaia, yugi discards a card from his deck and suffering from 300 points of Damage, thus ending Jaden's turn


Yugi 3500

Jaden 3300


So it was then Yugi's turn, and lucky for both players yugi drew CArd Of Sanctity allowing both players to have 6 cards since they both had none. But thanks to Card of Sanctity's effect, Yugi was Able to special summon Watapon to the field, then thanks also to Watapon's effect he was able to summon DMG to the field with some extra points thanks to DM in the Grave


DMG ATK 2300


Yugi Then ATTACKED Jaden's Edgeman in which way cause a great confusion to jaden since Edgeman has 300 more ATK points than DMG, and Yugi Answered it with Gilfer that was sent to the Grave thanks to imapct Flip, thus Reducing Edgeman's ATK to 2100 giving way to DMG to destroy it. Giving Jaden 200 points of Damage, but thanks to impact flip both players were able to draw a card from their decks, Yugi Then Facedowned 3 cards and gave way to Jaden to start his turn.


As Jaden was begining to realize fear against Yugi, yubel Advices him that it wasn't fear, but the feeling of what he is trying to regain from this duel, in which way Jaden Replied That "Thanks to Yugi's Strength , he maybe able to take that thing that he lost back". HAving 6 cards in his hand thanks to Sanctity Jaden Drew a Card making it 7 Jaden then shouted to Yugi that he will give it his best. The Card HE Drew was Winged Kuriboh, adding it to his hand which is consist of only Spell CArds, he activated from that point Heroes Guild giving them both the privilage of confirming the top of their decks and giving him 6 remaining hand cards, the card's effect was, if they drew a warrior type they can add it to their respective hands but if it is not they send it to the GRaveyard, unfortunately both players did not confirmed Warrior Types, In which way Yugi Had Slifer and sent it to the Grave and jaden having Grandmole. But he needed Grandmole's effect so he used Code Changed to change the required type on heroes guild giving him 5 remaining hand cards, but Yugi then Activated 1 of the 3 face dwon cards he had which is Spirit Mirror and absorbed and negated the effect of Code Change, so Grandmole and Code Changed were sent to the grave, but jaden didnt stop there so he activated sub space battle giving him 4 remaining cards in his hand (Note: If you pay attention to the cards that Jaden had he still had 5 on his hand after activating Subsapce battle, they never bothered to fix that error though but they fixed jaden's hand at the time Jaden Used Miracle Contact). They both then summoned 3 monsters from their deck and the player who has stronger gets to keep the monsters in their hands but if not the player would lose damage from the battle and sends the 3 monster cards to the Grave which is Clayman, Aqua Dolphin and Flame scarab, So Yugi Added Valjyrion, Luster Soldier and Buster Blader to his hand, but it was only a trap that Jaden has set up for him to initiate his tactic to activate Miracle Fusion and Summon Shining Flare Winged Man with a Greater ATK boost of 4300, giving him 3 remaining cards in his hand


YUGI 3500 LP

Jaden 1600 LP


Shining Flare Wingman ATK 4300, Jaden Then activated Miracle Contact to combine Neopacians(grandmole and scarab) and his neos from his grave summoning MagMa Neos To The Field with a Deadly ATK boost , he then activated Neo Space resulting to a Monstrous ATK points for Magma Neos, now Jaden Has 2 Remaining Cards on his hand(this was the fixed version look closely at the video)


Magma Neos 6300


Yugi was then fascinated with jaden having 6300 and 4300 ATK boosted monsters, in which way Jaden was so proud of and continued Attacking. He first Attacked With Magma Neos With DMG as an ATTACK Target, though Yugi was fascinated with what Jaden has done, Yugi wasn't intimidated an immediately activated Magic Cylinder to Revert the ATK back, Jaden was then shocked on how yugi retaliated, so He heatedly activated Contact Out giving him 1 card left which is Winged Kuriboh. Getting him out of Certain Doom from Magic Cylinder, Jaden Then Continued his Attack with Shining Flare Wing Man targeting DMG, Jaden was so confident with his ATTACK with Shining Flare Wingman because Shining FlareWingman Damages the opponent equal to the ATK of his destroyed monster. As Yugi was about to face certain defeat, ATEM then Intervenes from the duel Taking over for Yugi, which gave quite a Scare to Jaden. Atem Then Replied to Jaden "Lets Go Judai Kun", and activated Dark Renewal, his last Face down. He used its effect to summon a Spellcaster Type monster and Tributed Grandmole and DMG, in which way Jaden was surprised and ask if he is going to summon DM. Atem then answered no because he was going to activate the absorbed effect of Code Changed to Change the Required Type which was sealed in Spirit Mirror. Now that the type will be changed Jaden Was Shocked and had an idea on what Atem would summon, and Yugi then replied that he will summon a GOD, which is Slifer The Sky Dragon! As Jaden Trembles in the might of the Descending GOD. Slifers ATK was Revealed to be 5000 Thanks to the 5 hand cards YUGI/ATEM has. Atem then said that, "Judai kun for the power you control requires a GOD as a Matching Opponent". Jaden then speaks to himself that "He Will Never Forget this special Gift that Yugi san gave him, this wonderful moment "and later that he then said to himself"Thanks to you now Im sure that I will be able to get back what I have lost without even noticing it, that thing that I must never forget forever". Jaden Then Attacked With Neos his Ace Card with an ATK boost of 3000 confronting Atem's Slifer with an ATK boost of 5000, and basically this is where the duel ended.


Now Lets go to how the duel would have ended:


Many Speculate that Yugi Would Win, which is basically proven a lot of times and with much liable evidence, than Jaden Winning The Duel.


And Here is the conclusion:



Jaden's LP was 1600 and had only 1 Card which is Winged Kuriboh, when he Attack Slifer with Neos.


Neos's ATK was then 3000 thanks to NeoSpace And It was Jaden's Ace Card


While Atem had Slifer who has 5000 ATK thanks to it's effect.


So we all know Jaden Attacked with Neos(Which Many of you say it's pointless cause why didn't he Attack with Shining Flare Wingman instead)


So Jaden attacked Bravely Attacked with Neos his Ace Card as a Great Move for him. Regardless, the duel should techinically with Yugi's Victory. The Battle Between a God and his Hero would end up in the defeat of his Hero. As a Result Jaden's LP would go down to 0, and thus ending prior to his defeat.


5000 - 3000 = 2000


Jaden's Lp = 1600 - 2000 = -400 (Lose)

Yugi LP 3500


It would also be impossible for jaden to negate it because winged kuriboh's effect is unlike kuriboh's own effect.


Optional Conlusion:


Now lets go to Jaden Having Shining Flare Wingman Attack with 4300 ATK points targeting slifer


So Jaden Attacks With Shining Flare Wingman and targets Slifer


Jaden suffers 700 Damage


Jaden LP 900

Yugi LP 3500


Jaden Technically can't change the battle position of Neos and Flare Scarab cause they have already been summoned on that turn, so Jaden would only end his turn.


So Clearly god Card s Can Only Remain on the field for only 1 turn when they are special summoned, So Osiris Would leave the field on Atem's turn. Remember Yugi Still has 5 cards and Jaden only has 1 which is Winged Kuriboh


So now it's yugi's turn. Yugi Draws a card having 6 cards, i would no longer refer to yugi's cards

and go straight to battle phase.


Yugi would just have DMG attack Flare Scarab and he will win again the duel

since flare scarab only has 500 ATK points and yugi doesn't have any other cards on the field since he already used up all his face down.




2300 - 500 = 1800


Jaden LP 900 - 1800 = -900

Yugi 3500


And Yugi Would Still Win The Duel...


Now thats clear lets go to what Jaden Retrieved


the Whole episode had lots of clues on what jaden has lost and the main clue was


"Through his strength I can Get Back What I lost, And i will never forget that"


So Jaden forgot 1 important thing, and that is


"You Should always realize that there is always someone out there better than what you can do, and By that you should always route to become stronger everytime in a good way, and still never forget to enjoy the duel even though not all duels are fun..."


and Guess What Jaden Replies with his catch phrase which is GOTCHA! which he always used when he wins, but in this episode he meant it in a different way that he got what Yugi was trying to help him get back to his senses^_^


another proof of the that is this words that Jaden Said at the end


"Staright Forward"


Meaning he will improve more towards a bright future


and "Looking Straight Forward"


Meaning he will never lose hope






meaning! I got it!


So everything cleared up?


Hope this helps^_^


This has been a friendly reminder from



For Additional info and proof pls visit this link and read thoroughly^_^


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